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JESUS Best Of The Best Sermon.

JESUS Christ Motivated People, for instance Churches and Church Soup Kitchens have been often sought support while being plagued with many looking for handouts, yet this Christmas New Year Celebration with the Giveaway Event Giving Cash Awards And Other Great Giveaways, see here, continues through January 4, 2023 ( and participation from home is easy, giving opinion about "Peace = Patience x Kindness".

Many likely read these Sermons such as because it's hard to travel, and such as hard of hearing, and such as for quick JESUS Christ Sermons for to start the day, and also for Better Enlightenment for to Best Help Others.

To consider what the Best Preaching and what the Best Ministering are, consider what a Person in a typical situation might do if They had to leave for an emergency and and saw Teens playing outside so hurried to select One to Babysit: which One would They select and why?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals the Source Of Sources Anewly as what I AM The Light Sacred Faith Over Safety Means as had been secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Original Plan is Best For The Best Prophesyingly with Their Living Experiences with psychological motivators as New Proofs in Broadcasting and the value of Method Acting Playwright Che Christian Bernoulli Effect rocket Venturi Effect TV Video Games Sports addictions explaining how to find a babysitter


If They have seen the Teens such as Some behaving nicer than Others, but don't know the Teens personally, then They tend to select the [if known Family With] One most like JESUS Christ.

What are Denominations and how have such Believed?, have such Believed for The Best Way For All Together As Baptized?, as written in John 10:16 Berean Standard Bible "I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them in as well, and they will listen to My voice. Then there will be one flock and one shepherd.".

Consider that if to splinter into a New Denomination, then Your Group merely has to go back to the former Group, such as via costly newspaper ads or Internet ads often with surprises [and this is not against advertising (see above "Giveaway Event Giving Cash Awards And Other Great Giveaways")], in order to Evangelize.

Who wants to be the best football team?, the team that wants to beat all the other innocent per se Teams. There are Many that want to be the Best Basketball Player, Many that want to be the Best secular Teacher and to be Awarded, and there are value amounts according to faith types, according to the Individual, the Group, and the Game Instructions [Institutionalized Criteria Methodology,...similarly the Group and Individual Opinion(s)]. A Corporation hopes to gain the winning bid likewise, according to hard superb work with excellent track record for bidding and works preparing the bid. Such things all have values.

Set such Miracles aside for a moment to think more clearly. Who is the Best Of The Best? The "Best Of The Best" is according to "context" (, Agreed, and yet rather [than "con" in "context", as to con, or as contrary hence a against a Person or Group or Holy Word {not "Best" for Person nor Group nor All}] is Precepting: putting Precepts Together The Best Way For All.

Best Of The Best is as Righteously Prophesied and as Written in the Scriptures, the Eternally Good JESUS Christ The Inviter (see above "in order to Evangelize") and the Uplifter Of The Worthy (see above: "Who wants to be the best" and likewise "hopes to gain").

Here is as if something totally different, in secular cliche as very popular and a well renowned saying (Google: over 45 million results) yet as stated above "JESUS Christ" is "The Inviter" and "in order to Evangelize" should be For The Group Victory Wisdom in JESUS Spirit Over Splintering, Before The Fact for to Be Above contestation; hence for a Group to Be Over the Guiding of Another Group that had previously been thought very different:

Churches, other than Their types of Employment and Chores consider what People hope for, They hope to eat while watching TV and hope to play video games [not all People, many], while Many hope to get out and do something: restaurant drink in public, talk with listeners (see previous Sermons on Broadcasting) and eat and watch TV; and some may prefer physical activities with Family [also often in bedroom often not for babies] [but also lower levels addictions against We The People, including instead of for People for pets, and sports as for good health though often including sports that harm People], yet Many also Pray and Many read various things such as the Bible and recipes as for "Precepting".

So with Precepting, the Better things other than secular works that People Hope is what They practice, and the Best Practices JESUS Christ explained such as written in Matthew 15:32 "Then Jesus called His disciples to Him and said, 'I have compassion for this crowd, because they have already been with Me three days and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them away hungry, or they may faint along the way.' ".

So JESUS Christ Brings The Heavenly Best Way to the census, and for the census to comprehend JESUS Christ Brings the Uplifting Spirit Of Precepting, and also so You [We] don't faint in the Work. And what about the "watching TV and hope to play video games": JESUS Christ Gives These For You [Us] to Accomplish (see above "Broadcasting"). Do People yearn for new TV shows [and Online]?: Yes. Do Many hope for new video games?: Yes.

