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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 12:37 To End Of Chapter Sermon.
JESUS 1 Ascending Family [High Level: much unseen in the census] Gracefully brought about a great event yesterday morning. On the topic(s) of JESUS Christ UN, JESUS Christ USA, JESUS Christ, Faith, Definitions, and Peace as symbolized in the illustration below; and this applies whether actual or merely a scenario yet for serious concern as the solemn event indicated, yesterday morning while awake and hearing spirits [as a minimum symbolizing], census Government Official talking with a Grays ([a "UFOs" type Group] see previous in this Series on Galactic Federation) Official.
And like unto symbolized below [the awareness, like unto the open documents offered on a table] the Grays Official was interested in whether the Grays "definitions" or "Your definitions" ["census Government" (previous sentence)] and ibid. said "It's right here" [as though as already aware, as right here in front of You as being discussed].
Then i spoke about JESUS Creator Way Victory Over "definitions" is the JESUS Way in Faith [including to offer this: in His Faith, in JESUS Faithful Love then in Working His Given Mission to find the pertinent knowledge added for to Accomplish Best For All]. Many in low levels have said such as "One never knows" hence unfaithful since not knowing what is Righteous and Best, so "Many" were not sent to be exemplar. Many similarly said "Question everything" hence confess to faithlessness, and such as not knowing if driving legally, and not knowing anything.
Many times in the secular a Man and a Woman have found Love With Each Other and have become Married. And Love in the secular means Faithfulness.
How do you answer, if You did not kill a specific person and can prove it and are brought into a Court Of Law (3 Nephi 12:37) and asked "Without question, yes or no, did you kill that person?".
Higher Level than 1 Thessalonians 5:21 in JESUS Grace is that if ask a question to word it so as the correct answer is: "Yes" (Hebrews 7:19) also (reference: Law Enforcement Negotiator).
Note: i searched online for Grays negotiating with Adam type census but saw none, this illustrates 2 types of civilizations for Better [though that struggled] to eventually become 1.
This same "It's right here" "in front of You as being discussed" is Anewly Victory In JESUS Ascending, Over 1st Testament former lower levels descriptive ways amounts of faith types such as "unbelieving question" as at Massah though according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Inviting into His "Faithfulness" (stated above). Thanking The Lord JESUS Christ "Rejoice" and You Will Overcome every "obstacle" (Jewish Jesus, repeat episode on TV again yesterday). JESUS Bible Formulas For All Without Price, 3 Nephi 12:37 to end of Chapter:
38 & 39. eye for eye vengeance and tooth for tooth, rather do "not resist evil; Give "the other cheek" also = "on thy right cheek" x "whosoever shall smite thee".
40. "let him have thy cloak also" = "take away thy coat" x "if any man will sue thee at the law".
41. "go with him twain" = "to go a mile" x "whosoever shall compel thee".
42. "turn thou not away" [at least about Missionary type (local Church Welcome sign) (see in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series many Sermon on reference Your Church criteria)] = "him that would borrow of thee" x "Give to him that asketh thee".
43 & 44. [ about "Hate" in lower levels such as conspirators and crucifiers, such as in works to destroy any traces of their strayed activities], rather as JESUS said in verse 44 "bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them who despitefully use you and persecute you" = "love" x JESUS' Word [rather with You and All 1 JESUS Christ Perfect (see below: verse 48)].
45. Heavenly Father "maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good" = "your Father who is in heaven" x "That ye may be" His "children".
46. In JESUS All [as much as Good] are "fulfilled" = "which were of old time, which were under the law" x "Therefore those things".
3 Nephi 12:23 (above link and yesterday's Sermon) about "rememberest" if to wrongly be thinking for more about any evil, applies concerning the interpretation of next verse 47.
47. [negative, letter of the law such as to wrongly kill a person for breathing as if your air] "all things have become new" = "done away" x "Old things" [including people older than e.g. 1 second].
47 [positive, Good, Best For All]. [Through JESUS Christ (previous verse)] = "all things have become new" x "Old things are done away"
48. "as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect" = "ye should be perfect" x "Therefore I would that".
If not Perfect, JESUS 1 Loves You, yet if to Perfectly Love, be as JESUS [as Many as All in 1 JESUS] Ascending for JESUS Highest Purpose Best For All and Love Abounds the More!
In the Lord, JESUS Christ, offering values for signing.
You might think in this moment [for a long time] i did no sin, Good, yet as You receive all Their sins convert into Good, and rather Before The Fact so You are not harmed
so You do not in knee jerk reaction harm them (JESUS 1 Victory Over unthinking, unaware), so Immediately Best Lead All Before The Fact
(1st part of Day, Your Daily Mission minimum [also with at least minimal Maintenance Responsibility as with Charitable Giving Yourself: these in JESUS 1]).
27 September 2023 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, exposes a top level Government scenario with the Grays, also as often happened in secular history the proofs in formulas are harder to understand than the Way JESUS Christ said to Function.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.
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