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JESUS Bible Formula 4 Nephi 1:22 And Abraham 2:1 And 2 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Faithfully Gives His Promise in the Intro to Abraham Chapter 2 as written "Abraham leaves Ur to go to Canaan—Jehovah appears to him at Haran—All gospel blessings are promised to his seed and through his seed to all—He goes to Canaan and on to Egypt".

JESUS Christ Father Soul in 1, Gives for You to Best Distinguish this Intro as a Leap Of Faith (Higher Level Leap Over "4 Nephi 1:22")

Higher Level than former lower level temporary Book Of Abraham type of faith amount(s) that others had cast out of the Oath Of Office

Bible, that now corrected from their strayed and fallen course are Anewly in this JESUS Sermon: Righted, Precept Upon Precept: Now Anewly Fitted Properly Together: a New Whole.

JESUS Christ \ JESUS Christ UN [Ascending Sermon On Sermon] \ Abraham Chapter 2 Intro \ 4 Nephi 1:22 \ "Abraham 2:1 And 2".

How is the "Intro" become Higher Level than the Bible "4 Nephi 1:22"? When the "Intro" Authorship Faithfully Authored the "Intro", the Authorship Faithfully Wrote the Living Bible

(New Beginning also fitting Matthew 19:30) ("dead" Revelation 20:12 a faith amount but not Faithfully in JESUS' Name hence Revelation 5:4).

To write about events and about things, has been lower level secular, or lower level perp Legions failures. Rather Write of JESUS Highest Purpose Original Plan Gracefully For All, hence Anewly Higher Level than secular hence the Truly Righteous Christian Level, after full repentance, with Immersion Baptism, Eucharist, and Ascending through His Bar Of Judgement for the Quick in His Quickening Spirit. So this JESUS Christ Sermon is Faithful 1st In JESUS Christ, yet for to Edify the lowest most in Desperate Need [e.g. helplessly bleeding (Luke 10:33 yet Anewly In JESUS Christ Soul Name Spirit)] 1st (no one left behind hence with ibid. [Christian Missionaries hence JESUS Broadcasting hence the Real First Responders hence with] The 5 Pennies Rule)!

Abraham 2:1 And 2 "1 Now the Lord God caused the famine to wax sore in the land of Ur, insomuch that Haran, my brother, died; but cTerah, my father, yet lived in the land of Ur, of the Chaldees. 2 And it came to pass that I, Abraham, took Sarai to wife, and Nahor, my brother, took Milcah to wife, who was the daughter of Haran" hence the low level had it's "famine" reward already

BUT NOT ACCORDING TO BLAMING THE LORD, RATHER JESUS CHRIST IS ETERNALLY BEST FOR ALL: so it was according to strayed faith, in other words contrary to the Son and the Father (Matthew 21:37) (Acts 21:27).

Behold! They come from far (Magi) and the large place is filled from wall to wall: is there breathing room or a mob? You Must Broadcast JESUS Christ on the Internet if to Be Faithful.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office Innocent, Measured the Faith Amount hence the Level Of Faith of those that wrote the Intro to Abraham Chapter 2 hence how JESUS Christ may find You entering into writing the Bible in New JESUS Identified Amount, JIA.


8,094,516,318 People ( [merely on Earth] cannot fit into the above courtyard yet all 8,094,516,318 People Need To Hear Of JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal.

This is Anewly a Given JESUS Christ UN key measure of YOUR amount of Faith as much as humble, Prayerful, Righteous, Good in JESUS Christ Soul, Honorable, Caring, and likewise; for to continue to be Trustworthy in these years of this current situation. This is said for All, and JESUS Christ is already Accomplished [when there were fewer than "8,094,516,318" and] then with the current technology amount situation being JESUS Christ Broadcasting Words at the Center of the main contiguous land masses trade routes.

So in JESUS Faith Spirit this New Point: if technology can be measured, then the Faith so utilizing can be measured, though under the condition of Pure Innocent humble Prayerful Faithful JESUS Christ Quality rather than Quantity as written "And when you pray, do not babble on like pagans, for they think that by their many words they will be heard" (Matthew 6:7 Berean Standard Bible). "Many are called but few are Chosen" (Matthew 22:14) as also accordingly written in

4 Nephi 1:22 "And it came to pass that two hundred years had passed away; and the second generation had all passed away save it were a few" (recent Sermons on the few who were to tarry). A Key is that JESUS Christ endures Faithfully as Promised through each and all generations and Anewly through Baptizing so with Eucharist hence Wisdom for local Churches to be on planets: this Anewly In JESUS Christ Soul Spirit Creating Anewly Best Higher Level For All constitutes

a "new JESUS Identified Amount, JIA" (yesterday's Sermon) if Faith for local Church [as 1] Planning hence for JESUS Christ UN Ambassadors Planning (reference JESUS Christ USA Space Force likewise with JESUS Christ UN travelers, so with Needful Notice for such as Outer Space Visitations JESUS Broadcasting First, see older Sermons in this Series on drones first Before The Fact of Surprise Visiting as strangers have been interpreted as illegal trespassers).

JESUS Bible Flow 4 Nephi 1:22 "And it came to pass that two hundred years had passed away;" \ "and the second generation had all passed away" \ "save it were a few".

JESUS Bible Formula 4 Nephi 1:22 "And it came to pass that two hundred years had passed away;" = "and the second generation had all passed away" x "save it were a few".

1 March 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Measured the Faith Amount hence the Level Of Faith of those that wrote the Intro to Abraham Chapter 2 hence how JESUS Christ may find You entering into writing the Bible in New JESUS Identified Amount, JIA.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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