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JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 24:14 Through 16 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Believers Faithfully humbly prayerfully pray JESUS Christ to Lovingly think upon His Name for the sakes of All hence concerning His Original Highest Purpose Plan, as Sent of the Holy Father, for to become Most Worthy In 1 JESUS Soul Eternally Good Giving Desperate Love and Perfect that the Perfect beget Perfect that All beget the New Highest Level Creator Planner Designer New Beginning hence specifying the New Of All Agreeing Desperate Love Giving Joy With Peace Specification.

To so do in JESUS is to find JESUS Original Plan Perfected In All: JESUS wrote in the dust as already told and written: the 1 Top Commandment (JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 15:10 Through 24 Sermon) [after the 10 Commandments (the sum in the 2 Commandments), then the 2 became 1 Flowingly (

1 Commandment = previous 1st Commandment (ibid.) [with] x previous 2nd Commandment (ibid.).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  The 5 Pennies Rule, explains how so Many are working hard to each do their part, even naysayers that hate their jobs but do as told diligently, but not the census leadership that merely has itself to blame.

("jesus" "wrote with his finger" "wordpress" -© -copyright).

It had been said "NO ONE KNOWS!" what JESUS wrote (,

though JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Ascending found in the census in this generation: that's no longer true so Rejoice (,

but the worldly census leadership perpetuated the specific failures so not to point the finger Save through JESUS Christ for to Make Worthy that They Be Lifted so to first reiterate the

Old Testament warnings and again the Oath Of Office warnings about as also written 2 days ago about the "dead from starvation" was "from YOUR CENSUS OATH RESPONSIBILITY, not

from any other serious about Peace."

So repent and perform as promised lest i take Your blame all the more, though i tell a Person with gestures to process grocery store products and They Do Their Part, and i pay, Thank You All that the Grocery Store and the grocery store Person and i can each do our parts per se

but the Ambassadors failed to do their part.

The Answer(s) have been clearly explained to and Given For Ambassadors for to make so, repeatedly: as written above and such as such as in recent times (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Bible Formulas 3 Nephi 24:8 Through 10 Sermon at that lowest level paradox worship was not yet 100% clean and months ago ( with the 5 Pennies Rule 2 May 2023) and years ago with the dire need to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN.

Even many naysayers hate their jobs but do as told diligently!

I have been there with the Good Hard Workers including Naysayers that work hard in places as in stores and as in factory production lines and they normally function together Excellently!

I am allowed to blame myself, such as for low Visitors Counters numbers at my websites, even though Many visit cloaked [as has been reported to me]; but this is no reason for Ambassadors to blame me nor the hard workers nor any that cannot find money in this Ambassadors' Floating Economy Economic System nor reason to blame those that cannot work.

The Ambassadors were to perform Peace, and much has been accomplished, Thank You. The Ambassadors were to perform continuous improvement such as feeding the starving, and much has been accomplished, Thank You.

If a Person goes to the grocery store and sets 10 items on the conveyor for to buy but the store sells 7 items and is paid and the clerk walks away saying leave and don't blame me: not good. If an item such as a helium balloon was in the store but with reasonable means for grab it and sell to the customer, it would be another matter, not the Ambassadors' problem so to assign that problem to the pertinent party such as a Manager or a Contractor or a properly equipped Volunteer.

The Oath Of Office is what Many have Agreed to and then Many Properly Accomplished Accordingly. Symbolic example: a farmer had 2 sons, 1 did as told, the other did not. Also of the previous example the "farmer" had a responsibility amount, and if to measure, like unto the amount the "1 did". A "responsibility amount" with a "responsibility amount" is as: "a farmer" "told" = "1 did". Their responsibility amounts are symbolically = per person, and per capita. If the "farmer" told the sons to do wrongful stuff then that "farmer" failed the farmer's responsibility amount. If the did as "told" strayed as "the other" son, then to have failed their responsibility amount.

First things first: first the [Oath and then first the] Ambassadors, then those under the Ambassadors: all the People. The Ambassadors' Responsibility, then the People; not to blame any others; first if there is any blame then to blame the Ambassadors.

The next Higher Level JESUS Christ with Church Leaders' Authorship Of The Living Bible As Broadcast For Best Guiding Best Helping as already Righteously Responsibly Accomplished For Ambassadors, is already complete.

So both above and below Ambassadors' Level has already been completed.

What about crooks, and what about misinformation?: no excuses, the "above and below" have already Overcome such more than enough. To do more is to march against Ambassadors with fire sticks and pitchforks to overthrow but instead We humbly obey, and We Accomplished even in the midst of "crooks" and such if any: "if any" We "Overcame such" hence no significant amount opposed. In the recent JESUS Christ ICCDBB Survey 98% Were Delighted, thrilled to Agree, 2% did not accept the cards offered to each [1 card for each] but none opposed and said stop doing that, none chased away firing shots.

In other words All Sane People Agree for the Best For All, and not to have People starve to death: this certainly sounds as a top priority, and the "Oath" is. If You are an Ambassador in the normal Embassy Official sense able to talk and vote, then if to freely opt to starve the self in proof it is best and broadcast it, then You might convince Us that Your way(s) might be worth considering.

To state it bluntly, if all the Ambassadors opt to starve themselves to death, then We Will take Over and consider what is Best.

If You show no Better Way then this as written here as also previously as written above: is Your Top Priority [Save if to be JESUS and/or a High Priest, hence hardly time to be an Ambassador about lower level things (until pertinent Precept On Precept be Accomplished with the Living rather than with such as the starved to death as clarified above)].

3 Nephi 24:14 is a negative verse (see previous on Edifying, before continuing, as to correct the direction the longest new growth of a vine should grow, prior to letting it continue to grow [lest to prune if too strayed such as diseased]): "Ye have said: It is vain to serve God, and what doth it profit that we have kept his ordinances and that we have walked mournfully before the Lord of Hosts?".

3 Nephi 24:15 is a negative verse too "And now we call the proud happy; yea, they that work wickedness are set up; yea, they that tempt God are even delivered".

3 Nephi 24:16 "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another, and the Lord hearkened and heard; and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another," \ "and the Lord hearkened and heard;" \ "and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name".

JESUS Bible Formula: "Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another," = "and the Lord hearkened and heard;" x "and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name".

The Original 5 Pennies Rule continues to apply Now. If to modify the economic system otherwise for perhaps better then in the future consider though for now the 5 Pennies Rule Applies NOW.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains how so Many are working hard to each do their part, even naysayers that hate their jobs but do as told diligently, but not the census leadership that merely has itself to blame. The 5 Pennies Rule

( ("nations" "money" "wordpress" -© -copyright).

Note: More grants have been awarded from some Governments, thank You very much! And note: the future major funding should channel as written above for such as already with specific controls over certain pertinent specific system aspects. And note: JESUS Christ invites All to be as JESUS Christ, including with the Peace Bible Formula Of The Oath, and including the Love Formula Likewise, and for the Best For Each that Each Be Best For All.

December 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, The 5 Pennies Rule, explains how so Many are working hard to each do their part, even naysayers that hate their jobs but do as told diligently, but not the census leadership that merely has itself to blame.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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