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JESUS Asking Sermon.

JESUS Christ The Eternal Innocently Aware Of All Good, has hardly any reason to ask anything, save for Best For All. So this Sermon in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit as fully repentant [in other words innocent [Anewly Given the fully repentant and Baptized in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit are Victory Over yet with record of: the arresting Officers and the Courts, and conditionally Over the Precedent Setter (see rather JESUS Christ UN Grace)]

explains how to Make More Worthy for Lifting Any in Authority Over Yourself [and Your Group: hence even for the Highest To Best Way For All to Better Ascend: as with Worthiness to Lead unto a Higher Level, even a New Beginning].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains that rather than as a pesky Teen that asks for things such a car keys, rather We should Do as JESUS Christ for His Glory hence Best For All yet if in NEED JESUS Christ is there for Us Solving So Delightfully in Our deepest moments of despair, with New His Better Bible Translating Spirit and the Better For All Good Samaritan Continuously Improving Way Exemplified, was lost and is found, how to find a lost child Before The Fact, Best For All Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN, Guiding, flight control, levitation


If You were Leading a Group of Scouts through the forest where there were no trails for instance and loss of signal, and became distant from the Other Group at Base Camp and You With Your Group became lost because of the trees and terrain, then continued Faithfully humbly Praying JESUS Christ The Maker Of Best For All as You Hope to Make Likewise [such as with also referencing the JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace For All] and then to suddenly surprisingly see the Mountain with the Base Camp Fire Burning Brightly: Great!, Good! [the "Fire" idea is symbolic, the pic might be of something else],

though not all Your worries are over [ceased], as You have gone far and have yet to return the Group to the Other Group that might already be packing to leave to go home. The Point being You have been Faithfull, that is, finding the Way, though without broadcasting signal You continue to have lower level Maintenance Work Responsibility as Given in that situation for to Accomplish: the traveling according to timing and perhaps if able to find an alternate way to signal such as without burning down the whole region including the Group.

Your Faithful Leadership Led You [With The Group per se] thus far to remove the logs out of the way to see

LIFT the log(s) out of His [the JESUS Christ Mission Work As You Were Sent and so Giving Credit] Straight And Narrow Way Eye

[rather than cast it down such as by starting a wildfire and such as rather than otherwise to poke it out

(JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Calling Sermon at]

[similarly this is NEW VICTORY FOR JESUS CHRIST GLORY OVER as written in ,

and note in the Lexicon from the Greek "bring", "produce" rather than "cast" "out", or "banish"].

So from the Word and Way of JESUS Christ is New Victory Over the former previous lower level relatively lost way even though rather than lost against the Lord was the humble Faithful Praying for the Continuing Better Glorifying Of JESUS Christ [including JESUS Christ Name Spirit Family Best Way Straight And Narrow Family]:

So concerning the "Straight And Narrow": but there were many twists and turns traveling around trees and going up and down hills and crossing valleys (?): yet the Good Samaritan did not stray from the "Straight And Narrow" Good For All Way Of JESUS Christ when the Good Samaritan left the journey to Help Another. For instance Leader, did Your Group find edible plants, nuts, and berries along the Way, with perhaps pretty flowers and perhaps camp fire wood and perhaps water and perhaps special types of stones, and geographic information?, as much as Better For All bring to Give to the Other Campers.

Faith in JESUS Christ is such as to Heal the sick. Yet if 1 of Yours that You are Leading injures a leg [rather in JESUS Christ Name And Spirit, in Father Son And Holy Ghost: Heal, though if no Healed is noticed then] would You fashion a walking stick?: Yes.

If to think [and perhaps say] JESUS Christ I Am Faithful And I Know You Can Do Anything, So Please Do For Me And Get Me A Crutch For This 1 Under My Care, rather it is Your Given Mission [with Responsibility] including for to enjoy nature with the Group and for to be Exemplar for Them: so rather for You [with Your Group] to construct the crutch works with hands (reference such as typing to Broadcast to and for All).

JESUS do for me, is acceptable often. It is Faithful as much as His Way and humble: For The Best For All. To Lead for the Best For All is accordingly, JESUS Christ stated clearly: He Did as He was Sent to Accomplish, meaning to Accomplish All Good (see recent Pages on the Opening To The Public The 7th Seal 17 September 2020 AD).

Such as written in 3 Nephi 27:14 "And my Father sent me that I might be lifted up upon the cross; and after that I had been lifted up upon the cross, that I might draw all men unto me, that as I have been lifted up by men even so should men be lifted up by the Father, to stand before me, to be judged of their works, whether they be good or whether they be evil" and so under Law the "Father" Joseph Sent JESUS Christ to be on "the cross" [crucified], hence under Law similar to Judas, and similar to all since the Forbidden Fruit Was Consumed [similar to consumated], [rather if of Marriage then if for to consumate then for to bring for Innocent Children to Become Priests and to become JESUS Christ] as such as Judas and such as All People..., since [after] the "Fruit Was Consumed" [Save JESUS Christ With John The Baptist, the Baptism and Likewise: as Many As Ascended rather Continuing Ascending].

Make a Miracle for Me, JESUS, rather He already served [suffered]; rather Do For JESUS Christ.

Shall We be Proud of Our works of hands?, as much as for JESUS Christ As Sent, Yes. And rather than mere Maintenance level works is the JESUS Christ Best Way For All Faithfulness. Mere Faith did not function as hands to lift as the Good Samaritan Lifted the 1 in NEED, rather the Good Samaritan Lifted because of Faithfulness to Be Fair Righteously Doing Best For All so including His Vessel hands lifting the 1 in NEED. Hence the Good Samaritan Victory Over as written such as in Revelation 9:20 Berean Standard Bible

[note for this Sermon per se merely the first sentence of this verse applies and the second sentence involves Higher Level than stated in this Sermon (see older Sermons in this Series such as to Fear JESUS Christ rather than other Save, example With Silent Praying Luke 10:8 with Matthew 18:6 with such as Fasting as an option, hence: to not cause others to stray)]:

"Now the rest of mankind who were not killed by these plagues still did not repent of the works of their hands. They did not stop worshiping demons and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone, and wood, which cannot see or hear or walk.".

Yet as written in Psalm 19:1 "For the choirmaster. A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." hence this Agrees with as written above "Victory Over as written such as in Revelation 9:20"!

So why are the above words Preached with that specific pic?, to prepare All for the next pic requiring as stated about the previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Asked Sermon as listed at Over "flight control" and "Levitation" for the Greater Glory Of The Ascending JESUS Christ Family Exemplar Best For All to Behold and so Be Amazed and Interested and Motivated to Be Likewise, and for as shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains that rather than as a pesky Teen that asks for things such a car keys, rather We should Do as JESUS Christ for His Glory hence Best For All yet if in NEED JESUS Christ is there for Us Solving So Delightfully in Our deepest moments of despair, with New His Better Bible Translating Spirit and the Better For All Good Samaritan Continuously Improving Way Exemplified, flight control


20 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains that rather than as a pesky Teen that asks for things such a car keys, rather We should Do as JESUS Christ for His Glory hence Best For All yet if in NEED JESUS Christ is there for Us Solving So Delightfully in Our deepest moments of despair, with New His Better Bible Translating Spirit and the Better For All Good Samaritan Continuously Improving Way Exemplified, Flight Control and Levitation.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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