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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 19:21 Through 23 Sermon.
JESUS explained for the People in 3 Nephi 19:21 "Father, I pray thee that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them that shall believe in their words".
JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "Father, I pray thee" \ "that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them" \ "that shall believe in their words".
Look at the word "all". This hardly speaks of the tiny Chapel nor even 10,000 Congregation: rather "all", so Broadcast, not merely text a Friend.
JESUS said "that shall believe in their words": so Likewise You Broadcasting "unto all them" is no longer merely JESUS and rather as much as You
as much as Your Faithful Broadcasting the Words Of JESUS Christ Eternal Good Creator Name as Baptized into His Spirit that You can Likewise Do.
JESUS Bible Formula: "Father, I pray thee" = "that thou wilt give the Holy Ghost unto all them" x "that shall believe in their words".
("jesus" "with all" "wordpress" -© -copyright).
3 Nephi 19:22 "Father, thou hast given them the Holy Ghost because they believe in me; and thou seest that they believe in me because thou hearest them, and they pray unto me; and they pray unto me because I am with them".
"Jesus said to him, 'Because you have seen Me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed' " (John 20:29 Berean Standard Bible).
3 Nephi 19:22 JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "Father, thou hast given them the Holy Ghost because they believe in me; and thou seest that they believe in me because thou hearest them," \ "and they pray unto me;" \ "and they pray unto me because I am with them".
3 Nephi 19:22 JESUS Bible Formula: "Father, thou hast given them the Holy Ghost because they believe in me; and thou seest that they believe in me because thou hearest them," = "and they pray unto me;" x "and they pray unto me because I am with them".
23 "And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me, that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me, that we may be one".
JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me," \ "that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me," \ "that we may be one".
JESUS Bible Formula: "And now Father, I pray unto thee for them, and also for all those who shall believe on their words, that they may believe in me," = "that I may be in them as thou, Father, art in me," x "that we may be one".
High Levels of the JESUS Spirit Father 1 in Heaven just prior to the Immaculate Conception Of JESUS in Mother Mary.
[JESUS Christ "Transfiguration" with] "Moses and Elijah" (With Gladness and Singleness of Heart).
And yesterday's JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermon explained "JESUS Spirit, Gives specifications over the initial step of time travel":
so to have Publicly Broadcast the Biblical starting "step" if to Transfigure Faithfully In JESUS Christ Highest Purpose.
Martha, Martha, JESUS explained, was busy about many things. What does the secular do today? On TV it speaks of such as more drones in the sky and faster trains (yesterday on TV) as if that would reduce pollution but the opposite is true as more energy is required for normal cargo flight than trucking, and as speed increases air resistance increases in quadratic correlation. In JESUS Ascending rather to Faithfully find with JESUS Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal You might [eventually, Faith amount hence an Ascending rate] Transfigure a crop that no one harvested 1,000 years ago, to fill the Community barn today.
So this teaches BIBLICALLY the future system, as generations ago in the Catholic Church it was Prophecied that the Pope today, Pope Francis [Praying yesterday for a Church with open doors (National Catholic Reporter)] would be the last Pope, and likewise with the previous sentence, the naysayer worldly perps, and the secular that was Given JESUS Christ UN Law but has not yet acknowledged it, if to continue such, might find it's system overwhelmed with Better as with the "trucking" perhaps no longer applying (Revelation 22:20) as the secular said toward the start of the Internet
about the doubling effect, hence about machines becoming twice as smart as the previous, and the secular said similar to the above stated "quadratic correlation" such as every 5 years: so this secular as if alone would be alien to the secular that put it's various, including faiths in "gods of destructions" and other types of hard works into it.
Cloaking is already abundant and prolific such as a drone or a satellite (see older Sermons in this Series) can fly over and sense as if secured info: yesterday Pope Francis Prayed, and as seen in this JESUS Sermon today Pope Francis' wish came true already. There are ways to see energies move, to see brain activities, to see how You plan to vote, and in parlors there are games to mentally move objects. Transfiguration is here already, even thousands of years ago and without the need of costly equipment.
30 October 2023 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, answers the Pope's Prayer, demystifies future food and product distribution for the Faithful JESUS Broadcasters Ascending toward All becoming the JESUS 1 Perfect Transfiguration System Authority.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.
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