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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:15 And Abraham 3:15 Sermon.

JESUS Christ is in John 1:15 New King James Version as indicated with the capitalized word "He", as written "John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me is preferred before me, for He was before me", [sic] and this Agrees in Highest Purpose (tomorrow's Sermon on top 2 Highest Levels [back then at those 2 times]) with Abraham 3:15 "And the Lord said unto me: Abraham, I show these things unto thee before ye go into Egypt, that ye may declare all these words".

The word "show" (sidebar at refers to Divine Guidance (

as from yesterday's Sermon Agreeingly Precept From JESUS Christ On Highest Level relative to today's Next Highest Level Preceptingly (Isaiah 28:10 through 13)

as it's "Sermon Bible Formula defines what the Word is and what the Word Power is, JESUS Christ UN Current JIA": from JESUS' Soul Heart to the next Nearest.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Innocent, need for Broadcasting JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, and explains the 2 Highest Levels, and why critters attack humans.

("second coming" "gif" -© -copyright).

Behold how the artist's rendition of flying over with pressure pushing (Creator) down on the water produces the whirlpool in the water (changing the created);

(see older Sermon Drawing in this Series of The Face Of God, JESUS Christ, moving Over the deep at;

(personal pertinence: see mid page Drawing, also the lower Drawing on the "New Creature" at

As written "The Third Day…8God called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. 9And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered into one place, so that the dry land may appear.” And it was so. 10God called the dry land “earth,” and the gathering of waters He called “seas.” And God saw that it was good" ([sic].

So the current flowed Up [to JESUS with JESUS Christ Family Leading Ascending (yesterday's Sermon on "current": reference bottom of this page link to Page 40)] though JESUS Christ Eternally Innocent is All Power hence flowing All Directions until Adam and Eve and the forbidden fruit. So lower level than Human Firmament critters were innocent and kind to Humans until humans opted to become contaminated, sin, then some wild critters attacked sinful humans

JESUS Bible Flow John 1:15 "John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me" \ "is preferred before me," \ "for He was before me" [sic].

JESUS Bible Formula John 1:15 "John bore witness of Him and cried out, saying, “This was He of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me" = "is preferred before me," x "for He was before me".

This Agrees with "and many first shall be last, and last first" ( Young's Literal Translation).

JESUS Christ Gave this unique sign to me after yesterday's Sermon: i normally pray humbly thanking JESUS, as written "and my God shall supply all your need, according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus;" (Philippians 4:19) [with "At the present time, your surplus will meet their need, so that in turn their surplus will meet your need. Then there will be equality" (]

though selfishly (save old When I Saw God Sermon in this Series) missing seeing JESUS Christ i prayed JESUS Christ to solve a dilemma for me, i went to bed again and while in a dream He appeared with solving [verifying what i had been doing: according to Workomg in His Faith rather than leaning unto my own secular understandings (save lower level Maintenance Responsibilities, see Main Page Definitions).

The sign i saw was of JESUS Christ gesturing to Another to do something, and with this new important part: the back of JESUS' robe was bright glowing gold especially where it touched the ground, in other words His Faithful Leadership Ascending Family hardly needs any signs [rather JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Broadcasting Giving signs], to rather walk in His Faith as 1; as seeing the signs are for the Newbies and similarly the Followers such as the not yet fully repentant such as Baptized in infancy too young for full repentance awareness since innocent.

So the lower level aspect of the JESUS Christ Given sign was the Guiding Personally (Guiding "Another"). The lower levels needed to see the gold glowing signs, such as about 3rd Heaven streets of clear gold (Revelation 21:21). This is related to the above Genesis type pic of the New Beginning, the symbolic Creating with merely 1 whirlpool, though as the Creating continues to [fly and] move Over the deep it is no longer merely one whirlpool point,

as it is become a straight line [and in a dream in recent days from His All Seeing Eye came down intermittent smoky type swirls with intermittent triangles with this new interpretation: from a point to a line to a 2D plane, to secular 3D creation, to JESUS Spirit 4D as written in "Paul's Revelation 1I must go on boasting. Although there is nothing to gain, I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. 2I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of it I do not know, but God knows" and now We are Aware.

JESUS Christ Ascending, is as from the above whirlpool gif point, to now the Comprehensive Including Of All Souls as an Artist shows here.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Innocent, explains the 2 Highest Levels, and why critters attack humans.

("second coming" "gif" -© -copyright).

19 March 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains the 2 Highest Levels, and why critters attack humans.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.

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