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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:10 Through 3:10 Sermon.
JESUS Christ is Good Gathering All unto Him. If JESUS Christ talked with Judas and They as 1 agreed to gather all, and if "1" discussed therefore the Desperate NEED for crucifiers to be gathered, and therefore if to be sent of JESUS Christ's Mission to gather to Save the Souls of the crucifiers, and if JESUS Christ said to not do as they so when to return with them gathered unto me, JESUS Christ in the census, then prove you, Judas, did not stray, prove with returning giving me, JESUS Christ in the census, a Holy Kiss
[these words make Biblical sense, including if to gather all the Best Way] [as there is not proof contrary though without this sentence many strayed ideas have existed (example Matthew 26:74 & 75): JESUS Christ would that we gather the conspirators, the crucifiers, the naysayers, and all (Church Welcome Sign, yet according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Original Plan merely)]. JESUS and Judas had [an understanding] a Faith amount as Chosen of JESUS Christ, and JESUS Christ chose for Good, so Best Guide that none stray nor stray again.
The Tree Of Knowledge is either about wars, rumors of wars, evils, crucifying [perhaps including for entertainment though also redeeming Grace may apply for as much as Good], sick, and such; or The Tree Of Knowledge for the JESUS Christ Christian Faithfulness is merely for JESUS Christ Excellence, Best, Good, Love, Peace, Worthiness, and with Eternal Joy Ascending Faithfully in JESUS Christ's Soul Name Spirit As Baptized. Note edifyingly: hard work for JESUS Christ does not equal "sick" as in "It makes me sick" and/or "You make me sick" which would mean to have opted little faith (Matthew 16:8). Also there is a lack of faith idea though Faith exists and if to turn to stray then the "turn" returns until JESUS Christ's Best Good answer Given becomes recognized.
With the above [yet now in JESUS Christ Soul Name Spirit] to Properly Best Gather All ("yet according to JESUS Christ Highest Purpose Original Plan merely") then as this Church criteria.
( [with the same feeling, belief, hence: as stated above.
John 1:10 GOD'S WORDŽ Translation "He was in the world, and the world came into existence through him. Yet, the world didn't recognize him" as "He" and "him" refer to the original JESUS Christ.
JESUS Bible Flow John 1:10 JESUS Christ "was in the world," \ "and the world came into existence through him. Yet," \ "the world didn't recognize him".
JESUS Bible Formula John 1:10 JESUS Christ "was in the world," = "and the world came into existence through him. Yet," x "the world didn't recognize him".
There were people that grew up with JESUS Christ, and when some were working with hands such as mending nets, JESUS Christ said come follow me, and they became His Disciples, doing likewise Enlightening, conditionally like unto stars in the sky. Though the stars dim relative to the Enlightening [whether light or dark, as much as light or dark is appropriate, like unto not too hot nor too cold] Ascending Approaching JESUS Christ hence a reason to not be self glory minded hence to humbly move out of His presence to do His Work Faithfully as Sent.
Abraham 3:10 "And it is given unto thee to know the set time of all the stars that are set to give light, until thou come near unto the throne of God".
JESUS walked out of the tomb, symbolized here walking out of the confines of the Church to Broadcast into the streets and businesses and other places where Evangelism is Desperately Needed.
With JESUS Christ First, "Broadcast" is the key word in the previous sentence, such as to walk and talk JESUS Christ Precepts such as working with hands and fingers.
To do JESUS Christ work with hands is not evil, it is Good as much as doing JESUS Christ Work Faithfully (Luke 4:17) (Acts 6:6 [Stephen Ministries]) (Revelation 5:4).
Good is in You so You recognize it an amount. My heart is in me so i recognize it an amount though normally do not notice it, though found it integral and vital for living, just as You and All Given, are vital.
Lucifer became fallen Satan: Lucifer was a Higher Level, and previously in this Series in older Sermons is explained Faithfully in JESUS Christ Sermons that if to have been at a High Level and if to fall, then it is relatively easy to ascend to that High Level again. Even the secular does it. A Boss is fired, then acquires a Boss job in another company. It's normal. If Lucifer or Judas fell from Higher Level such as from Heaven or from Discipleship, then easy to return to that level, though if to fall according to losing census, passed away [asleep], then to perhaps lose pertinent values, and talents, and what could have been for Good, amounts.
Example: a person that in worldly cliche "would die" for an outfit, if to "die" would lose "outfit" pertinence value amount. If to start plowing a field in spring but turn and walk away and not return until winter when thick snow covers, then much harder to plow and a waste as much as the previous season opportunity for harvesting food has passed. Rather than harder useless works in sick minded confusions is the JESUS Christ Faithfulness Best Solving for All.
16 March 2024 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, pleads the case and rather the Good for Disciple Judas rather then for suicidal Judas, and for Lucifer Faithfulness in JESUS Christ rather than for to repeat the fall to Satan level.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.
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