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JESUS Beyond Compare Sermon.
JESUS Christ Is Righteous Beyond Compare Save As Inviting To Properly Repent And Be Baptized And Ascend, so a misleading translation has been as written "For we do not presume to rank or compare ourselves with some of those who commend themselves; but when they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they have no understanding.", as the verse is from a question, in verse 8 for to not terrify of verse 9; so the verse incorrectly stated makes more sense [to Fear The Lord JESUS Christ 1] as written from the JESUS Christ Faithful Heart Better Guiding as in the New Living Translation "Oh, don’t worry; we wouldn’t dare say that we are as wonderful as these other men who tell you how important they are! But they are only comparing themselves with each other, using themselves as the standard of measurement. How ignorant!" ( (worldly Scribes and Pharisees and if not Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Good in the census the same ways as such as for instance in car ergonomics design ads to potential Customers).
Original JESUS Christ As Sent is the Standard, and variance from this "Standard" is as Sent or as opted as strayed counted as though fallen enabling the Prophets to Be Righteous and for the Baptizers and for the Evangelists and so on as much as Good.
As presented "" has so many interpretations.
JESUS Ascended from tomb into Heaven where He is [at least was on Earth: Heaven On Earth], and as found in His name Broadcasting so did as much as I AM (Exodus 3:14).
The empty tomb of JESUS Christ is not empty (Acts 19:12), i bravely confess i have been Bravely Given some of the pieces of that "tomb".
The previous Sermon Offered "JESUS Spirit, informs as to the New Better Way To Pray for You to Best Lead" hence Gives for You to JESUS Christ UN Broadcast Good New Victory Over the former, the world as it had been. Righteous Apostle Paul mislead Many seeking to be Righteous Holy Leaders [plural] as stated above with "(" in evidence "so many interpretations"!
Apocracy!?!, (, after repentance and Baptism and Broadcasting JESUS Christ why would "Righteous Apostle Paul" do such a horrific thing? Because He Loves Us. He's explaining not merely the mere minimum to the lower levels than visitors outside beyond the Church Visitors Welcome sign, as JESUS Christ, Righteous Apostle Paul too is Leading Leaders [talking with the Faithfully Wisely Leading Friends at the time, also currently in this Sermon].
Righteous Apostle Paul Did it to compare rather explain the Ascending Faith (if to compare then see above "Standard").
Precept on Precept, JESUS Story fitting JESUS Story: the New Better Is Coming.
We Will be with Better Algorithms in the Prophetic Future, so as if not to need the former raw data counts, measures, and formulas, Save Our Followers may NEED such for Us to Give.
31 July 2023.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Anewly Fills the former empty tomb with Heaven On Earth Giving Hope for the latest Algorithm(s) Creator(s) Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good Before The Fact.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.
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