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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 18:9 Sermon.

JESUS Spirit concerning 3 Nephi in series, also yesterday's Sermon with JESUS Bible Flow and JESUS Backslash, and secularly as read currently a Person explained "I made these changes to all strings involved in creating the upload path" (, so as much as JESUS Way hence Good this is for Giving the Public New Victory Over arithmetic and physics applying from subatomic through Census to beyond the farthest known galaxies as:

Faith \ Hearing \ Lord., agrees with this JESUS Ascending Spirit Bible Formula:

Faith x Hearing = Lord., rather than confusedly in the sense that as a Bible Formula can represent a Flow a Person might suppose that from symbolically haphazard formula:

Hearing x Faith = Lord., that since the Lord exists there can be in a Soul the Lord's Faith and then backward confusedly after-the-fact to Hear (if already in a reverse worldly flow then the exception Ecclesiastes 9:11 can apply), though rather Hear from JESUS then consider toward to opt His Faith: Behold JESUS Soul Gives New Victory Over ibid.).

Platforms Compatibility past and current problem [note secular definitions were confused about the flow direction too, such as with same definitions about backslash and forwardslash (], rather through JESUS Soul Biblically the Flow of Words of the Lord JESUS for to Agree Best For All Apply Faithfully Over the direction of the Flow Maintenance Responsibility, as a secular example of Grace Faith but if to be about strayed fallen and trapped confusions risks [and Legality issues] (pending full repentance and JESUS Savior henceforth Immersion Baptism) has been:

"Platform Path to Ovens Folder

Windows: \products\kitchen\ovens


Unix/Linux: /products/kitchen/ovens"

( [Windows backslash, Mac forwardslash]. Hence with the next Bible Flow Fittingly, which of the previous quote has the Given Gift Opportunity to extend Mercy to and For The Other?: pertinent now is as written at lest to stray (so rather than risk Luke 10:18).

Behold the Power of the JESUS Broadcaster Word!

Be as the Christian Biblical Lamb, the innocent JESUS Christ Guiding Each And All Best, Be Perfect.

So JESUS is the Good Source Giving \ Hearer.

Hearer / JESUS is the Good Source Giving.

So this concerns whether having Broadcast JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Goodness With The 5 Pennies Rule Before The Fact, or

not ["not" referring to such as movie Office Space about illegal and "even if they wanted to, they could never check all that code"

( (].

Anewly JESUS Soul Gives New Victory Over chance that has happened to them all, Ecclesiastes 9:11, as JESUS 2nd Coming Glory Final End Time

Permanent Position(s) Assignments Approaches.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Soul shined a Golden Light, and Gives New Victory Over chance that has happened to them all, Ecclesiastes 9:11, as JESUS 2nd Coming Permanent Position(s) Assignments Approaches, JESUS \ Hearer, is preferred, though Hearer / JESUS, may apply if in backward situations, pertinent to Best Platform Path for physics, algorithms, Windows Mac OS, Unix, and Linux.

("jesus" "members" "one body" -copyright).

At least symbolically, whether a Soul or a Group Spirit, if to be Holy Give Mercy, and Gracefully Lead (see above "henceforth").

3 Nephi 18:9 "And it came to pass that they did so" [as Commanded of JESUS for the Found Worthy fitting with the previous verse They Drank Eucharist Wine]", and did drink of it and were filled; and they gave unto the multitude, and they did drink, and they were filled".

Bible Flow: JESUS Commanded so They "did drink of it and were filled" \ "and they gave unto the multitude" \ "and they did drink, and they were filled".

Bible Formula: JESUS Commanded so They "did drink of it and were filled" = "and they gave unto the multitude" x "and they did drink, and they were filled".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Soul shined a Golden Light, and Gives New Victory Over chance that has happened to them all, Ecclesiastes 9:11, as JESUS 2nd Coming Permanent Position(s) Assignments Approaches, JESUS \ Hearer, is preferred, though Hearer / JESUS, may apply if in backward situations, pertinent to Best Platform Path for physics, algorithms, Windows Mac OS, Unix, and Linux.

"Mary asked the children to pray the rosary for world peace, for the end of World War I, for sinners and for the conversion of Russia"


Yesterday while watching TV and after playing a [violent though tactical yet also strategic toward Good Leadership video game] being careful to not watch toward former addictions specific to my current level amount of faith hence for JESUS hence Best For All,

a golden light appeared on the ceiling about 3' diameter then slowly expanding to double then slowly back

as a golden light appeared also on my heart and chest area about 1' diameter and i unzipped my coat and the golden light was on my tshirt for about 1/2 minute with a mild warming sensation, then both golden lights slowly disappeared.

This happened as often there were many signs in light on relatively dark surfaces mainly ceiling, and yes it is very strange on the ceiling typically, rather than on the floor.

Signs yesterday were of the Ascending Path, JESUS Face [as sometimes seen some days] intermittently with other deformed faces, and a lion face (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 36: see Lamb Victory Over Lion pic with Sermon at, and the Holy Grail.

17 October 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Soul shined a Golden Light, and Gives New Victory Over chance that has happened to them all, Ecclesiastes 9:11, as JESUS 2nd Coming Permanent Position(s) Assignments Approaches, JESUS \ Hearer, is preferred, though Hearer / JESUS, may apply if in backward situations, pertinent to Best Platform Path for physics, algorithms, Windows Mac OS, Unix, and Linux.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.

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