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JESUS Christmas Bible Formulas Series Highlighting 3 Nephi 27:5 Sermon.

JESUS Christmas is stated for to Help a Helper: government has stated for decaded "No one left behind", so this Sermon is for to not leave "government" "behind" for to complete the Best For All!

In JESUS Christ, secular government as a group Higher Level than census count is to Honor the Oath Of Office in JESUS' Name, including Matthew 19:6 New American Standard Bible "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no person is to separate";

as Oath Of Office Agrees in JESUS' Name With Christian Faith Leadership including John The Baptist, as Christian Baptism brings into merely 1 Soul into JESUS Christ: JESUS Christ Mass: JESUS Christmas; yet the Soul without the sins of the census: hence superseding previous traditional Christian Marriage level (example

Marriage is a legal secular trust yet moreso in Higher Level Faithful Grace for to be Most Worthy, including Worthiness for to Raise a Family.

JESUS' Oath Government "trust" per se is Over Every And All Individuals Families, 2,000 years ago, yet now to Supersede as JESUS Proved Oath Of Office Higher Level, In JESUS Christ!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, with Oath Of Office explains some Higher Levels Than Marriage, with how the Faith Of John The Baptist Ascended Into JESUS Christ Name Soul Spirit Faithfulness Miraculously as JESUS is the Gift, Best Gift, for Christmas!


3 Nephi 27:5 "Have they not read the scriptures, which say ye must take upon you the aname of Christ, which is my name? For by this name shall ye be called at the last day;".

JESUS Triadic Centerline Ascending Flow: "Have they not" (see previous sermons on negative) hence from past to Prophetic "read the scriptures, which say" \

"ye must take upon you the name of Christ" JESUS"[, which is"] \ "my name" [from little Faith "?" to JESUS Soul (stated above)] "For by this name shall ye be called at the last day;".

JESUS Bible Formula: "read the scriptures, which say" = "ye must take upon you the name of Christ" JESUS" x "my name" "For by this name shall ye be called at the last day;".

So Corporations are Guided to Ascend to JESUS Christ Oath Government Level, as All are likewise Guided: Best For Each An All! This is a great JESUS Government Victory Over tribulation that scared so many about such days [see recent Victory concerning Law Over "willful ignorance" (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons List Page 38 at].

Consider how the GOOD Child behaved not opening presents prior to Christmas, nor as much as peeking [normally subsequently the Child or such an Employee would be Promoted].

Similar to the above and Symbolically for Christmas Celebration: Promoted = John The Baptist revering Becoming JESUS Soul.

As John The Baptist made His Faithful self humble revering JESUS Christ yet Entrusted in the Higher Level Step to Baptize JESUS Christ He [John The Baptist already in JESUS' Soul] Became Soul in the Flesh, in other words it became no longer merely Faith as it Became The Miracle after JESUS Christ' Faith in John The Baptist's Faithful Baptism Methodology with Processing.

We Broadcast JESUS Christ in many ways.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, with Oath Of Office explains some Higher Levels Than Marriage, with how the Faith Of John The Baptist Ascended Into JESUS Christ Name Soul Spirit Faithfulness Miraculously! The Gift of JESUS, changed the life of John the Baptist, Christmas boat show, Christmas boats, Parade, floatilla


Merely 1 Way Is Most Needful.

Merry Christmas!

25 December 2023 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, with Oath Of Office explains some Higher Levels Than Marriage, with how the Faith Of John The Baptist Ascended Into JESUS Christ Name Soul Spirit Faithfulness Miraculously!

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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