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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 22:11 Through 13 Sermon.

JESUS said in verse 11 "O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest, and not comforted! Behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors, and lay thy foundations with sapphires".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest," ["and not comforted" is a negative (see previous) so rather be comforted (JESUS Christ in the census about 2,000 years ago, in 34 AD, appeared His Disciples in the form of the Holy Ghost Mark 6:49) (Joy in the Lord: JESUS Christ UN with Amusement Parks)]"!" \ "Behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors," [Heaven and Earth (Genesis 9:13)] (JESUS Faithful Exemplar New Higher Level Maintenance Responsibility: Walk On Water) \ "and lay thy foundations with sapphires".

JESUS Bible Formula as JESUS Bible Flow explained: "O thou afflicted, tossed with tempest," be comforted in JESUS Holy Ghost Father Together As 1 Christ Pillar With Rejoicing! = "Behold, I will lay thy stones with fair colors," x "and lay thy foundations with sapphires".

12 "And I will make thy windows of agates, and thy gates of carbuncles, and all thy borders of pleasant stones"

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "And I will make thy windows of agates," \ "and thy gates of carbuncles," \ "and all thy borders of pleasant stones".

Pertinent as You might opt is that in front of my residence where JESUS is Broadcast i placed heavy white toward clear also mid size and small carbuncles with the larger ones near the front window and of quartz that channel energies for good for the right purposes in JESUS Christ [lest other (as concerning white blood cells)] for beautification and my background in Ultrasonic Testing, UT; and also the dark red abrasive lava rocks [agates are dark red] about cleansing (Exodus 12:22) (in this Series Holy Grail at Oak Island in 4th Testament Bible Code) (verses 11 & 12 reference Revelation 21:18–21).

JESUS Bible Formula: "And I will make thy windows of agates," = "and thy gates of carbuncles," x "and all thy borders of pleasant stones".

13 "And aall thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the bpeace of thy children".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "And all thy children" \ "shall be taught of the Lord;" \ "and great shall be the peace of thy children".

JESUS Bible Formula: "And all thy children" = "shall be taught of the Lord;" x "and great shall be the peace of thy children".

JESUS Bible Formulae Anewly: A Bible Formula within a Bible Formula: "And all thy children" = "shall be taught of the Lord;" x "and great shall be the peace" {Peace = Patience x Kindness} "of thy children".

"All four wheels were alike; each one shone like a precious stone, and each had another wheel intersecting it at right angles," (Ezekiel 1:16 Good News Translation) as a Church Bus with wheels

that also serve as gyroscopes such as utilized in guidance, and such as conditionally on bikes for stability, increasingly where engines are located: and pertinent likewise see the "Bucky Ball tech"

pic on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 19 at

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, provides Anewly a Bible Formula within a Bible Formula hence this New Level Of Faith With This Current Civilization Discovery in a JESUS Precept within a JESUS Precept Sprouting of, hence x, likewise hence times, Word Seed Growingly, in JESUS name, trammel net, Doppler Effect missed the point, Christian Effect, transparent, traceability, centerline, center line, Ascending.

(Google search: "umbrella" "net" "fishing" "wordpress" -© -copyright).

Look at how the Bible reveres the word "formula" [Guides lower levels Anewly, yet continues to Straight Up Guide from Above], as written [with intro] "The Anointing Oil 'And you are to tell the Israelites, ‘This will be My sacred anointing oil for the generations to come. 32It must not be used to anoint an ordinary man, and you must not make anything like it with the same formula. It is holy, and it must be holy to you. 33Anyone who mixes perfume like it or puts it on an outsider shall be cut off from his people.’ ” ( [sic].

"When Jesus had finished speaking, He said to Simon, “Put out into deep water and let down your nets for a catch." (Luke 5:4 Berean Standard Bible).

"The First Disciples" 17 " 'Come, follow Me,' Jesus said, 'and I will make you fishers of men.' " 18 "And at once they left their nets and followed Him" (

The fish that continue free can circle the umbrella net (JESUS Tube Parameter illustrations on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35), fearing to become food hence part of Humans, yet JESUS Christ Exemplar Invites.

Perhaps with bait in the center, that circling is as worldliness circling the Ascending Centerline Faith, such as "Doppler Effect" though "Christian Effect" in recent Sermons is as Discovering

Faithfully the JESUS New Better InterNet Lifting Dimension Firmament Value(s) Standardizing Faith. "Doppler" from center [grabbing a bite then fleeing] from center to astray opted confusions (John 3:7)

so "Doppler" confusions have been as to think to go to Church but to miss the Church Bus and hear the relativity [hence ambiguous] sounds of it becoming distant.

Do You see the JESUS Exemplar Faith Given Wisdom Victory Over confusions and rather Becoming More Wise, in these His Words? (Eucharist).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, provides Anewly a Bible Formula within a Bible Formula hence this New Level Of Faith With This Current Civilization Discovery in a JESUS Precept within a JESUS Precept Sprouting of, hence x, likewise hence times, Word Seed Growingly, in JESUS name, trammel net, Doppler Effect missed the point, Christian Effect, transparent, traceability, centerline, center line, Ascending.


24 November 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, provides Anewly a Bible Formula within a Bible Formula hence this New Level Of Faith With This Current Civilization Discovery in a JESUS Precept within a JESUS Precept Sprouting of, hence x, likewise hence times, Word Seed Growingly, in JESUS name, trammel net, Doppler Effect missed the point, Christian Effect, transparent, traceability, centerline, center line, Ascending.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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