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JESUS Authority Gift Sermon.
JESUS Spirit is Giving Desperate Love, even as much as to Give All of Himself, not about identity theft yet to Give His Name and with a Person's Name is the Spirit of that Name such as on rental agreements, treaties with powers and authorities even if such as neither party goes to prison nor is fined: so to Give Spirit Of Name Power With All Authority is what JESUS Christ does without price, already paid in full.
For instance JESUS Spirit Gave me such, and so what did i do: Gave it to Him and in other words Gave it to the Worthy: rather than be a "i", after-the-fact, be as JESUS Christ, and rather than merely JESUS Christ be as All: He Created All: Find the innocent in All and reveal such unto [Each and rather] All. For to find Good in Any and so For to Enlighten Any, is to Be with the Greater Good. JESUS Christ had a census face and flesh vessel, yet left lest to worship His Face and Vessel. Rather than worship me, Be JESUS Christ, and You have a starting point on a Level, whether such as a Child, and whether like unto a CEO, though if not Baptized then as a Child, and if You think a Teen might stray then remain like unto an Innocent Child.
Even so there are some like unto a Child, some like unto a Childlike Innocence yet Teen Level, some as with Innocence yet with a Drivers Permit, some Ascended Likewise to Drivers License Level, though such have largely been about secular worldly after-the-fact Miracles things like unto about the Loaves and Fishes rather than the Coordinator Authority Heart With Head.
JESUS Christ Spirit Anewly Gives This Bible Code concerning the above illustration: fitting together left to right: Magi, Mother Mary, JESUS Christ, Joseph; as written in Matthew 2:11 Berean Standard Bible "On coming to the house, they saw the Child with His mother Mary, and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasures and presented Him with gifts of gold and frankincense and myrrh".
So the Bible Code Verse matches the above illustration, allowing for People to move around somewhat, and Behold shedding New Enlightenment than the stoicism as if to merely be "based on knowledge" (Oxford definition) as the the Bible Code of the above illustration also mentions Father Joseph. So Bible Code can be simple, easy, and with a Joy in Heaven. in other words a Level of Heavenly Authority as Given From Creator JESUS Christ.
So JESUS Christ is in the Spirit of the the Bible Code Illustration, in the Verse, in this Sermon, in Your Spirit as much as Good for to so Read And Do Likewise, and in All Likewise. So Authority Levels are in All likewise. Do Souls Enlighten Likewise?: "So then, by their fruit you will recognize them." (Matthew 7:20). So Matthew 7:20 "Likewise" has new meaning now, like unto how Father Joseph was not in the verse yet of New Authority through JESUS Christ Name Spirit: Seen!
Souls Do Enlighten Likewise from JESUS Christ Name Spirit though hardly all tongues and works of hands so confess (in the sense of NEEDFULLY BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN [before the end of this year (Free: JESUS Christ UN Event info, 21st through January 4, 2023 for what is Authority if not exercised? [note the Grace opted word "exercised" rather than: enforced].
JESUS Christ Word Made Flesh (John 1:14 & 15) is symbolized at some interesting websites such as at and as linked [though i didn't understand certain specific threads as linked, the premise applies (ibid.) and the Better Way Will Prove More], see also Bible Code in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series and of more Christian Preachers.
People move around normally, and Bible verses and Bible Code are Living Words as in a book on paper sitting there yet describing the motion of the Events. JESUS wrote in the dust of the Temple floor (previous Sermon) as otherwise the dust generally slept there. JESUS Lifted the dust. We can do such yet are Given His Authority (conditions apply) for to Lift the Worthy, to Lift People and also to Lift All Highest Level Authority!
The dust is normally trampled under feet and tires and under atmosphere and squished, while a helium balloon rises and expands (see above Mother Mary recently per se Magnifying The Lord). Likewise a hairdrier can lift a ping pong ball so that the ping pong ball simply floats in that high level position there [higher than dust level], how so?: the air is lighter than the air. If air rises then it is relatively lighter than the other heavier air. So a ping pong ball in the heavy air near the other air falls into the lifting stream known as lighter air that ascends. In other words the heavy air that squishes, squishes some air that is squished upward, the Ascending Flow. Similarly a downdraft in a location squishes the ground there and the draft turns 90 degrees and squishes at a wall and lifts and goes over the barrier.
Perps squish easy marks as it's called, easy targets include such as Perps that do not run to the Police; hence Perps fight against Perps. Coliseum contestants might have been called legal, though have done similar [note this does not state a new law, though first is as stated above ("NEEDFULLY BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN" and likewise a smaller step the Free JESUS Christ UN Peace Formula Event)].
Good Authority is with Good Ascending of Good Word.
Good Authority / Good Ascending / Good Word.
Good Authority = JESUS Lifting Family Ascending x Good Word.
Fewer Perps = Perp Ways x Words
[though these strayed "Perp Ways" formula fall down rather than ascend for Better Living, noting a Person without precious things buy things and more things but then becomes dissatisfied].
You are rather than a ping pong ball, You can opt to do as JESUS Christ right now. Consider how a Person able to walk at least in Spirit, and might opt various directions, though if to see JESUS Christ walking then able to Follow and Lead with JESUS Christ in such direction and activities.
Rather than about oppressing in luck of a Worthy One Ascending due to Your Work(s), is to Lift. The Flow lifting the ping pong ball Mass, lifts without need to oppress nor enslave nor tax ["note this does not state a new law": first as stated above hence JESUS Christ Precept On JESUS Christ Precept]. "Mass" is mentioned. How many candles [Mass Members rather Church Officers] would it require to be the power and authority [like unto unheard unseen word power] for to lift as a hairdrier?: like unto the simple ping pong ball levitation Many have spoken about radiation for instance saying it goes out from the source unseen unheard and such called it "dangerous" unless properly controlled (see above "rather Church Officers" for the Pertinent JESUS Christ Word Precepting).
Someone never saw a ping pong ball Mass so lifted to such a position before, yet having seen can reproduce the Miracle: rather JESUS Christ explains Be Their Miracle hence Faithfulness First.
Atmosphere pressed down on Us as for to squish Us,
JESUS Christ The Protector Authority Lifts The Worthy [rather than squished].
[a huge crowd gathered as JESUS said for to "let your light shine", see this link pic:]
26 December 2022.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Righteously Lifts The Value Of Church Officers, as revealed in Sacred JESUS Christ Authority As Given, Over matters that had been unheard and unseen since the world began with how to Give Perps and Police New Authority through JESUS Christ Name Spirit with some simplified Bible Code easy to understand with People moving about symbolically as Righteously Prophesyingly explains how the Better Way Will Prove More of the JESUS Christ Way and how His Holy Word Created Flesh, yet first Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN and JESUS Christ UN Peace Formula, Bernoulli Effect ping pong ball levitation.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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