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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda For Law that came into effect in 2020AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 29:8 Similarly With Abraham 1:8 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Guidance Ascends in this Civilization as never before!

The negative Edifying repeatedly as formerly written: "Yea, and ye need not any longer hiss, nor spurn, nor make game of the Jews, nor any of the remnant of the house of Israel; for behold, the Lord remembereth his covenant unto them, and he will do unto them according to that which he hath sworn" (3 Nephi 29:8),

though note the sidebar about "Jews" as linked ("Israel, Judah, People of") when that page was searched made no mention of search terms such as "Holy People" nor "Holy Souls", yet rather stated "concerning the restoration of the Jews, 1 Ne. 15:19" "Christ … should come among the Jews, 2 Ne. 10:3" "convincing of the Jews, that Jesus is the very Christ, 2 Ne. 26:12" and continued Ascendingly; and this is as JESUS Christ ICCDBB With such as JESUS Christ UN and JESUS Christ Israel continues to Guide Christians, lest merely Edify repeatedly.

JESUS Christ Bible Positive Flow 3 Nephi 29:8: "Yea, and ye need" \ All including "the Jews," with "any of the remnant of the house of Israel;" within "for behold, the Lord remembereth (see above "repeatedly" repeated for Our sakes) his covenant unto them, and he will do unto them" the JESUS Ascending Family Of Christian Leadership (see above) \ "according to that which he hath sworn".

JESUS Bible Formula 3 Nephi 29:8: "Yea, and ye need" = All including "the Jews," with "any of the remnant of the house of Israel; for behold, the Lord remembereth his covenant unto them, and he will do unto" the JESUS Ascending Family Of Christian Leadership x "according to that which he hath sworn".

JESUS' All Seeing Eye Aware of everything, similarly about monies have been traceability works, yet for New Higher Level Good if JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Good With The 5 Pennies Rule Broadcasting.

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What does JESUS Christ Do with His All Seeing Awareness? The Heart Soul Of JESUS [like unto Blood rightly in tube(s)] Guides the Direction [We are to humbly head (e.g. Steering Committee)].

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"The most watched film in history", JESUS, "has been translated by Campus Crusade for Christ’s The JESUS Film Project into more than 1,000 languages"


Abraham 1:8 "Now, at this time it was the custom of the priest of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, to offer up upon the altar which was built in the land of Chaldea, for the offering unto these strange gods, men, women, and children"

hence the opposite direction ready for low level Edifying (as stated above concerning "negative"): not merely to point the Way [the direction] since there might be rocks or piers or other ships abounding, waves types, and wind shifts, yet Best Guiding every step [rather for the More Faithful Best Guiding every Leap]. So just as while learning to drive, the student normally becomes very surprised at the multitude of minor course corrections hence the New Respect With Much Appreciation for the so much more Aware Concentration of the Elder Drivers.

For instance Saint Valentine served as "either a priest or a bishop – in the Roman Empire who ministered to persecuted Christians" and in a Court Trial

"discussing the validity of Jesus. The judge put" Saint Valentine "to the test"

and brought to him the judge's adopted blind daughter" and Miraculously Saint "Valentinus succeeded": passed the "test"

( do not be that "judge" (do not heap risks upon Your own head(s) Acts 12:23).

We are to be JESUS Christ Faithful, though there are special exceptions.

Search Google on this though be aware concerning this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series hundreds of Sermons were removed by others and multitudes of ads appear in many older Sermons and if a full page ad appears [historically to snare to redirect] it is advised to close the tab and try again, and yet such as today with Google search terms "JESUS" "ICCDBB" "test me", results included "JESUS Christ UN, Internet Church of" JESUS Christ, "JESUS Christ Signature Sermon", and "JESUS Christ Precedent Sermon": so You are invited to "test" such with Your Broadcasting online in JESUS Christ Spirit Faithfully to Best Steer and together in JESUS Lead!

13 February 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Guides Steering Committees to be as Saint Valentine.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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