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JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 27:32 Sermon.

JESUS Christ the Righteous Prophet Exemplar for Each and All to Be, Righteously Prophesied "of the fourth generation from this generation, for they are led away captive by him even as was the son of perdition; for they will sell me for silver and for gold, and for that which moth doth corrupt and which thieves can break through and steal" (from 3 Nephi 27:32).

Many People opted the lower levels rather than Eunuch Level Faith (Matthew 19:12) so Married young, and as JESUS Prophesied Behold the 100 year mark.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, sails Straight through the strayed that opted to be risk takers that fell into their complex snares confusions, to Best Give JESUS Soul For All to Be, revealing even more of JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying Faith Before The Fact Pertinent Now in census and Holy Timespace New Standard, and Over Purgatory.


They relied on word of mouth for 2 decades then felt the need to record [to JESUS Broadcast] [rather to JESUS Faithfully Broadcast (see above "Exemplar")].

Then, much as the letter of the Law Scribes, they saw that the JESUS [with Apostles] info was written so Wrongly stopped writing ("fourth" also fits 4th Testament: JESUS' GodMath Testament).

3 Nephi 27:32: "But behold, it sorroweth me because of the fourth generation from this generation, for they are led away captive by him even as was the son of perdition; for they will sell me for silver and for gold, and for that which moth doth corrupt and which thieves can break through and steal. And in that day will I visit them, even in turning their works upon their own heads". Concerning the positive (previous Sermons explained about the negative, rather Before The Fact), here are some key components that fit together to form the JESUS Good of 3 Nephi 27:32: "behold" do JESUS Christ Good Faith Guiding All Now, prior to "the fourth generation from this generation" as Miracles are continuing so JESUS Guide them to be Aware the Good Miracles come from His Good Faith in [Giving from] You JESUS "will" "visit them" for to find EACH Worthy Of [to be Lifted Heavenward] Reward.

JESUS Bible Flow 3 Nephi 27:32: "behold" do JESUS Christ Good Faith Guiding All Now, \ prior to "the fourth generation from this generation" as Miracles are continuing so JESUS Guide them to be Aware the Good Miracles come from His Good Faith \ in [Giving from] You JESUS "will" "visit them" for to find EACH Worthy Of [to be Lifted Heavenward] Reward.

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 27:32: "behold" do JESUS Christ Good Faith Guiding All Now, = prior to "the fourth generation from this generation" as Miracles are continuing so JESUS Guide them to be Aware the Good Miracles come from His Good Faith x in [Giving from] You JESUS "will" "visit them" for to find EACH Worthy Of [to be Lifted Heavenward] Reward.

JESUS Soul Gives this New Translation even though merely from the lower level former old, yet through JESUS Christ Anewly Brand New.

"I will muse upon Your precepts And look upon Your" ["ways" from lower levels guesses, rather Way] [Legacy Standard Bible], JESUS Broadcasting and in recordkeeping on the Internet; and similarly

"I" [the Lord is my Shepherd i shall not "want" hence will] "to reflect on your guiding principles and study your ways" [GOD'S WORDŽ Translation] ( from the Original "Hebrew" each part cohortatively Flows from "plural" to "singular").

Adam and Eve were in the Garden Of Eden awhile, then lower level hence relatively uncivilized, until Abram was found Worthy to be Abraham. So with little exception Our Civilization [Eunuch Level] did not start until Abram was found Worthy.

JESUS said "Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things" (Luke 10:41), and true back then and today. Martha's brain symbolically is shown, and under are current distractions.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, sails Straight through the strayed that opted to be risk takers that fell into their complex snares confusions, to Best Give JESUS Soul For All to Be, revealing even more of JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying Faith Before The Fact Pertinent Now in census and Holy Timespace New Standard, and Over Purgatory.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, sails Straight through the strayed that opted to be risk takers that fell into their complex snares confusions, to Best Give JESUS Soul For All to Be, revealing even more of JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying Faith Before The Fact Pertinent Now in census and Holy Timespace New Standard, and Over Purgatory.


"Abraham, Abraham, behold, my name is Jehovah, and I have heard thee, and have come down to deliver thee," (The Book Of Genesis from Ancient Egypt from The Book Of Abraham); Abraham lived in census 2,000 BC (

From 2,000 BC to JESUS year 0 to 2,000 AD is a Standard Of Time, such as for reference if to time travel, in the sense of JESUS All 1 Protecting such (see older Sermons in this Series on crucifixion with time space UFO types travelers in the sky); including Abraham census life prior to 2,000 BC through these JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal years currently. This 4,000 years with some JESUS Grace either side, is a JESUS Christ New Holy Time Standard, and Edifyingly the lower levels are not to change this Holy Standard Timeline Reference [point, Godsling].

And JESUS Christ Gives This New Holy Standard concerning Purgatory, at least previously as opted of mixed spirits with many strayed and many lost and [complexly to them] confused souls; as Purgatory bragged [as if owning JESUS Christ unrepentant, rather confessed as NEEDFUL IS ASCENDING IN JESUS CHRIST] "JESUS Christ is sitting right here beside me", yet JESUS Christ Guided Stating "If you were blind, you would not be guilty of sin; but now that you claim you can see, your guilt remains" (John 9:41 NIV).

All JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Over the current situation is becoming revealed prior to end time as pertinent as written in 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 GW "Things that can be seen are only temporary. But things that can't be seen last forever.".

18 January 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, sails Straight through the strayed that opted to be risk takers that fell into their complex snares confusions, to Best Give JESUS Soul For All to Be, revealing even more of JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesying Faith Before The Fact Pertinent Now in census and Holy Timespace New Standard, and Over Purgatory.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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