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JESUS Best Evangelists Sermon.

This Sermon is a New Hope for Many, the Better Value for the much overlooked and ignored. Consider what a middle aged or elderly People are about and what's on their minds: on sufficiently current Google Maps You can see such as, A. cities with business offices and residential buildings, B. in the suburbs are transportation routes with factories and houses, and C. farther out are the farmlands.

They worked hard such as to be with business offices and residences. Since They worked hard, They are not likely to change from that situation [that They consider Their Situation (see older Sermons in this Series on situations Given from Heaven from JESUS Christ)]. A recent Sermon spoke of the "in the dry" (Luke 23:31) problem, hence "Their Situation".

Often the much overlooked and ignored are the Best Evangelists,

such as newly Baptized Teens and Young Adults,

the People that have not yet settled.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Established the NEW DEFINITION of the word PROOF of Good JESUS Christ with a New Prophesy of the coming New Better Civilization Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN radiating of the Living Good JESUS Christ.


Behold the rays coming forth from JESUS Christ. They are as New Life Giving Light Enlightening as Being Broadcast.

If a Teen opts to leave a Gang or a Neighborhood of similar age Pranksters, to be Baptized and to Join a Church, such a Teen is anxious to go back to the Gang or Neighborhood Teens and tell Them, Invitingly!

In the secular worldly sense, to have "settled" has been to have hoped for the perfect spouse, the perfect home mansion, the greatest cars and such, but normally "settled" for other than the first choice. JESUS Christ said "Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold" (Matthew 24:12 Berean Standard Bible). Hence as written "But I have against you that you have abandoned your first love" (Revelation 2:4).

To have settled might be such as to have a beautiful penthouse with office work, or such as a normal household home life, or such as a farm with livestock; so would such leave to go to the beach or to travel into outer space?, hardly, in symbolic cliches "I have business to take care of", "I'd have to find a 24 hour babysitting service", or such as "I have livestock to feed".

JESUS Christ reached out to People for to Make Them His Special Chosen Disciples, an Extreme Honor, though some said excuses such as "Lord, first let me go and bury my father" (from Matthew 8:21). Rather as written:

" 'Come, follow Me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' And at once they left their nets and followed Him" (

Many Churches have had routines with hymnals of old songs, and it is Very Good very often, such as so to speak to know [to be aware of] Liturgy by heart [Of Heart Of JESUS Soul For Best For All]. Though secular (from Oxford, thank You Oxford for this pertinence) is this defining moment concerning First Love Faithfulness, and importantly of Faith rather than by sight:

"liturgy" is a "formulary", and a

"formulary" is "a collection of formulas".

Civilization for 2,000 had largely forgotten what proof actually means, and Key, concerning JESUS Christ. If not so sad it would be as if comical how the secular lost it's grip on what proof means, due to atheism [such as much of China] and agnostism (Law Insider) and various faiths that worshiped destroyers. Just as the above things, nouns, such as about "buildings" and "farmlands" have been associated with People all too often stuck-in-a-rut, so to rather be of the JESUS Christ Tree Of Life, Living, Lively, EVANGELIZING;

to likewise consider the word "proof" in the VERB sense. (From Oxford, thank You for many helps as We work Together for the Best Way For Each And All):

"verb: proof; 3rd person present: proofs; past tense: proofed; past participle: proofed; gerund or present participle: proofing

1. make (fabric) waterproof.".

That's absurd!

Does this Sermon instruct You to put new shingles on Your Church as if top priority?: Absurd!

If You immediately do something, You create Proof. Such as to continue reading. This might be witnessed of Others then attested in proof.

Dictionaries vary widely about what "proof" means.

What can an Arresting Officer prove?, and what can be proven in Court?, and what should Law Providers Provide?, and what is a Fiduciary?: if these cannot be proven and agreed then to lead the whole system astray. Are we to believe the skyscraper is proof that the People in it are Civilized?, even so, such is an indication. Beloved Friends:

This JESUS Christ Ascending Spirit Faith Is Proof!

As written "Now faith is the certainty of things hoped for, a proof of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1 New American Standard Bible).

Proof is hardly the Church building, and is certainly better "hoped" than army tanks blasting through houses. Even made of rocks the top of the Great Pyramid Of Giza is not proof, the pinnacle capstone, the highest most important point of it [to Many onlookers] is missing. Actual Proof does not flee away when the next Attorney refutes the previous Attorney's statement given as if undeniable proof.

Christian Ascending Faith = Proof. And the Lively, little to lose, unattached Save for JESUS Christ Faith hence often the Youthful (Matthew 18:2) Most Anxious to Evangelize, sharing the Good News in the Hope Of JESUS Christ For All, immediately sharing with Friends;

though as JESUS Christ explained "Then He said, 'Assuredly, I say to you, no prophet is accepted in his own country' " (Luke 4:24 New King James Version) though Evangelizing Best is JESUS Christ UN With 7th Seal Of As Much As Good for All and so more than merely the Created so don't expect to be "accepted" by anybody anywhere, Save as much as Good Likewise [Likewise Accepting as much as of The Hearers and Perceivers].

Such Ascending Christian Broadcasters, Prepare to be lonely at the top SAVE THE GOOD!!! Rejoice You have been counted Worthy to receive this Message, from JESUS Christ Originally [His Word His Way With The Chosen And With The People such as for Us to Save]. This Faith is Our Valediction Victory In JESUS Christ New Beginning, the Living Proof ("verb"), the Way and the Life.

Rejoice: "The 2,604,381,000 estimate for mid-year 2023 Christian population total is a 44,506,000-person increase from the mid-year 2022 total" (Good Faith Media). This makes for a Multitude Of New Prophets Broadcasting (not "stuck" in lower level worldly former strayed ways). This is the New Prophesy of the coming New Better Civilization, the New Better Civilizing.

An Ascending Person is like unto one of the pillars shown here, in the low level seen yet with Ascending the Growing in unseen Faithfulness, and with Together Broadcasting Covering All including as the previous Sermon explained how to Catalyze UFOs and other Groups with Evangelizing the 5 Pennies Rule in JESUS Christ UN Law Charity With Grace in the 7th Seal with New Better Proof in "the certainty of" being Best Helped Of Others Doing Likewise [previous Sermon Broadcasting "radiation backscatter" resupply added to the Christian Broadcasters].

In New Proof We Will Gather Formulas into Oneness In The Higher Level Heavens!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Established the NEW DEFINITION of the word PROOF of Good JESUS Christ with a New Prophesy of the coming New Better Civilization Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN joining together in the heavens


Notice the above Amazingly Uplifting Jewish style star patterns.

Excellent Original Plan, Good JESUS, Thank You, and this Sermon is Proof.

25 May 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Established the NEW DEFINITION of the word PROOF of Good JESUS Christ with a New Prophesy of the coming New Better Civilization Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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