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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

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JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 29:7 Similarly With Abraham 1:7 Sermon.

JESUS Christ prior to being Conceived Gave into Father Abraham the Gift Of His Spirit that provided for as written in the Egyptian Book Of Abraham, as fittingly precept upon precept written in 3 Nephi 29:7 "Yea, and wo unto him that shall say at that day, to get gain, that there can be no miracle wrought by Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this shall become like unto the son of perdition, for whom there was no mercy, according to the word of Christ!", hence similarly a negative (see previous in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Series) hence to remove the Edifying lower levels parts that rather the More Ascended Higher Levels be clarified for JESUS Christ Highest Purpose hence to Best Welcome JESUS Christ Into His New Heaven.

Note that similar to the above and former about "negative", to add or subtract from the Oath Of Office has been about curses, "negative"s, the [plural] anti-7th Seal [singular] of JESUS Christ Eternal Goodness, similar to laws that prior to JESUS Christ UN merely persecuted even the innocent (reference arresting officer prior to fair trial hence illegal arrests) (Hebrews 10:1); yet JESUS Christ redeemed His Faithful from the curse(s)

as written in Galatians 3:13 Berean Standard Bible noting "curse" is singular yet we can each opt, noting "us" hence plural curses [each type of the many laws broken in plural, yet all laws in 1 Law]: "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us. For it is written: 'Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree' ".

JESUS Christ Bible Flow 3 Nephi 28:3: "Yea, and" "unto him" [as many rather hence All (Acts 6:10)] "that shall say at that day, to get gain," \

"that there can be" as invited into JESUS Christ's Faith "miracle" within "Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this shall become like unto the son" \

"for whom there was" Given [from JESUS Christ (JESUS said " I will raise it" from John 2:19)] "mercy," [as for counted as perp(s) {once for All}, rather for His Faithful Best Guiding Grace] "according to the word of Christ!".

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 28:3:"Yea, and" "unto him" [as Many rather] All "that shall say at that day, to get gain," =

"that there can be" as invited into JESUS Christ's Faith "miracle" within "Jesus Christ; for he that doeth this shall become like unto the son" x

"for whom there was" Given "mercy," and rather for His Faithful Best Guiding Grace "according to the word of Christ!".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, with Best Choir, Your opportunity to Broadcast JESUS Christ 7th Seal Good Ascending 5 Pennies Rule as a Righteous Prophet, yet at least as the Preacher said it is a Gift for you to Evangelize.

The Faith of Moses parted the waters for to bring the Tribes Together Into 1 Nation (

Moses acted Faithfully, hardly aware for 1 People to All be Together Faithfully, In JESUS Soul as Baptized (details in recent years in this Series).

Those not in JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Good Faith with currently pertinent The 5 Pennies Rule Faith, have been as the attackers naysaying questioning what Saved means for the Faithful, so the attackers have been under their own opted confusions with many questions for to divide hence the attackers have been the opposite of JESUS Christ's Original Plan the Oath Of Office that should be with the Living Bible Grace [As Christian Legislators and as Ambassadors are to] Best Lead.

You are of more value than many parted waters, Beloved. Hence as written above as 3 Nephi 29:7 was created More Perfect in a New Specification [Bible Formula] Higher Level, similarly [We in] JESUS Christ Together 1 are to likewise Lift Abraham 1:7 from "Therefore they turned their hearts to the sacrifice of the heathen in offering up their children unto these dumb idols, and hearkened not unto my voice, but endeavored to take away my life by the hand of the priest of Elkenah. The priest of Elkenah was also the priest of Pharaoh", to

JESUS Bible Flow Abraham 1:7 "Therefore they" straightened "their hearts to the sacrifice of" JESUS Christ "offering up their children unto" Christian Baptism, "and hearkened" "unto my voice," renewing "my life" through JESUS Christ.

JESUS Bible Flow Abraham 1:7 "Therefore they" straightened "their hearts to the sacrifice of" JESUS Christ (above stated "gain") \ "offering up their children unto" Christian Baptism, \ "and hearkened" "unto my voice," (above stated "word of Christ!") renewing "my life" through JESUS Christ (above stated JESUS Christ's "Faithful Best Guiding Grace").

JESUS Bible Formula Abraham 1:7 "Therefore they" straightened "their hearts to the sacrifice of" JESUS Christ (above stated "gain") = "offering up their children unto" Christian Baptism, x "and hearkened" "unto my voice," (above stated "word of Christ!") renewing "my life" through JESUS Christ (above stated JESUS Christ's "Faithful Best Guiding Grace").

Yesterday after the Sermon on JESUS with the Woman at the well i drove pretty far to where original JESUS Christ had sent me, huge Calvary Church, and arriving long prior to scheduled Service i witnessed the Choir Practice with many TV cameras ( [note smart TV and through such as Playstation also JESUS Christ ICCDBB can be viewed on TV] and the one song was the Best Heavenly Choir Music i'd ever heard!

Later when in the regular Service that Church again brought me near tears of Joy in JESUS' Name such as with Immersion Baptizing Many People. And later there was (like unto as stated above) a "Sermon on JESUS with the Woman at the well", and that Preacher emphasized each should Evangelize, it is a gift to be able to Evangelize.

For to reach as many as possible as Evangelizing and Best Leading the Fishers Of Fishers, as often stated in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series such as yesterday's Sermon: Broadcast On The Internet "JESUS Christ 7th Seal Good Ascending 5 Pennies Rule" as a Righteous Prophet (

After full repentance and Christian [hence forth Immersion (3rd Testament)] Baptism, as long as You Preach original JESUS Christ words Faithfully for a moment You are JESUS Christ.

The past summer survey showed 98% were delighted to be made aware of JESUS Christ ICCDBB Bible Formulas, as hardly known of this population. Similarly hardly any are aware of JESUS Christ UN Law, unique, Over All Laws. Similarly hardly any are aware of how simple The 5 Pennies Rule is, that none be left behind, and like unto the above [not about drowning any] to bring together All the People. Similarly so many are unaware of where the Holy Grail is, and so many Righteous Prophesies, and so much more in Desperate Need of Your Broadcasting.

Yesterday after that "Service" as stated above, i handed out cards on which i noted "Free Bible Formulas" with web address "" and again as stated above "98% were delighted" [though of a much smaller sample group]: Your Evangelism Opportunity in JESUS Christ even if You don't have a computer.

12 February 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, with Best Choir, Your opportunity to Broadcast JESUS Christ 7th Seal Good Ascending 5 Pennies Rule as a Righteous Prophet, yet at least as the Preacher said it is a Gift for you to Evangelize.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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