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JESUS Authorization Sermon.

"JESUS Christ is the reason for the Christian Bible, and the swearing into office on the Christian Bible is a very serious first step for awareness over the duties of office" ("a Top Secret level company" spokesperson / yesterday's Sermon).

JESUS as Sent hence of JESUS Christ's Original Plan explained Authorization such as Ascending Tube Parameter [Outside Diameter] Higher Purpose " 'Put your sword back in its place,' Jesus said to him. 'For all who draw the sword will die by the sword. Are you not aware that I can call on My Father, and He will at once put at My disposal more than twelve legions of angels?' " (, so since Ascending [We: JESUS] i am with "JESUS Authorization" to "put at My disposal" rather Lift For Appropriate Best For All Christian Mission "more than twelve legions of angels" yet rather as JESUS Christ like unto how You can be such a brave 1 in JESUS Soul Together as 1 Faithfully.

A Christian Boss [over me...such as showing Us how to contain and control that which would otherwise be illegal powerful radioactity], a Leader in the secular,

said He would not send an employee out to do a job so risky that He would not himself do. Would We have an unqualified uncertified unlicensed person do it?: no.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives new Victory Over more than 12 Legions Of Angels including Victory for the Angels and Best for All stretching dollars with a Duke Power Proof.


Yesterday's Sermon spoke of principalities and powers giving [often secular rather with JESUS Christ UN Good Law Best For All] faith type(s). Yet to interpret Together such systems. For instance if in such need and given a gift of a used dirty electric fry pan without the instructions, then normally to wash it, then plug it in an cook; though the norm is to first dry after washing so to reduce the shock risk. You are likely already very aware of this trifling "reduce the shock risk".

So in the future more [census] for the sakes of the Many, We "reduce" their "shock risk": at the bottom reasoning selfishly so if They are not told and are shocked hence turn against Us; at the JESUS Christ Ascending Level rather We Giving Desperate Love "reduce" their "shock risk" for Their sake that They Be Perfect 1 [They Together as 1], hence for Them We Too Be Perfect 1 Together All 1.

JESUS Best Ascending 1 solves. If "more than twelve legions of angels" are not ascending then perhaps as a big speed bump on an otherwise straight smooth highway. It is as to charge batteries for toys and games and flashlights in case of power failure, though such charging can contribute to power failure. Batteries can lose power through background ionization, as electricians say like a dam of water that evaporates.

We Together must improve.

The JESUS Christ Innocent Soul, Perfect For All [future sense], is in His Original Plan. He is Aware of the Good through His Plan, Eternally. As written in John 1:5 "And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it" (New King James Version) and "The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it" (Berean Standard Bible).

If to punish a Child for failing an exam and make them repeat 1st Grade, and then to punish a Child for failing an exam and make them repeat 2nd Grade, and then to punish a Child for failing an exam and make them repeat 3rd Grade, it has been a system error, such as reference job market and People disadvantaged virtually never landing a job. And on the personal level, the Child is not motivated except to rebel. To go against the punisher(s).

JESUS Christ is innocent, kind, gentle, honorable, respectable, love giving, new hope giving, mild, peace making, and Joyous!

We do not make Angels In Heaven for to fight.

Ascend, if found Worthy of Creating Higher Value Good.

Punishment is to be minimal (Maintenance), it does not mean merely the Tree Of Knowledge "nor do you consider that it is expedient for us that one man should die for the people, and not that the whole nation should perish" (John 11:50 New King James Version). Rather "minimal" means when to stray and such as stub a toe then to learn "no", and if living if to stray then pains again, reminders.

There are Faith Firmament Levels. Ascending into a Higher Firmament means You would hardly opt to try the lower levels again.

That hardly matters. Rather Ascend Faithfully Saying With Doing as JESUS Christ Exemplar, to Overcome pains for their sakes: Give Joy!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Gives new Victory Over more than 12 Legions Of Angels including Victory for the Angels and Best for All stretching dollars with a Duke Power Proof, a day at the beach with a cool refreshing drink in Friendship.


After July heat Duke Power sent me an evaluation comparing my place with similar dwellings. I have experience working in the sunny heat of the day such as digging, landscaping; and now i can go under a roof for shade, and so now concerning after JESUS Christ Broadcasting, it was opted to treat the heat as better than digging in the blazing sun, and rather as though at the beach, with the option to sometimes watching frozen movie scenes on TV, and cooling the self rather than the whole place [such as cool drinks from the fridge and not often such as a localized fan, and with screened windows; and i might do it again next summer].

Christians have said JESUS Christ stretches the dollar (see older Sermon in this Series on the Christian Charitable Public Soup Kitchen Miracle). The Duke Power evaluation proved it, as the "place" was half the energy usage as the "Efficient" [Green] energy energy usage, and far less than the "Average" [Others "SIMILAR HOMES"]. I can call 12 legions to fan me, but who would fan Them? Who would They call? I continue to do landscaping and maintenance, yet rather 1st preparing in the Lord so i call on not merely 12 legions of Angels, rather All are thus called: Be JESUS Christ Ascending 1.

14 August 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Gives new Victory Over more than 12 Legions Of Angels including Victory for the Angels and Best for All stretching dollars with a Duke Power Proof.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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