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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 10:1 through 9 Sermon.

JESUS is Good, and they "did witness of it" and verse 6 "repent and return unto me with full purpose of heart" so Baptism with Ascending: Usher, Priest,...2 Formulas:

Secular: "with full purpose of" [relying on His] "heart" = "repent" x "witness".

Faithfulness: Priest = Usher x "full purpose of heart" as Baptized.

Also currently Edifyingly, recently, sensing background noises and listening i heard what i interpret as the soul of a selfish person and rather did the JESUS Way Exemplar, and interpreted as related to that on big irregular rocks and sure footing with both feet firmly planted my feet were instantly in front of me as i quickly was on my back in pain and loud enough for others 100 yards away to hear me boast "Thank You JESUS for this humble!", while standing again immediately allowing JESUS Healing to start even though the fall might have broken ribs and vertebrae [rather than lying there on the rocks];

and continued carefully walking along; and the various pains changed strangely a couple days, then at night in bed i slightly moved and heard bones move causing me to not be able to move much at all, and in the morning i struggled to retrieve stored crutches not far, then to such as struggle in the bathroom painfully and awkwardly, and struggled to sit [which i didn't think i could do] to write the daily JESUS Sermon, and after the Sermon in less pains i stood picked up the crutches and walked.

Another interesting thing happened yesterday, first time im my life, i saw what might have been a giant orb satellite above seeming in low orbit [or UFO]. Jets were flying under.

As high as jets were x 2, it spun slowly reflecting the sunlight then black not reflecting. After 15 minutes, far harder to see, somewhat disinterested people came near as i pointed.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Bible Formulas Anewly in JESUS Spirit humbly Guide UFO tech People and Purgatory Souls in Grace further specifying for applying 5 Pennies Rule with the floating economy defining white stone 4/7 years, Lot's Wife pillar, map.


As stated above what i saw may have been a giant satellite, though in this ancient painting of JESUS being crucified [and this warning]

shown above left and right are 2 UFOs. So with all their other worldly [same if from Earth] much advanced high tech knowledge

it was not enough to prevent that crucifixion.

The mere highly advanced knowledge bank of the UFO group, was not sufficient to prevent the crucifixion before the fact.

Their UFO type knowledge was not sufficient: nada.

Their high tech UFO equipment and instrumentational control was nada per se. Some had all that UFO tech millions as proven and likely billions of years ago; all that knowledge and know-how to no avail: they hoped for good, so JESUS had to be sent for to accomplish the showing of His Best Way For All from Desperate Love Giving Faithfulness, then from His Words to fit the precepts formulas Most Wisely, from thus far Perfect as much as aware, to the next Perfect In JESUS Soul Oneness as much as aware.

From His Faith Words come the Loving Wisdom as trivia knowledge bits are Best Fitted into JESUS 1's Soul. Some fit as neck amounts, some fit as to create proper legs. Some fit lower levels things such as if to have a monetary system, then the 5 Pennies Rule, and the 'years" comment fits with the floating economy mentioned in a fairly recent Sermon.

Behold the sum of all knowledge exclusively: it is summed in the Tree Of Knowledge, yet also i confess i fell as written above and was as written "And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder" (Matthew 21:44 New King James Version) yet with Broadcasting JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series as written above Ascended in a New Victory, Better for having so confessed and with this Faithfulness Broadcast yet including "a white stone inscribed with a new name" (from Revelation 2:17) let it be JESUS (see "Alpha" and "Omega" below).

The floating economy should be leading above the vertical black arrow symbol and above the horizontal white hollow arrow symbol at the lower left of the JESUS Christ ICCDBB: New Beginnings With New Endings Prophesying Guidance Sermon at as illustrated concerning the Industrial Revolution and the somewhat related Population Explosion, though if a full page ad appears close the tab and try again.

Secular worldly formula about strayed in peace comforts and if to continue to be falling: Desolate = "your dwellings" x "the places" [with types of activities as whether selfish or for JESUS];

3 Nephi 10:7 "the places of your dwellings shall become desolate", currently pertinent see "7 years" JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 20 Righteously Prophesied Over 4 years ago at and now similar yet ascended some hence less severe [conditions apply, see next sentence].

Repent or it will be as "end time" as about "Noah" and also as about "Lot" (The Jewish JESUS repeated on TV): example

the Best Plan for All was corrupted by strayed and fallen souls, so Abraham pleaded for "LORD" [JESUS] to Perform A Miracle to spare such ( (Lot maps see "Lot's Wife" pic location below).

That as Many read in the Bible and Swore Oath was interpreted as about census people,

though this Anewly Now Clearly also concerns Souls and Purgatory.

"Lot’s Wife, a rock formation in the Sanctuary of Agios Lot, near Safi, Jordan. (Wikipedia)"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Bible Formulas Anewly in JESUS Spirit humbly Guide UFO tech People and Purgatory Souls in Grace further specifying for applying 5 Pennies Rule with the floating economy defining white stone 4/7 years, Lot's Wife stone pillar, map


You are merely 1 such as at home, what can mere You do?, as linked above "genesis/18.htm": "On account of the ten, I will not destroy it", merely 10 per se Save Multitudes!

And what if You Do, and/or what if a Church of perhaps 100 so does, and the naysayers say symbolically: "Look, no disaster happened, we can do as we were doing": no excuse. We must be of this JESUS Christ Grace Faithfully, for being found so Doing, the Faithfully Doing Are Lifted.

Faith Ascending Bible Formula: JESUS Original Plan Eternal [Omega] Lifts the Faithfully Doing = "for being found so Doing" x JESUS Christ Grace Eternal [Alpha] Faithful Word Innocent [over mere knowledge of Law and rather than about selfishness].

20 September 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Bible Formulas Anewly in JESUS Spirit humbly Guide UFO tech People and Purgatory Souls in Grace further specifying for applying 5 Pennies Rule with the floating economy defining white stone 4/7 years.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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