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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:18 And Abraham 3:18 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Exemplar improved things. Prior to JESUS Christ there had been multitudes of types of strayed faiths as it's called today, but it is not the 1 Righteous Best For All Faith. So the other "faiths" are not actually "faiths" at all, they are strayed ideas [strayed for selfish knowledge reasons to be not JESUS Christ Faith The 1 True Righteous Innocent Pure Best For All Faith], as the "strayed ideas" have been from the Tree Of Knowledge Of Good And Evil and strayed from Good, strayed from the JESUS Christ Original Plan For Highest Purpose For Each And All to Be The Creator as Each Hoped hence to be JESUS Christ.

So to have strayed from Good has been to stray from the JESUS Christ Opened 7th Seal [about 2,000 years ago (here is a private example as written in John 10:23 Berean Standard Bible "Then Jesus turned to the disciples and said privately, “Blessed are the eyes that see what you see")]

and His 7th Seal was made Public 17 September 2020 AD in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series. It was in this Series for His Highest Purpose Wise Eternal Reason, that as i type precept on precept i confess i learn [eventually] as You too would with reading and Doing Likewise, and we, in an instant and also in days ahead and also eventually (Main Page Definitions: Godsling) realize as much as Faithfully Ascending in JESUS Christ Soul Name Spirit.

The "strayed ideas" have yet to be Faithful (Oath Of Office, Living Bible, a Soul Judeged according to as written) so the "strayed ideas" have not been about Faith, the "strayed ideas" have been about selfishness hence at wars against others, and not confessed hence not fully repentant (Baptizing too young as normal to 2,000 years of generations has been as carnal minded Tree Of Evil Knowledge for lusts [yet as much as for Christian Marriage)] have been (see in context as pertinent previous in this Series on Eunuch for Kingdom Of Heaven's Sake, as JESUS Christ in recent many months Guided for me to Be).

I confess I'm becoming used to it, though similar to driving wrong direction on a street lane. So rather to quickly do as JESUS Christ Guides. It is new Law to me increasingly, as Wisdom comes into my Faithful Awareness of JESUS Christ Oneness In His Faith. It reminds me of being a child and how children with clothes looked identical [as much as dressed the same]; so sellers of products for selfish monies would advertise such as men and women types of clothing, for to separate [toward wars]. And a female would be told to wear facial makeup to be identified as female.

It was not so from the Beginning, JESUS made Adam from the dust JESUS had created, and Eve from the rib. Such are some of the ways Humans and other vessels can be born and NOT of strayed selfish against others lusts fallen into lower level sins that money surplus tends to buy; therefore for the 5 Pennies Rule first NEEDS BE DESPERATE LOVE GIVING Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal to first Guide, Best For Each And All, thereafter to expect people to obey the Law and to Hope people Ascend in Grace.

Without proper Best Hope, no good seed is planted, but the temporary therefore abounded in the strayed and fallen. Souls of a Level but then to fall, have often hated the situations they opted, feeling stuck in a rut or perhaps feeling good currently but to be aware of their fruits [for to uplift the Worthy] is with Distinguishing their types of spirits, to Measure their Faith types, example: a person misleads to make a sale, such as to pretend an old car is more valuable than it is, so for instance such can be measured in the number of dollars: so there was an evil about money yet there can be a value (Maintenance Responsibility, see Main Page, also with Charity as key).

A victim explained of their experience [after-the-fact measured the strayed amount], the victim broadcasting for others gives their selfish identified amount [rather JIA].

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, innocent victim, shows how it can be very simple to measure Good Faith in some situations such as involving money, and if to improve then to change from the past hell that no longer applies for His Faithfully Ascending.

("19 Mature Content"

Given in the previous Sermon was "grace and truth came through Jesus Christ". Grace is Better than legalese truth(s) (plural involves above stated selfishness, also sticking to former lower level Tree Of Evil; rather Tree Of Good amount).

