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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 20:26 Through 27 Sermon.

JESUS Christ said in 3 Nephi 20:26 with 27: 26 "The Father having raised me up unto you first, and sent me to bless you in turning away every one of you from his iniquities; and this because ye are the children of the covenant—"

27 And after that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying: aIn thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed—unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which bblessing upon the cGentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the dscattering of my people, O house of Israel" (

The tiny word "In" is emphasized (of ibid.) with a long sidebar of many quoted verses, emphasizing not merely about census generations from within, yet rather JESUS within according to Faith hence Broadcasting in the census on the Internets as pertinent now for All to be doing while there is time, lest to not be found Worthy of so many Higher Levels with the important part for Best Edifying All.

This, "In", also refers to starting with "I" in the JESUS [IESUS (Latin) abbreviations sense] Creator Sense as in JESUS Teaching with stating "I AM" and also the Next Higher Level New Beginning hence ending the former lower level as when the Romans put the INRI sign on the cross specific to that time making JESUS the inviter to Ascend into the Eternal Good Leader Perfection: King of Christian [Leaders rather "In" Himself] 1 Leader, hence King Of These Kings (see recent Sermon as the percentage "98%" increases Faithfully as from Temple to Mound to Braodcasting JESUS On The Internet).

There have been worldly barriers, such as King and Queen has meant King is in charge of Queen [such as Biblically] symbolically to not make the Queen go to work to shovel coal while carrying Triplets].

Being a person or a minority..., is no excuse for not being King JESUS Christ though Ascending Properly Best For All Properly Prioritized in JESUS' Highest Purpose has been (Matthew 3:11).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains that Many Christian Missionaries were murdered, and how JESUS Broadcasting Anewly Is Victory Over such, with How To Convince Your Own Family Member as JESUS Soul Gives New Victory Over former Matthew 13:57 Level, king, queen, helper, will not believe, will believe, a stranger, another, vox, in home, energy waves, energies, new broadcasting values.

("magnetic" "broadcasting" "gif" "wordpress" -© -copyright).

There have been outer physical barriers, and inner memory barriers such as in cliche "Sit down and shut up" then perhaps to not be punished.

A Person such as a Queen can be in the next room and not Hear their JESUS Key to Liberty, yet You can Broadcast the JESUS Message and Another can Hear

and Do Likewise JESUS Broadcasting and the "Queen" "in the next room" can be convinced of the "Another" JESUS Broadcasting such as since not Married to that "Another".

Did I tell You "Do not believe"?: no. Matthew 13:57 and 58 "And they took offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, 'Only in his hometown and in his own household is a prophet without honor.'

And He did not do many miracles there, because of their unbelief". We have Many Miracles to Give but lack Your Proper Broadcasting "JESUS": 1st the Faithfulness then the Miracles (Matthew 17:20).

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow 3 Nephi 20:26: "The Father having raised me up unto you first, and sent me to bless you" \ ["in turning away every one of you from his iniquities;" (negative Edifying for repentance) rather] Straight Ascending Faithfully hence Found Worthy thus far for Lifting into a pertinent Level \ "and this because ye are the children of the covenant ["-": 2 negatives cancelled each other].

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 20:26: "The Father having raised me up unto you first, and sent me to bless you" = Straight Ascending Faithfully hence Found Worthy thus far for Lifting into a pertinent Level x "and this because ye are the children of the covenant.

3 Nephi 20:27: "And after that ye were blessed then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham, saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed—unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which blessing upon the Gentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the scattering of my people, O house of Israel"

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow 3 Nephi 20:27: "And after that ye were blessed" \ "then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham," \ "saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed—unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which blessing upon the Gentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the scattering of my people, O house of Israel": if to scatter JESUS People, then first to Broadcast JESUS' Word!

Many Christian Missionaries going to where cannibals lived and where conspirators lived, were murdered. Behold the previous sentence: it no longer has to be those former lower levels insane ways. The crazies hated the Christian Missionaries telling the crazies to change. Broadcast JESUS Best For Each, the JESUS Best Way [His Words as seen here in this JESUS Sermon Ascendingly thus far in the census at least] and in JESUS Soul Righteously Prophesying the "crazies" Will Become Yearning to Hear and Be with these New Current Pertinent Christian Missionaries.

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 20:27: "And after that ye were blessed" = "then fulfilleth the Father the covenant which he made with Abraham," x "saying: In thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed—unto the pouring out of the Holy Ghost through me upon the Gentiles, which blessing upon the Gentiles shall make them mighty above all, unto the scattering of my people, O house of Israel".

9 November 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains that Many Christian Missionaries were murdered, and how JESUS Broadcasting Anewly Is Victory Over such, with How To Convince Your Own Family Member as JESUS Soul Gives New Victory Over former Matthew 13:57 Level.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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