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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 17:1 Through 6 Sermon.

JESUS said in verse 1 "round about again". This in JESUS Christ is rather than "again", Save "again" because not Agreed and in 1 JESUS Work the first time [nor as many as pertinent]. JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35 has some JESUS Way Best For All Ascending Tube Parameter illustrations: if a Soul [a spirit or other] strays from Centerline, then from JESUS [as Sent, hence His] 1 Original Creation Plan Awareness, is Aware Righteously Prophesyingly where any stray(s) would be going. Note pertinent currently on secular TV said again yesterday "The time of Revelation isn't happening in the future, it's happening right now" (Ancient Aliens).

JESUS looking "round about", "again" (see yesterday's Sermon on much less time than multitudes had assumed), is easy to understand, like unto living somewhere all You life and such as a truck driver asks for directions but they instead opt to [turn opposite or] go astray, so such as to be aware they go to a hard to exit culdesac. Worse is if to teach a Child worldly ways: if to learn an addiction (Matthew 18:6 therefore as Matthew 8:32) such as Marriage is allowed of Grace (Job 31:1, Psalm 51:5), rather Eunuch for the Kingdom of Heaven's sake (JESUS invites to be Pure 1).

It is far harder to stray [to become addicted] and then in works keep trying "again" and "again", than to opt to be Pure from the start and Continue Pure (innocent humble JESUS Christ).

So JESUS is Wisely Aware that multitudes strayed, without the need of JESUS going there to be in those lost and confused situations.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Distinguishes JESUS Calling and the Listeners Doing and how such should fit Together Eternally Creating Heaven On Earth.


JESUS on top of the mountain explains come back (Faith / Listening / Word) (Faith = Listening x Word), see, type on the Internet in JESUS 1 Best Guide All that All "arise" (3 Nephi 17:19).

JESUS said "go ye unto your homes," (3 Nephi 17:3): Broadcast JESUS Christ UN Goodness on the Internet: do not judge to persecute, judge the Good Worthy In JESUS 1: no other Plan is Perfect.

for in so doing You Will Be Judged as JESUS 1 Good so to be found ( Worthy and Lifted hence as a Person is Lifted all Civilization and All is Lifted.

3 Nephi 17:1 "Behold, now it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words he looked round about again on the multitude, and he said unto them: Behold, my time is at hand" [hence entering into His greater glory right in front of His Found Worthy Mass].

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: JESUS "said unto them: Behold, my time is at hand" [hence entering into His greater glory right in front of His Found Worthy Mass] / JESUS "looked" around and the "multitude" continued Faithfully with Him / "Jesus had spoken" His Best For All "words".

JESUS Bible Formula: JESUS "said unto them: Behold, my time is at hand" [hence entering into His greater glory right in front of His Found Worthy Mass] = JESUS "looked" around and the "multitude" continued Faithfully with Him x "Jesus had spoken" His Best For All "words".

2 "I perceive that ye are weak, that ye cannot understand all my words which I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time" [(see recent Sermon on negatives): JESUS Way Ascendingly Guiding:];

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time" / "ye cannot understand all my words" (rather for You to create Heaven On Earth) / "I perceive" (see above "Awareness" about "strays" hence His JESUS Spirit Father 1 Original Plan to improve the situation that You create Heaven On Earth, Deuteronomy 11:21, everywhere in Everyone).

JESUS Bible Formula Anewly: "I am commanded of the Father to speak unto you at this time" = for You to create Heaven On Earth x "I perceive" (see above "Awareness" about "strays" hence His JESUS Spirit Father 1 Original Plan to improve the situation that You create Heaven On Earth, Deuteronomy 11:21, everywhere in Everyone).

3 "Therefore, go ye unto your homes, and ponder upon the things which I have said, and ask of the Father, in my name, that ye may understand, and prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again" [to see if You've been Working JESUS Broadcasting Fittingly] / "ask" [Worthy JESUS 1] as the Delighted Worthy] "Father" [found] "that ye may understand" [Better, More, Best] / "go ye unto your homes, and ponder" JESUS' Words and Broadcast JESUS Words.

JESUS Bible Formula: "prepare your minds for the morrow, and I come unto you again" [to see if You've been Working JESUS Broadcasting Fittingly] = "ask" [Worthy JESUS 1] as the Delighted Worthy] "Father" [found] "that ye may understand" [Better, More, Best] x "go ye unto your homes, and ponder" JESUS' Words and Broadcast JESUS Words.

Note for to "prepare your minds": JESUS Christ UN Law legally Gives You [and All] the legal right to think.

4 "But now I go unto the Father, and also to show myself unto the lost tribes of Israel, for they are not lost unto the Father, for he knoweth whither he hath taken them".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "for they are not lost" (again see above "Awareness" about "strays") [JESUS Gave Mercy Inviting All] / "the" confused strayed "tribes of Israel" that had wrongfully (James 2:10) assumed they were forsaken / Heaven where JESUS is [and has been except if any opted to stray, conditions apply such as rates (Luke 10:18)] / "also to show myself" to and for above stated People.

JESUS Bible Formula: His People "Awareness" [JESUS Gave Mercy Inviting All] = those that had been confused and strayed x Heavenly JESUS shows self for their sakes.

Note above a Flow section is missing, like unto sequence 1/2/2.5/3.

5 "And it came to pass that when Jesus had thus spoken, he cast his eyes round about again on the multitude, and beheld they were in tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: JESUS "beheld they were in tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them" / JESUS "cast his eyes round about again on the multitude" / "when Jesus had thus spoken" [sufficiently, not overly too much to wrongly tempt any to stray].

JESUS Bible Formula: JESUS "beheld they were in tears, and did look steadfastly upon him as if they would ask him to tarry a little longer with them" = JESUS "cast his eyes round about again on the multitude" x "when Jesus had thus spoken".

6 "And he said unto them: Behold, my bowels are filled with compassion towards you".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "Behold, my bowels are filled with compassion towards you" / JESUS "said unto them" / JESUS Christ ["he"].

JESUS Bible Formula: "Behold, my bowels are filled with compassion towards you" = JESUS "said unto them" x JESUS Christ [made Himself Known (John 20:16)].

The strays are discussed and yesterday on TV was said "Don't touch it": the example was such as a Child told not to touch a vase, "It's not yours" (JESUS The Healer) it's for a Higher Level as JESUS Christ [and in relatively Higher Levels likewise] finds Worthy Responsibly.

Rejoicingly JESUS Blessed me: i prayed JESUS (John 16:24) for healing so as not to have to go to the dentist quite some time ago, though due to my lack of Ascending as i figured, went to the dentists much (see above "again"...) and there were rough surfaces in the areas of 4 teeth due to excess fillings, and recently had a Birthday and received a Gift from JESUS Christ, on my recent birthday the rough parts vanished, no particles debris: gone. Also likewise through the increasingly Faithful Ascending Years With JESUS, many afflictions have been encountered with JESUS Victories Over such (see somewhat older Sermons on a wide range of things, though hundreds of Sermons were removed by others).

There are many Good reasons for You to Broadcast JESUS Wisdom.

10 October 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Distinguishes JESUS Calling and the Listeners Doing and how such should fit Together Eternally Creating Heaven On Earth.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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