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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 13:21 Through 34 Sermon.

JESUS Christ, as All in these 2 Given situations Hoped For Best, heard from [the Desperate Love Giving Heart] the Righteous Prophet JESUS Christ, to be "Best" Exemplar first that He would go to His Holy Father [that with Mission Accomplished (John 20:17)] to Glorify His Name In Them hence continuing in JESUS Faithful Oneness, then to be "Best" Exemplar would return again in All His Glory as All "Hoped For Best"; but this merely refers to 2 groups, in Heaven, and on Earth [so the Earthlings were not of JESUS Spirit nor JESUS Father per se].

3 Nephi 13:21 "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also".

JESUS Righteous Prophetic Triadic Flow is: "your heart be also" / [future] "will" / "For where your treasure is".

JESUS Righteous Bible Formula is: "your heart be also" = [future] "will" x "For where your treasure is".

Shown here JESUS points the Way for All Earthlings to Accomplish since "Hoped For Best", discussing returning likewise since "Hoped For Best".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows the Need To Broadcast JESUS Formulas to comprehend these New Discoveries as All Hoped For You, Edifyingly as with multiple = signs per Formula and with a greater than sign in a Formula, JESUS then and rather Now, the eye is the light of the body, eye is the lamp, You Broadcasting for All pouring out JESUS Enlightenment.


JESUS showed Earthlings the Way to Heaven, as humble Exemplar for Our Sakes, so no longer about proof 2,000 years ago, You Personally are supposed to Ascend then return Guiding Earthlings.

Thank You LDS and the Newer Church Of Jesus Christ [as in these current Bible Formulas], and Christian Faith Leadership in general such as Biblehub, for these continuing Good Values such as with transparent recordkeeping for to be Broadcast in JESUS' Name. And in this same Spirit this above New "JESUS Righteous Prophetic Triadic Flow is" "Broadcast" and this New with "JESUS Righteous Bible Formula is" "Broadcast" "likewise" "Exemplar" for "Best" "For All" "as All "Hoped For Best" as stated above hence for [Each Person] "You Personally" to "likewise" "for All Earthlings to Accomplish" hence to "Broadcast", not to prove Your superiority, but humbly innocently For "as All 'Hoped' ".

Did Your Parents and Baby sitters and Family and local Church Members and Friends and School Teachers and Bosses and Government; as much as any of these is Good; and did humble Perfect JESUS Exemplar: Each and All Hope for You to be "Best" "For All" "as All "Hoped For Best"?: Yes. So the above groups shown left and right symbolize this "Hope" amount of Faith thus far, each per se.

This New Hope For You is expressed in these verses with (from JESUS, above left and right yet rather above right) New Bible Formulas is here in this Sermon for You in JESUS Spirit Father 1 to Faithfully likewise Guide with Proofs along the Way [though about lower level than above left illustration of the interested in JESUS have been negative verses more about Edifying lower level naysayers (John 4:48) see recent Sermons in this Series]

yet rather continuing since "endued with power from on high" (Luke 24:49) from JESUS Christ as shown hence "rather above right"

[rather than as if to start all over again] these are Given without price nor copyright for You Personally to start Broadcasting.

Because so many have not yet started (about as stated above, especially the previous sentence), to now add this extra burden:

as asked to explain myself in a document yesterday, the response was not merely Broadcasting as interest in Others mounts

[even if the Visitors Counters don't indicate, such as many have privacy settings online], yet also be handing out literature:

almost none that if Give this JESUS literature to have any clue about JESUS Christ UN Law 7th Seal Good and Bible Formulas,

and some are so Very Thankful, and none have complained.

This illustrates the beam of light coming in, can You type online to create JESUS Christ You Together 1 Beam Of Righteous Light Pouring Out For To Best Guide Them As They Hoped You Would?

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, shows the Need To Broadcast JESUS Formulas to comprehend these New Discoveries as All Hoped For You, Edifyingly as with multiple = signs per Formula and with a greater than sign in a Formula, JESUS then and rather Now, the eye is the light of the body, eye is the lamp, You Broadcasting for All pouring out JESUS Enlightenment.