JESUS Christ Exemplar, 2,000 years ago and continuing Good Best Innocent humble Eternally, is the Faith. This Righteous Faith is Righteous Belief and Righteous Grace. This Grace is with His Joy Giving, so not merely about getting scammed, rather Giving Joy is how such through JESUS Christ Is New Victory! Luke 18:27 "But Jesus said, 'What is impossible with man is possible with God' " [note woman came from the man hence this verse applies for all people, also this verse applies for all and not merely the created, yet this applies for Good and Best in JESUS' Original Plan].

So much changed for the Better circa 2,000 years ago, for instance what had been true as JESUS Christ said as in

John 1:18 "No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is Himself God and is at the Father’s side, has made Him known" is no longer true for as Many As Ascended As JESUS Christ Invited (see below "John 8:16"...).

JESUS Bible Flow John 1:18 ["No one has ever seen God, but" (negative) rather:] "the one and only Son," \ "who is Himself God and is at the Father’s side," \ "has made Him known".

JESUS Bible Formula John 1:18 "the one and only Son," = "who is Himself God and is at the Father’s side," x "has made Him known". How is He at His side, beside? JESUS Eterhally was is and will be everywhere pure Good [hence not for sins that the strayed opted].

So if You are JESUS Christ Faithfully Ascending Centerline, You are Pure Good [Eternally as long as Faithful, which can change in an instant, yet Being JESUS Faithful can be [and is for His Faithful] as written (

John 8:16 "But even if I do judge, My judgment is true, because I am not alone; I am with the Father who sent Me". John 10:30 "I and the Father are one".

If to improve, then to change from the past, but JESUS Christ does no change, how so do these 2 concepts so to speak, agree? JESUS Christ is Centerline Ascending therefore the Good Best Faith Constant. We were told of "hell" in the secular often, but if temporary sufficient for each to fully repent, then no need for it to be Eternal, though allowing people to opt means to do as JESUS Christ Original Plan Faithfully or experience worse than imagined, the strayed would count as if unfair abuse, but merely their opted to stray amount.

Mark 3:29 "But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is guilty of eternal sin". Not for to cause any to stray, yet All Biblical Things About JESUS Christ For Best For All Are Revealed [and made known (secularly Edifying)] prior to Final End Time, so the "eternal sin" is until Final End Time [the completion of the Kolob Mission as Sent, as the job well done needs be rewarded (to be JESUS Christ Together 1)] (enabling

The Book Of Abraham is not part of the Bible even though with many redeeming social values (reference such as crazy stuff online and on TV and radio and in conversations, such as about torture, death, wars, and the strayed unusual [though have been too often typical (save recordkeeping as much as Best)].

Abraham 3:18 "Howbeit that he made the greater star; as, also, if there be two spirits, and one shall be more intelligent than the other, yet these two spirits, notwithstanding one is more intelligent than the other, have no beginning; they existed before, they shall have no end, they shall exist after, for they are gnolaum, or eternal" but there is an "intelligent" strayed concern such as to learn lusts and such as to learn wars (hence of Grace [since mere Law could not make perfect] rather ibid., hence JESUS Christ UN Law recognizing the right to think yet rather Grace [hence see above Faith]).

So while the Book Of Abraham missed the point concerning Faith as instead was about selfishness in some of the first verses and proven now with Abraham 3:18 about "intelligent" when supposed to be JESUS Christ Faithful, yet today we are Blessed because JESUS Christ Exemplar Came Bringing His Faithfulness New Beginning!

On the highway the distant road seems too narrow. As We Ascend we humbly Prayerfully in JESUS Spirit find there is plenty of room, having superseded in JIA previous work vacation destination.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, shows how it can be very simple to measure Good Faith in some situations such as involving money, and if to improve then to change from the past hell that no longer applies for His Faithfully Ascending.


22 March 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, shows how it can be very simple to measure Good Faith in some situations such as involving money, and if to improve then to change from the past hell that no longer applies for His Faithfully Ascending.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.

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