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JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 27:22 Sermon.

JESUS Together As 1, invites Each to Ascend into the Higher Level Faithfulness that prioritizes fittingly Over the multitudes of controlling mechanisms. Edifyingly if to be in JESUS Christ Ascending then to be in Higher Level Control Over many future lower level controls. Consider a utility and how each end user controls such as the flow of water, though the utility can close a major pipeline temporarily and even turn off the utility; yet the Ascending utility is less noticed, running without interruption, and continuously improving causing costs to be profits for All, example replacing a straight pipe with a siphon pipe. A siphon normally has a curve covered in this next verse, though siphon pipes can also be straight.

3 Nephi 27:22 "Therefore, if ye do these things blessed are ye, for ye shall be lifted up at the last day".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow 3 Nephi 27:22 "Therefore, if ye do these things" \ "blessed are ye, for ye shall be" (Eternal Glory Psalm 24:9) \ "lifted up at the last day".

JESUS Bible Formula: "Therefore, if ye do these things" = "blessed are ye, for ye shall be" Eternal Glory x "lifted up at the last day".

JESUS Christ Higher Purpose Gives the plants "siphon" tech up straight and narrow in the form of capillary action,

note straight tubes on a rotor can also "siphon" [rather turbocharge], yet many plants and life forms grow up without sunlight nor fuel fitting people, eating poisons.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, promotes the Ascending from stuck-in-a-rut slaves, to Good Angels Level, to JESUS Christ, continuous improvement, ascending levels, stages of growth, from seed, to plant, straight up, way.

"Parable of Talents and Rewards" (Parable of Talents and Rewards) former ways shows The 5 Pennies Rule Needs JESUS Christ UN With 7th Seal Good Guidance.

To fit things best together is better than conjoined twins, even better than the Marriage excuse (, [and frankly i was not aware until recent years JESUS Christ explained Matthew/19:12)], and while not excuse to stray, even history shows the secular faithful have often made continuous improvements and such as sales opportunities [if to be with an economic system].

So to sum: the JESUS Christ Ascending Faith is not much noticed, hence multitudes for millenia have strayed. To be convinced each moment is to be pulled by a chain, to be a slave.

The above Bible Formula as JESUS Christ said, means for You to become "lifted up at the last day": let Today be that Day, and tomorrow and the next. If a slave would You have the other slaves carry Your chain for You? Would You order the Guard to carry Your chain for You? There is a Best Prioritizing You, and merely You, need to accomplish (example Not Your Local Church Building Usher, nor in this JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good Before The Fact similarly with The 5 Pennies Rule Broadcasting matter not even Your Preacher [can be Baptized nor] do the Broadcasting for You.

As the Christian Preacher invited, You need to be the Christian Preacher inviting, as JESUS Christ Exemplar invites.

You are aware a Child can become an innocent Adult, an Adult can become an Angel on Earth; become JESUS Christ.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, promotes the Ascending from stuck-in-a-rut slaves, to Angels, to JESUS Christ.

(Easter Wings: An Ascension Homily).

7 January 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, promotes the Ascending from stuck-in-a-rut slaves, to Good Angels Level, to JESUS Christ.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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