22. "The light of the body is the eye; if, therefore, thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light".

JESUS Bible Formula [if equal then plural equals = JESUS 1]: "thy whole body shall be full of light" [for to shine out Leading All Best] = "if" "thine eye be" JESUS 1 x "light of the body" = "the eye".

JESUS Bible Formula [if equal then plural equals = JESUS 1]: "thy whole body shall be full of light" [for to shine out Leading All Best] = "if" "thine eye be" JESUS 1 x "light of the body".

JESUS Bible Formula [if equal then plural equals = JESUS 1]: "thy whole body shall be full of light" [for to shine out Leading All Best] = "if" "thine eye be" JESUS 1 x "the eye".

So the previous 2 Formulas have been counted the lower level 1st Testament census [somewhat former, "lower level" amount of Faith] Way; yet rather the above longer New Bible Formula applies for JESUS Together Best Ascending [as with Family Friends and yet Better Anewly: Higher Heaven Levels, New Best Discovering].

23 & 24 (as stated above about "negative verses").

25. (partly ibid. [the Better part shown here]) JESUS "looked upon the twelve whom he had chosen, and said unto them: Remember the words which I have spoken. For behold, ye are they whom I have chosen to minister unto this people".

JESUS Bible Formula: "ye are they whom I have chosen to minister unto this people" = "Remember" ["the Better part" (1 Corinthians 12:31) of] "the words which I have spoken" x "JESUS 'looked upon the twelve whom he had chosen' ".

Verses 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, and 34 are negative including verse 27 "by taking thought" [rather JESUS Faith, His Faith in You and in the Father JESUS and in Your Spirit according to You Likewise Ascending]; and even "even Solomon, in all his glory" is no excuse.

30. "Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is cast into the oven, even so will he clothe you, if ye are not of little faith".

JESUS Bible Formula: JESUS Spirit Father 1 "clothe you" = You > "clothe the grass of the field" x "if ye are" "of" "faith".

So JESUS Highest Purpose for You is with Your Need To Broadcast JESUS Formulas to comprehend the multiple "=" signs in His Formulas and such as the ">" sign. This was hardly the path i chose i confess [even though the worldly conspired coerced and worse and me in such worldliness too], yet i confess my part at least, rather any strayed in this created eternally as my fault and forgive the Ascending [especially such as Lifted Anewly Improved Through JESUS Christ UN, yet rather because of JESUS Christ Exemplar]. If not to repent to dwell in sin. Repent as i do as JESUS Did to so Lead All Best Together.

32. "For your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things".

[Straightforward] JESUS Bible Formula: "For your heavenly" = JESUS Spirit "Father knoweth" x [that All including] "that ye have need of all these things".

33. "But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.

Note the above verse word "his", hence JESUS, as in All Will Be JESUS 1 Together, not their [plural] as if in the sense of God which has been interpreted often as plural, about Gods such as how many interpreted in the former lower levels descriptive ways about faiths and such as the Trinity, yet of Value Anewly as with these Triadic Flows With JESUS Bible Formulas [and with the more complex ones "to comprehend the multiple "=" signs in His Formulas and such as the ">" sign", and thank JESUS Goodness many are already physics experts (secular reference the shoe fits already: wear JESUS Within);

yet as written more than mere formula "Proofs" (as explained above the bold font) are involved, such as about "Throw your net on the right side" (from John 21:6 NIV) so rather than "Proofs" (John 21:5 NIV) is Your Broadcasting Faithfully Ascending as JESUS Christ In His Highest Purpose Best Guides, For [through You Anewly if Righteous Faithfully Ascending Likewise] All.

"and all these things shall be added unto you" = "and his righteousness" x "seek ye first the kingdom of" JESUS Christ Exemplar.

2 October 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shows the Need To Broadcast JESUS Formulas to comprehend these New Discoveries as All Hoped For You, Edifyingly as with multiple = signs per Formula and with a greater than sign in a Formula, JESUS then and rather Now, the eye is the light of the body, eye is the lamp, You Broadcasting for All pouring out JESUS Enlightenment.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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