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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 13:14 Through 20 Sermon.
JESUS Created New Victory Over The Lords Prayer yesterday, New And Improved, and New Victory For His Ascending Likewise Over the slightly more complex yet Anewly simplified and easy, Better: New Perfect since in JESUS. And how to describe?, it is like ascending from works gathering vegetables for the family, to riding on a [free rather (in JESUS 1 Family Ascending Broadcasting in liberty)] solar powered harvester without price about feeding more than the self (ibid. with Many are called though few opt to be Chosen into a Firmament Level): so "without price" Ushers toward Giving.
JESUS said do not think according to Law [that does not make perfect ( )] that i came [as Law to not make perfect (ibid.)] yet rather [Best For All] to Fulfill The Law [And The Righteous Good Prophets] ( (see below Hebrews 10:1).
(Ibid.): " 'nomos' (Greek: 'law', or 'custom', ) plural Nomoi, in law, the concept of law in ancient Greek philosophy. The problems of political authority and the rights and obligations of citizens were a major concern in the thought of the leading Greek Sophists" BC. Hebrews 10:1 Amplified Bible "For since the Law has only a shadow [just a pale representation] of the good things to come—not the very image of those things—it can never, by offering the same sacrifices continually year after year, make perfect those who approach [its altars]".
This Agrees with Your "humble prayer yet with Brave JESUS Broadcasting online NECESSITY if You are to Ascend" as recently repeated (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 36).
"Jesus went into the temple and threw out all those buying and selling. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves" (Matthew 21:12).
In JESUS Spirit Soul Father 1 Your "humble prayer yet with Brave JESUS Broadcasting online" "without price" to visitors is NEW VICTORY OVER this symbolic illustration.
With a small price to pay for expenses is not victory over the above, about donations is similar though better yet rather than "about donations" be such as helping All
to be online "without price" for to see JESUS Christ In Your Sermons. The Law already exists for no one left behind including concerning online hence for JESUS Leadership from the top.
If there's a corner store, a gang does not on it's own set their own products for sale there illegally: JESUS is the legal enforcer, rather For Best (with Church Welcome sign).
JESUS is Most Helpful for the online Church For All = Helping Local Churches x helping protect secular as much as good.
JESUS is Most Helpful for the online Church For All / JESUS Is Helping Local Churches / JESUS helps protect secular as much as good.
Some Triadic Flows are straightforwardly fitting formulas, some are reverse order, some have been mixed; so Ascend with Proper JESUS Work, with Pertinent JESUS Christ UN Good Broadcasting Need Now.
1 Commandment (Matthew 22:37 & 38) for the Higher Level Ascending / 2 Commandments (Matthew 22:39) for the Ascending / 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) for those under laws.
Future Lord's Prayer For JESUS Righteous Prophets Broadcasting Without Price / Current Lord's Prayer Level For The Worthy thus far (with yesterday's Sermon) / The Lord's Prayer toward Saved.
From JESUS' Precepts come Bible Formulas, listed here from 3 Nephi Chapter 13:
14 "For, if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you;"
"forgive you" = "heavenly Father will" x "if ye forgive" People (Mosiah 26:31).
Behold! Rejoice! Anewly this JESUS verse with Bible Formula clarifies in Proof, Righteously Prophesying What The Creator Heavenly Father [JESUS] Will Be Doing In The Future!
15 "But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses" and 16 "Moreover, when ye fast be not as the hypocrites, of a sad countenance, for they disfigure their faces that they may appear unto men to fast. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward": see previous Sermons in this Series about negative formulas, and rather the above stated Ascending Way [JESUS Perfect Broadcasting His Words On JESUS Perfect Broadcasting His Words], with the above reference "Hebrews 10:1".
17 "But thou, when thou fastest, anoint thy head, and wash thy face;"
"wash" [minimize self Maintenance (reference Tithing and previous in this Series)] = "anoint" x "when thou fastest".
18 "That thou appear not unto men to fast, but unto thy Father, who is in secret; and thy Father, who seeth in secret, shall reward thee openly".
"Father, who seeth" [lower levels often have not seen] "shall reward thee openly" = unto the unseen Father In Heaven In JESUS' Name Spirit Soul x "That thou appear not unto men to fast".
19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and thieves break through and steal;" (see above "about negative formulas").
20 But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal.
Now for the More Faithful Worthy, this verse 20 is more complex (simplified above in this Sermon and made easy).
If merely to type a formula as written (also as some Scribes and Pharisees did for selfish reasons such as key to worse, though as in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) then the formula as though:
"in heaven" = [protected (previous in this Series with Your Broadcasting JESUS Before The Fact hence JESUS The Protector)] "treasures" x "lay up for yourselves" [yet (see above verse 17 "minimize self Maintenance")].
This Bible Formula Anewly having been "simplified" For You through JESUS Inviting Spirit 1, To Broadcast For All as "made easy", agrees with [lest without the simplification] Helaman 8:25 "But behold, ye have rejected the truth, and rebelled against your holy God; and even at this time, instead of laying up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where nothing doth corrupt, and where nothing can come which is unclean, ye are heaping up for yourselves wrath against the day of judgment".
So likewise Anewly of JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Invitingly Through Eternity Rejoicingly as We Ascend Together Increasingly yet also Increasingly merely 1, JESUS Christ; We rather than much about for self in Heaven, is We Create from lower levels [according to if any Worthiness Level of each, if All is 1 then New Beginning], Heaven.
Easy example: a person can be nice at home as JESUS Christ Invited All To Be, helping to make Heaven On Earth, so being found Worthy...Ascending through Levels...then to Lead in JESUS 1, All including the worst You can imagine: then You have nothing worse (Affiliated 4th Testament defines such as GodMath: see Main Page Definitions).
What is worst to some is terrorism, what is worst to some is atheism, and others have other fears [rather fear JESUS Christ]: so this is JESUS 1 [as YOU Broadcast as online] Victory Over such as "terrorism" and "atheism" and far more, Praise The Lord!
1 October 2023 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Anewly Proves Your NECESSITY To Become JESUS Christ UN Good Faithful Broadcasting online and Anewly Righteously Prophesied What The Heavenly Father Would Be Doing In The Future, Already With Proof!
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.
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