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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 18:8 Sermon.

JESUS Spirit in this Sermon simplifies, including from "/" to "\", very simple. Though to Edify is in JESUS Spirit to show the Way Exemplar in this JESUS Sermon is hence to go a little lower than the Angels, to lift such that had been mired in legalese ( in secular jargons that have been automatically by definition "difficult for others to understand" (Oxford / Google).

Hence "difficult" "to understand" until JESUS Christ UN legal recognition of Higher Level Grace such as of Bible Oath to Write Good Law, as "all things shall be made known" ( for Best For All through "Christ the firstfruits; then at His coming, those who belong to Him ( [found Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal as Pertinent Now, hence found Worthy:

consider a Church bus Driver in charge of All on the bus, Good, and rather that All be Church bus Drivers as Many as Best for the Mission such as if the Driver become exhausted another can drive {or at least do Best such as oversee the crowd Best}; if a Preacher doesn't show for Service then Another as much as Best is to Lead].

Then the end will come" ( hence with JESUS Christ UN as already all are under JESUS Christ UN Law [and/or in the under Law sense, rather] legal innocently [(highest purpose intent of the Law) hence] above in JESUS Christ UN Grace for Best For Each And All.

Preceptingly first the "humble" [through JESUS, Creating Best Awareness For All (see previous Sermons)] then losses of losses, addictions remediated, costs become profits (swords into plowshares) [including victory over love of money addiction].

JESUS Christ Proves His Way, hence the Best Way, being Perfect if so Ascending [if Faithful]. So with New Victory as More become JESUS Perfect, Guiding hence Victory Over various former ways such as that would make a physics argument (Google "About 104,000,000 results" for search terms "physics" "argument") in cliche about making arguments "That's how wars have started"; if without redeeming social value [or at least if to be Faithful then to be with Good Purely therefore lest to stray to be contaminated hence rather than to hear of any overly tempting for to stray arguments.

And this is not about censorship, since as stated above redeeming social value, and for instance if someone plans to break the Law then to have lacked the Ascending as proven above (if ignorance of the Law is no excuse then to make All Aware, therefore the Best Way) (ibid. so if any is to be fixed then fix prior to making All Aware, therefore be Perfect). So with JESUS Exemplar Way the Peace Formula is a Proof: Precept on Precept: Proof on Proof: hence rather Faithful on Faithful: as much as Good the proofs are mere Miracles after-the-fact of Best Faithfulness (previous Sermons and Laws on transparent traceability).

JESUS Spirit though in this moment of census secular legalese jargon shows the continuing [through JESUS 1 Ascending Faithfulness hence] improvement through this generation in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series in many proofs hence counted as if ways, yet in 1 Perfect JESUS Way (Biblically about talents in given situations rather than about stray faiths types). Today, thus far in this Series [amount completed: as multitudes of Sermons were removed from needful personal online presence (reference Law at the Advent of the Internet, fittingly pertinent this Christmas Season) hence]

anewly 2 currently fitting pertinent specifics involving improving for Leadership for All are: 1. census government improvement from "." to ":", and 2. census government improvement from "/" to "\".

This is for JESUS High Grace Ascending for All, and the 2 improvements are "1." that normal to census government it wrote much Law with the dot "." such as symbolically "" nomenclature though it is changing such as with dashes and other ( while the Bible wrote with the colon ":" such as above stated "3 Nephi 18:8", so there is this JESUS Guiding from "." to ":".

Likewise JESUS Guiding math for Ascending is from "/" as has been normal in secular [2 symbolic examples "V / A", "s / F" (] formulas to "\" as this Sermon proves.

JESUS Christ said of the Eucharist wine [symbolic of from His Heart in 1 Work Working His Blood nurturing and raising All Members (Main Page 5 Pennies Rule pertinence now)] in 3 Nephi 18:8 "And it came to pass that when he said these words, he commanded his disciples that they should take of the wine of the cup and drink of it, and that they should also give unto the multitude that they might drink of it".

From Source JESUS / [JESUS' Disciples] to Give in JESUS as 1 Work / Multitude [legal option, yet in moral humble innocence to Eternally Ascend Faithfully] to Give JESUS' Work.

Multitude [legal option, yet in moral humble innocence to Eternally Ascend Faithfully] to Give JESUS' Work = [JESUS' Disciples] to Give in JESUS as 1 Work x From Source JESUS.

So rather than the previous convoluted secular physics style "/" is "\":

From Source JESUS \ [JESUS' Disciples] to Give in JESUS as 1 Work \ Multitude [legal option, yet in moral humble innocence to Eternally Ascend Faithfully] to Give JESUS' Work.

Here is another proof example: Faith comes from Hearing and Hearing from the Lord (

Faith \ Hearing \ Lord.

Faith x Hearing = Lord.

So according to how the JESUS words are Given, the Biblical Flow With Formula is to be accordingly, as to Follow yet for JESUS 1 [if a Person is Faithful in this JESUS Work in] Righteous Prophesying hence "to Follow" no longer applies in JESUS Centerline Ascending Guiding All Best.

Edifyingly a glimpse at the former per se as "by" means "/", divide, to separate:

"faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ"

Faith / Hearing / Lord.

Lord = Hearing x Faith.

This is Proof.

The previous secular way formula is backward relative to the previous Flow sentence and the Bible Verse.

The secular can also be written in the convoluted sense:

Hearing x Faith = Lord.

So such as to say "Hearing" enables "Faith" as the Lord Gives, and while true and valuable, the meaning tends toward lost in translation.

JESUS provides the Best Way to be Perfect, though in the secular such as if to remember many names (Acts 4:12 as a Faith minimum applies) and such as if to be mindful of not perfect JESUS traceability such as physics have been even as Professors have stated, then symbolically such as to build a roof and then floor then walls. So it has been a struggle Edify about wrong works without offending [even as in this Sermon to point out problematic things about the future results, lest to Ascend Through JESUS Christ] yet a Blessing to Ascend Within JESUS Faith.

Now if Another or if i write a subsequent Sermon on this, it may be accomplished much more smoothly and more effectually, though needful was this work; like unto if to be Baptized then to suffer to be wet (Luke 10:4).

16 October 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, proves, Faith \ Hearing \ Lord, supersedes, Faith / Hearing / Lord.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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