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JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 28:34 Sermon.

JESUS Christ said Good Words for the Good Faithfully Ascending, and also allowed if any opted to turn away [hence JESUS Highest Purpose Original Plan Over any such situation (see previous JESUS 1 Ascending Tube, and on root and stump of Jesse)] to be Best Guided Anewly to return. So the return is in 3 Nephi 28:34 yet also the "JESUS Christ said Good Words for the Good Faithfully Ascending".

JESUS' Plan concerning 3 Nephi 28:34 "And wo be unto him that will not hearken unto the words of Jesus, and also to them whom he hath chosen and sent among them; for whoso receiveth not the words of Jesus and the words of those whom he hath sent receiveth not him; and therefore he will not receive them at the last day;": consider likewise

(previous sentence of the "Faithfully Ascending" and the idea about "if any opted to turn away" [and can be referenced concerning evidence in a court of Law, rather the above stated "JESUS Highest Purpose Original Plan Over any such situation"])

the word "sent" in the Higher Level Perspective is in JESUS Soul Together As 1 Righteously Prophesying To Best Lead All (in JESUS Christ's Eternal Good Wisdom with experience having Lived Eternally including prior to Creating Good Best For All) hence to do, to make it so; and in the lower levels perspectives Edifyingly and how to compare?, it is as to cast out ("sent") according to naysayers' carelessnesses (rather as the Christian Church Visitors Welcome sign) though there are the repentant ascending even in the secular and lower worldly levels and concerning such perspectives lower level than Christian Baptism as much as not casting out the good hence as much as Good Faith Amount Of Saving Grace even if not much mentioned, it is reverence as in religion.

In Christian religion Noah (unbaptized) built an Altar and sacrificed some of their own foods, for to please God: worth repeating "sacrificed some of their own foods" (Mark 12:44) (JESUS sacrificed JESUS once for All, likewise for the balance of "All" is Immersion Baptism hence forth).

3 Nephi 28:34 (without the negatives): "hearken unto the words of Jesus, and" "receiveth" "the words of Jesus and the words of those whom he hath sent receiveth" ["him"] JESUS Christ [as much as Faithfu]"; and therefore he [JESUS] will" "receive them at the last day;".

JESUS Christ Bible Flow 3 Nephi 28:34 "hearken unto the words of Jesus, and" "receiveth" "the words of Jesus and the words of those whom he hath sent receiveth" ["him"] JESUS Christ [as much as Faithfu]"; \ and therefore he [JESUS] \ "will" "receive them at the last day;". So Behold from the old bringing up as much as goodly with "Righteously Distinguishing" (yesterdays Sermon) this JESUS Christ Soul Name Holy Spirit Father Gathered Centerline 1 Ascending With Lifting The Worthy ["bringing up" as told to do (in ibid.)] Begets This Brand New Created verse (the previous sentence): Behold the start of the Creation of the JESUS Christ Together New Flowing Bible [included in this 5th Testament of the 5 Main Testaments as All are invited to Broadcast].

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 28:34: "hearken unto the words of Jesus, and" "receiveth" "the words of Jesus and the words of those whom he hath sent receiveth" ["him"] JESUS Christ [as much as Faithfu]"; = and therefore he [JESUS] x "will" "receive them at the last day;".

Baptizing Many is Good yet even pew Members can Baptize and Broadcast JESUS Words, rather than advocating "cast out" and "destructions" (words by Preachers on TV shows often in their own names).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, continues Together Ascending hence presenting a Higher Level New Creation Giving This JESUS Christ Together New Flowing Bible, Sermon On Sermon with pertinent Bible Formula as Proof, with teaching how to look at People from inside Each, John Hancock, signing, the, Declaration Of Independence, sign, pic


JESUS Christ Words You Broadcast can move nations and the stars and their plans: set the future record straight.

To do the best for everyone is to lift them from reasons to be addicted.

I'm addicted to tangible food i confess, Save if JESUS Christ Original clearly tells me to stop eating at least in theory i would stop [rather Lord Willing if so telling: hence rather than as if to rely on myself as if without need of Him]. So in this previous sentence in the amount in brackets, can conditionally be JESUS Victory In The Faithfully Ascending, such as Over the word: Yes.

