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JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 28:30 Sermon.

JESUS said "And they are as the angels of God, and if they shall pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus they can show themselves unto whatsoever man it seemeth them good" referring to what all people should be, and as if the many with JESUS Christ right there with them but no.

As in the Census [same in Purgatory], those with JESUS Christ largely have nothing to do with JESUS Christ and instead opt to commit sins breaking all laws for personal selfishness. In the public census Herod ordered all the babies in the whole region to be killed in order to kill JESUS, and the employed for selfish money the soldiers did so willingly opted astrayed and fallen from Grace to be immoral and from Law to be perps;

and in the Temple [also symbolizing Purgatory] many of the Temple Leaders similarly plotted to kill JESUS Christ; as written "they plotted to kill him" (Genesis 37:18).

JESUS Christ and i [from His Bar Of Judgement uniquely as far as i am aware] are aware of such plots, as written and as Sworn into Offices. Many Preached about the importance of gain Higher Level Positions, and true, though if in JESUS Christ Ascending Faithfully.

I just Googled "JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal", "About 2 results (0.32 seconds)". Enoch walked with God and was seen no more in the lower levels. Elijah Guided the horses pulling the chariot and Elijah and the horses were seen no more in the lower levels as formerly stated in lower levels yet as written from 2 Kings 2:11 the horses and chariot were not census but spirit levels ..."chariot of fire with horses of fire appeared and separated the two of them, and Elijah went up into heaven in a whirlwind".

Former lower levels saw murders, higher saw the form of a dove, and written this day the Higher Level sees JESUS Christ The Baptized sometimes in the Census and/or sometimes in JESUS Father Ghost Spirit shown here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, reveals the JESUS New Story that had been about the Baptismal Dove, and likewise New JESUS Victory Over yet Honoring without worshipping the wrongly conjoined and the slime.


About New Birth Baptism, these words "They were taken outside the city and there they had the special privilege of seeing Jesus ascend" (ibid.) are pertinent after leaving the tomb.

Does the good hard working employee stare at the Boss, no, such has been about strayed opted flirtatious gazing (covered previously in this Series). As written in Luke 10:3 "Go! I am sending you out like lambs among wolves" and there will You find me and in Your travels and when You return, as much as for Your sake, and as You Best Guide Yours (Maintenance Responsibility for Automating as much as in JESUS Christ Ascending Highest Purpose) as JESUS Christ Amount in the Ascending Gathers.

JESUS Bible Flow 3 Nephi 28:30 "And they are as the angels of God, and if they shall pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus" / "they can show themselves" \ "unto whatsoever"..."it seemeth them good"; not merely to "man" nor merely to mankind, as written in Mark 16:15 New International Version "He said to them, 'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation' ".

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 28:30 "And they are as the angels of God, and if they shall pray unto the Father in the name of Jesus" = "they can show themselves" x "unto whatsoever" "it seemeth them good".

Sheep in general are aware of the Way for to return, even if selfishly, hence show All 1st Daily then though at liberty [such as free to roam within a fence that keeps out hungry wolves and keeps sheep safe from pitfalls] yet when the Shepherd sets out delicious nutritious food then the Sheep [in Automatic Maintenance] are alert to come leaping.

JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good Before The Fact is to Evangelize and to Lift The Worthy. And if to Evangelize, in other words if through JESUS Christ Name Soul Spirit Agreed In Baptizing to lift the new found strays, then what have You gathered prior to full repentance?, You, We, JESUS Together In 1 has gathered the lower levels sinners about former strayed and fallen ways.

Did i tell You to gather waste to give to me?, even so, You are Sent to Gather The Fishers Of Leaders throughout the created. And what good is it to approach a perp and Righteously call them slime, even though You might find them at the bottom of the pit reveling in wild abandon group slime about slaves bought and with hired guns?: rather honor them as You honor JESUS Christ and in JESUS Name And Spirit invite, lest to self glory to make Thyself vulnerable to Them to be enslaved as They have been including the revelers over the others there (the Good Angel Ascendingly Yet On Mission is as written at

So what also is learned from the previous link? a worldly person does not know how to recant on their deathbed, also knowing does not equal JESUS Christ Inviting With His Faithfully Ascending Souls.

Though when Found Straight Worthy then JESUS Ascending Reveals the larger pasture with more foods flavors so to speak though in More Worthy Moments also the bittersweet (Revelation 10:9). To plan to humbly Pray JESUS Christ then JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Broadcast each morning is delightfully sweet, but to make Yourself start doing it is bitter.

And after Ascending through many Sermons, and not merely repeating, rather lower level previous Sermon thing onto Higher Level JESUS Sermon Afreshingly [His Spirit New To Your Faithfulness] comes His Highest Purpose Plan revealed in His Sermons come as Delightfully Sweet, or as "bitter" if not Straight as JESUS Christ Is, and Behold: this is true for You the Evangelist, and Equally as true for You the Evangelized: this means the Newbie can Leap Over Your Greatly Revered level (or worse see above on the former "Temple Leaders" that were actually conspirators for immoral illegal murder).

Hard to imagine, yet as true for so Many: "servant is not greater than his master" (John 15:20) JESUS Christ. And this is said from a person having been successful with JESUS Christ at His Bar Of Judgement.

My embarrassment is normal to the amount of embarrassment the next person is subject to as much as created equal in His Best Spirit prior to the created.

The conjoined can opt JESUS Christ New Hope as stated above. And also note "separated the two of them", even if the secular did not; and if to "separate" then for the sakes of those present publicly, importantly like unto JESUS Broadcasting is "publicly" ( and what about failure in shame and being humiliated in public by naysayers [(Proverbs 13:18 & 1 Corinthians 10:13) though in recent days Sermons first was the imprisonment shame, then the Glory]!

So likewise "the JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Broadcasters Discovered the New Tree Of Good the 7th Seal" (previous in this Series) the Tree Of Knowledge Save Through JESUS Christ The Whole Good including the converted other!

28 January 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, reveals the JESUS New Story that had been about the Baptismal Dove, and likewise New JESUS Victory Over yet Honoring without worshipping the wrongly conjoined and the slime, our Friends now if Faithful or if we survive our future friends rather JESUS 1 Together.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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