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JESUS Bar Of Judgement Victories Sermon.

JESUS Christ 1 Righteous Prophecy Has Come TRUE! Faithfully in JESUS Christ as Prophesied was that "through 25 May 2023 AD With Holy Events as never prior known in this Civilization" would be coming true, and They Are (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Living Soul Sermon at Some great Good things were in Sermons since then and about 20:30 [8:30 PM] Eastern Standard Time Friday 14 April 2023 AD with having humbly Prayed JESUS Christ The Eternal Living [to and for the Love Of JESUS after the tomb Mary said Rabboni (] the Realization Came.

In the 1st Testament is written in Genesis 6:3 Berean Standard Bible "So the LORD said, 'My Spirit will not contend with man forever, for he is mortal; his days shall be 120 years.' ". Yet having been at His Bar Of Judgement with Original JESUS Christ it dawned on this novice of such of His Bar Of Judgement that the "120 years" became superseded concerning passing from old age at least, and the previous linked verse supports this as the Living JESUS Christ is Proof!

This Brings Much Greater Better Meaning to

"But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved" (Matthew 24:13).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, dazzles with Victory Over 120 years maximum lifespan and Over the sting of 1st death pains, and the recent 25 May 2023 Prophecy Has Come True, Guides Over 3 Nephi 25, Gives a Better New Translation, and Gives a census count about Souls in Purgatory, Noahs Ark, start now

"It’s time"


JESUS Christ Bar Of Judgement brings another New Victory for this Civilization and for the Purgatory level similar to the census count yet a little Higher Level than the census count workings [some about Churches sometimes, and some about other stuff often]. This New Added (see discussion below) JESUS Christ Bar Of Judgement Victory is Over the Intro [and so as much as pertinent in Chapter 25] of 3 Nephi 25 "At the Second Coming, the proud and wicked will be burned as stubble—Elijah will return before that great and dreadful day". This New Victory Through JESUS Christ is in the sense that a Person might wonder about the self whether fully repentant or not, such as if a Person makes a typo or such as has a so called "Freudian slip" or such as a Preacher seeing a Mass Member scratching and so blurt out "scratching" when supposed to say such as "catching".

So similar to the Eucharist, the JESUS Christ Bar Of Judgement Level in the Holy Spirit Of JESUS Christ toward 1 Soul (see Sermons in this Series), is affirmation that a Person has Accomplished Much Faith: "New Victory" Over such "wonder" (ibid. on: doubting Thomas [so also "New Victory" Over "doubting Thomas" as these JESUS Christ Precepts Of His Words Fit Together interlockingly such as 3D more and more for the Greater Good For All The Best Way]).

So We don't have to feel the sting pains of death nor to pass from the census [the 1st death] for the Ascending Christian Family Of Faithfulness to Live Eternally Better, New Better Discovery Over what becomes former lower level Discovery that had been known as Best to the Souls of a Level. And while Baptism is Victory Over the Eternal, how hardly to enjoy if not Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Faithfully For All Their Sakes?: not "Broadcasting" the JESUS Best Way has been as in a stuck-in-a-rut job making money to buy a vacation home but too busy to go there to enjoy. The Joy comes [with Longsuffering to so Broadcast and since in JESUS Name Guiding then with some Joy, and] within Them the [Listeners, the] Readers of Your Sermons [whether with audible and/or other vessel pertinent sensory types and data sets [amount of faith types, and Ascending rates apply along with Given situations].

A Confession was made to me from Purgatory Collection Of levels from lower Firmament level to Higher Firmament Level: (Godsling [see Main Page Definitions]) ranging from very much about naysayings and selfish clique causes and separation from JESUS Christ, yet rather the Higher Levels about Church.

A Christian can have been at Churches with Faithful People, rather than various opinions for instance my Church is here with JESUS Christ Words As He Inspires Personally Moreso according to my amount of Faithfulness and key for Your sake is according to Your Rate Of Ascending such as to be [Awake] Listening throughout the Whole Sermon that You Personally Find Pertinent And Interesting: yet of course more importantly for Their Sakes; hence for JESUS Christ Original Plan hence Glorifying JESUS Christ.

The Church Preacher Sent People to likewise Preach, such as You see and perhaps have You computer reading aloud for You; in other words rather than merely another Preaching, for You to Broadcast JESUS Christ as a Christian Preacher Among Christian Preachers, and this is Faith option rather than merely about under laws that did not make perfect]. Former Law had multitudes of goodly values though prior to JESUS Christ UN Law With Also Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace, could "never" "make perfect" (Hebrews 10:2). And the Confession a Soul made about Those that had passed from the census was "more than you can count": horrible and unnecessary (see above "pains" and in the Bible the "sting of death").

Yet Now that the Law [including the Makers Of The Law(s)] are with Perfect as much as able to comprehend and Continuing Faithfully as stated above Better Newly Discovered Perfect (see previous Sermons on functioning according to a Specification then the Specification plus a Revision...). Hence in JESUS Righteous Ascending the Perfect as much as comprehended Faithfully is with the New Better Level Of Caring For All Best Wisdom.

Completing the above "see discussion below", People in history, Bless their Souls, Bless JESUS Christ For Creating Them and these Blessings for Each and also for All Eternally for the Good Amount(s), the former in lower levels as Civilization Ascends as They Hoped for Children, Ascend too though unseen unheard to the Living in the census [whether passed away or not is hardly the point yet be about rather than the "sting of death"].

So be Aware that in the census some of what Each and All in history Gave was Good, and JESUS Christ Agrees so We should Agree so hardly having to repeat that former info and those works as JESUS Christ Invites Us in the Better Levels as Sent as "Hoped" Serving Better. In the Perps to do for self first, in this Holy Faith to do for JESUS Christ hence for All and for All Them, yet Faithfully For Perfect JESUS Christ Highest Purpose .

The reason for the previous 2 sentences is for greater Victory Over 1st Testament curses, and Ascendingly Over such as and Lexicon word "[them]": the verse according to the JESUS Christ Invited Higher Level Living Standard Creator Original Plan is with this Now Anewly Given Victory Over [yet with record of] as written in Berean Standard Bible "I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book.":

in JESUS Christ Ascendingly Preceptingly rather than "them", is this Anewly Given Word "these" [fittingly in the verse context: yet rather "this" Whole Word Of JESUS Christ]. This point is the Revelation 22:18 verse separated the Writer from the Living Word Of JESUS Christ. Rather as JESUS Christ Invited Be This JESUS Christ Word(s) Currently Broadcasting These New Better Victories For All.

Do for Worth Honorable JESUS Christ rather than merely asking Him to do for your various interests.

The starting to Help time is Now, the Best Way Starts With Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN with Addendum 1 Charity.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, it's time, start to do best nowjesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, dazzles with Victory Over 120 years maximum lifespan and Over the sting of 1st death pains, and the recent 25 May 2023 Prophecy Has Come True, Guides Over 3 Nephi 25, Gives a Better New Translation, and Gives a census count about Souls in Purgatory, starving

( (

15 April 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, dazzles with Victory Over 120 years maximum lifespan and Over the sting of 1st death pains, and the recent 25 May 2023 Prophecy Has Come True, Guides Over 3 Nephi 25, Gives a Better New Translation, and Gives a census count about Souls in Purgatory.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 32.

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