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JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 27:24 Sermon.

JESUS In The Immaculate Conception invites all [plural] to be JESUS Christ The Best The Perfect Good Creator [singular], as each [of the "all" hoped to be creator and respected and appreciated]. The Immaculate Conception Mother Mary invites all though this Level concerns as much as Virgin continuingly hence this concerns JESUS Christ Level.

This JESUS Soul Sermon explains the JESUS Ascending Flow is more important than the Formula, Save these fit together, similar to how the Baptizer is Over the yet to be Baptized, and as humbly a little lower the vegetable seed determines the type of vegetable that would grow (John 19:11 example JESUS Good Creator Highest Purpose in a situation Over chance, Ecclesiastes 9:11, in some situations may include such as DNA modifiers).

Your option each moment effects Your entire future

Save in JESUS Good Christ Ascending is Entering into the Already Perfect JESUS Best Creator Eternally!

JESUS said in 3 Nephi 27:24 "Write the works of this people, which shall be, even as hath been written, of that which hath been".

From Immaculate JESUS these words: "Write the works of this people,": "which shall be," means through JESUS Righteously Prophesy, and also recordkeeping literally and also Anewly [continuously improving future, present, and past: that all be JESUS Best Creator Perfect] "even as hath been written, of that which hath been".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow 3 Nephi 27:24 Edifyingly Inviting all types to Ascend into 1 Best: "Write the works of this people,": \ "which shall be," means through JESUS Righteously Prophesy, and also recordkeeping literally and also Anewly [continuously improving future, present, and past: that all be JESUS Best Creator Perfect] \ "even as hath been written, of that which hath been".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow 3 Nephi 27:24 concisely: "Write the works of this people," \ "which shall be," \ "even as hath been written, of that which hath been".

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 27:24: "Write the works of this people," = "which shall be," x "even as hath been written, of that which hath been".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Guides Anewly for how to be Immaculate inviting all in the virgin sense to repent and be Baptized beyond Abrahamic Code Victory of the past, and now with the Brand New Type Of Huge Population Explosion, Angel, angels, shepherds, left their, flocks, sheep, traveled, journeyed, to see, the new, newborn, baby, infant, jesus, christ, newborns, souls, spirits, more than stars in the sky

"I need to talk to more people about God and what he has done and is doing for me. I really depend on the Lord to help me"


Can You imagine being good, and wondering about the stars and the heavens and being out in the wilderness, and a Heavenly Angel Appears inviting You, making You Aware of the whereabouts of the Immaculate JESUS Christ, and how You leave Your livelihood raising sheep, and travel: Behold: the infant King Your Good Innocent Creator!

"Innocent" is a secular word yet in a High Level like [toward] the word "Immaculate" concerning [through JESUS Christ Inviting including with Baptism and Ascending] humble Prayerful Noble Family Head JESUS Creator Highest Purpose Leader [as many as so Ascend Faithfully in] Honor and Glory [rather than merely according to not good enough "Laws of Warfare" (].


jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Guides Anewly for how to be Immaculate inviting all in the virgin sense to repent and be Baptized beyond Abrahamic Code Victory of the past, and now with the Brand New Type Of Huge Population Explosion, fear JESUS Christ, Mother Mary, the immaculate conception


There is a lower level JESUS and a Higher Level JESUS, just as there is an electrical outlet and there is a high power electric mainline for merely the worthy to attend, but the electric in this civilization has been about high risks works of hands (example Ben Franklin inviting lightning) and the writers about such. It seem from lower levels worldly experiences to be for wars and risks, wrong, not innocent.

The secular told You many lies, multitudes more than the Preachers; and the secular is not necessarily the lower level perps that opt to stray hence favoring lies that trap themselves in confusions. So the innocent legally, tells lies, the proof is that there are in courts both prosecutor and defense, one favoring the innocent and one favoring the guilty: let it be said again so You are clearly thinking about secular level of knowledge: secular knowledge has been for "one favoring the guilty".

Immaculate Favors The Immaculate. This is the JESUS Christ Grace as written in Law Now, These Very Years. No parents to blame, no people in history to blame, this concerns You Personally Now.

In JESUS Ascendingly in such Faith yet with Miracle Awareness hence Edifyingly Broadcasting: consider briefly the number of cells in the body that reproduce, and the number of lives that swam with long tails on important mission but did not reach the egg (recent Sermons on zygote Souls and similar); rather than despair the Joyous Redeeming Point in JESUS Christ is Baptism, such as Victory Over conjoined twins, Victory Over lower level yearnings and Victory Over that thing that scared so many about whether to have babies [reason to have babies becomes rather JESUS Immaculate Wisdom with]; there are already more Souls than the Shepherds saw stars (background story reference Jeremiah 33:22)

for all "the cells in the body", as many as reproduce, reproduce Your Good Guidance [generally] and the Good Guidance of other People likewise, and this same Good Guidance as much as Good is from JESUS Christ with the Good as much as in each Soul through Generations, not merely of earthly origin. In other words, how often do You see new stars in the sky being born?

We have had a yen for the lower, and now We legally are with JESUS Christ UN Good Guidance!

We are not required by Law to be fruitful and multiply.

Clarifying (previous Sermons in this Series) JESUS Christ [singular: 1 Name Soul Father Spirit Strength Blood Heart Eternal Good Way Highest Purpose Eucharist] is Victory Over if each and if any other stray opted ways: Victory Over "like one of Us" [plural].

So as clarified above We have already Victory Over "God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and subdue it; rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth' " (Genesis 1:28 Berean Standard Bible) as JESUS Christ Guides, with also unseen unread lower level guiding as much as the good part of the Tree Of Knowledge. The Good amount continues.

We are at Peace as never before since the Garden Of Eden (see the graph JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 34). We already populated the Earth, We don't have to be about making babies about Abrahamic lower levels ways [also such as We in JESUS 1 don't have to scratch the ground the same ways Abraham tried]. And without the major wars and with all this Peace there is the current Huge Population Explosion!!!

Can You imagine that in the near future the People can suck up the oceans in 1 generation?

This certainly does not say start wars, rather the opposite: Ascend to be 1 JESUS Good Creator Perfect, Worthy Of Appreciation, able to Create many waters.

This New JESUS Immaculate stage [era] is the Beginning of a Great New Adjustment as had been unimagined in the created.

From the Beginning as All Hoped, JESUS Christ is Victory Over "So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them" (Genesis 1:27) Anewly in this Generation and even as made public this date.

9 January 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Guides Anewly for how to be Immaculate inviting all in the virgin sense to repent and be Baptized beyond Abrahamic Code Victory of the past, and now with the Brand New Type Of Huge Population Explosion, more than stars seen in the sky.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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