We are to stop eating Save the JESUS Words though precept on precept, normally first stop being perps and so we repent [legal secular level], then Christian Baptism to Ascend Above secular level rather to Ascend For JESUS Christ Highest Purpose According to His Original Plan; not according to others Save His Best Ascending (see above on "Higher Level Perspective" in the singular sense, and on "lower level" perspectives in the plural senses), if such "Best Ascending" is sufficiently Higher Level than Your Level Of JESUS Faith Amount In Pertinence.

A pilot normally is certified and expert,

but even if You are a pilot and owner of the corporation employing that other "A pilot", it does not

normally mean You can opt to fly that jet at any moment You please.

There are conditions such as "A pilot" upon preflight inspection might have noticed concerns and considered how to respond if any such problems so stem, such as aware one part may be wearing out while another part seems strong, so to [to faithfully] rely on the more "strong", like relying on a 4 leg table then at supper to notice a leg that may collapse so to shift weight away from that leg hence not about straying.

JESUS Christ is like unto that that Person that notices the table leg, and like unto the "pilot and owner of the corporation" but it does not mean JESUS Christ has his hands tied (Psalm 9:16 snare), as with reason the "pilot and owner of the corporation" can fire the other "A pilot" or make exception, and the "table" can be cleared; though these types of things are with Innocent Highest Purpose lest to stray.

There are forces at work, the JESUS Christ Ascending Power, or other ["other" that causes wrong ideas, wrong words, wrong crashes e.g. cars, stocks,...].

Consider that if to Work The Work Of JESUS, then such things as the Oath Of Office are added to You even if a naysayer [for as long as the JESUS Faithful moment lasts]. Power, real Power unseen is Given to the Ascending from JESUS Christ; and with the previous sentence this is the Power that is able to cause the "naysayer" to ascend for a "moment" as the naysayer agrees and as is Done of JESUS Christ in such "moment".

Behold what JESUS Christ Original Plan Does for that "naysayer": as written in Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them". Behold this is New (Current per situation) JESUS Christ in as Many as pertinent hence in the pertinent amounts: JESUS Christ Cumulative Power.

According to the words of the verse, this is a Real example of Faith amount(s) of JESUS Power(s): if "two" each have 10% Faith Power, with JESUS Christ 100%, then 10% + 10% + 100%. JESUS Christ Is Perfect so needs no power so His Power Overflows, so those numbers mean from the Higher Level Pool Of Cumulative Power, the Good Faith Power Flows into the others and flows out cast away as the morning dew in the sunlight, Save as much as according to their faith amounts proportionally. Hence this perfects the above stated Victory Over "addicted to tangible food".

Hence We do not supersede unless in JESUS Christ Highest Purpose, lest such as We faint along the way(s) (rather singular hence Matthew 15:32). So JESUS Christ Gave You Wisdom For To Grow Awareness of His Wisdom for Him, such as with Wisdom to not give a person a cup of water (?!) if they are drowning in the clean pure water lake. The Perp is Aware of this too! We Agree, yet rather than perp level is for the Better Together for the Best For All.

A low level perp is aware that all so often cliche "Out of sight, out of mind" applies so relies on sight, yet Broadcast as We rather rely on JESUS Christ Faith.

There are many People [and things and ideas] You don't personally meet, so from Your perspective where do such live?, it is in part symbolized here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, continues Together Ascending hence presenting a Higher Level New Creation Giving This JESUS Christ Together New Flowing Bible, Sermon On Sermon with pertinent Bible Formula as Proof, with teaching how to look at People from inside Each.


If We have prisoners We can say [above pic] the perp is located there in prison, when rather than to rely on perp place consistency, We are to rely on the unseen JESUS Christ Moving Grace.

In Preparation, as We Broadcast JESUS Words, We increasingly enter into each of the above pic locations, and more unseen, into their Soul(s).

Baptism of the vessel is witnessed as much as seen hence much about an exterior matter. Let Us Rather Best For Each And All Through JESUS Christ Behold Each And All From Inside.

1 February 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, continues Together Ascending hence presenting a Higher Level New Creation Giving This JESUS Christ Together New Flowing Bible, Sermon On Sermon with pertinent Bible Formula as Proof, with teaching how to look at People from inside Each.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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