Beloved: leave Your naysayer scoffer spirits behind rather Straighten such with JESUS Christ Oneness Best Way Leading, as One Whole Good for Better and Best Way For All. So here is a Gift of JESUS Christ Spirit of how to go about it. Consider TV and Videos and what is viewed and spiritually participated in the minds and hearts: actors, cartoon characters, situations, and events such as in scenery and such as in new types of scenes put together as figured out (rather than merely secular followings various ways often "contrary" as stated above against the Best For All, also see above "JESUS Christ Brings the Uplifting Spirit Of Precepting").

So consider this "Gift" in the sense Over TV and Internet Viewers for to Best Way Guide All for the Better for Each and All (reference such as Power Of Attorney, and such as Your Defense Attorney, and such as Mentor): the "actors" [and similar] have done Method Acting, Coaches too said to thinks such as making the hoop shot.

So this Gift from JESUS Christ Spirit is for Your Church Play: have the Actors Before The Play, do Method Acting ( [the tangible Proof in Their Living Experiences with psychological motivators].

JESUS Christ Exemplar Moreover Brings this Spirit for Your Play, in the Playwright sense: with actors on stage saying Preacher pertinent dialogue (such as according to available costumes and props, check Your resources) have such as 8 secular type People roles as wandering around [perhaps Police Actor seeing if some are able to walk a straight line toward the Audience and All Straight And Pass OK] with All Actors hardly stepping off stage yet to change costumes virtually undetectable to the Audience, modifying costumes little by little to appear more as JESUS Christ Appeared; perhaps to change from modern census person appearance to look like Moses (with background part waters / ibid.) then 1 JESUS Actor with Apostles, then Each Actor And All JESUS in appearance.

So within "JESUS Best Of The Best" Way "something totally different" is simply Our "putting Precepts Together The Best Way For All". So here is another simple "something totally different" Gift from JESUS Spirit For Better and Best Together.

The Christian Bernoulli Effect (partly already simplified: see recent Sermon at is that the lighter weight air flow sucks in the ping pong ball shown below (hence Evangelism: ibid.) (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series on Venturi Effect and on Gyroscopic Flow).

People are bombarded by natural radiation and other radiation daily, moment to moment. As written in John 8:12 "Once again, Jesus spoke to the people and said, 'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in the darkness, but will have the light of life.' " meaning JESUS Christ is the Light Source. A "Light Source" is like unto a radiation source, such as if to touch an old style light bulb then to be burnt, likewise if to spend too much time touching the business end of a powerful ultrasonic transducer then such as "Cell membrane damage by ultrasound" (, and likewise if to speak too loud near an ear then such as to do damage.

Yet JESUS Christ The Light shines in the darkness, so consider the flow shown below Like unto a beam of Light, and Like unto a beam of radiation. If to be too near too much is to be burnt, as written, Deuteronomy 5:21 "You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house or field, or his manservant or maidservant, or his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.". So from the Old is this Anew Gift.

And if to walk to a radiation source then to burn more rapidly, though if to run away from it, such as to be on a train or rocket going away from a radiation blast, then less harmed if at all, than if to be in a flow toward the source. So this JESUS Given Gift Biblically Anewly involves intragalactic travel and much more such as Safety Value, and such as Best Way for to Better Understand the Universe, and More. So as written in Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.", though if unaware of this Safety then evidently to have opted to "burn". Rather let Us Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law for the Peace Formula, and Safety, and rather JESUS Christ Original Plan: Best For The Best.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals the Source Of Sources Anewly as what I AM The Light Sacred Faith Over Safety Means as had been secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Original Plan is Best For The Best Prophesyingly with Their Living Experiences with psychological motivators as New Proofs in Broadcasting and the value of Method Acting Playwright Che Christian Bernoulli Effect rocket Venturi Effect TV Video Games Sports addictions


28 December 2022.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, simplifies the Source Of Sources Anewly as what I AM The Light Sacred Faith Over Safety Means as had been secret since the world began with how JESUS Christ Original Plan is Best For The Best Prophesyingly with Their Living Experiences with psychological motivators as New Proofs in Broadcasting and the value of Method Acting Playwright Christian Bernoulli Effect rocket Venturi Effect TV Video Games Sports addictions.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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