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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:37 Sermon.

JESUS Christ invites all through His Original Plan to be as He Himself is Eternally, such as Creator Of Heaven, Creating Heaven On Earth, Overflowing Love Desperately, and with Joy Likewise!

John 1:37 Amplified Bible "The two disciples heard him say this, and they followed Jesus",

and the Lexicon in Greek (at explains "they followed" means "ἠκολούθησαν", and Behold the Google Translation of "ἠκολού" is "Next" and Behold the Google Translation of "θησαν" is "they" ( and while not stated in the Lexicon as 2 words, rather 1 word, it of JESUS Spirit is important to note that the etymology of how words are formed is important, hence would read:

John 1:37 Amplified Bible "The two disciples heard him say this, and" "Next" "they" "Jesus", hence it would have been or rather is also with value to consider (reference Souls entering Discipleship pertinence):

"The two disciples heard him say this, and" "Next" "they" became "Jesus".

Behold in the illustration below how the 1 singular Leadership (Matthew 1:23) is with many individuals in secular census count

and who are these as Agreed in the Heart as likewise Leading as independently illustrated walking ahead rather than following, for JESUS Christ "1 singular Leadership"?

These Members Ascending at the Leading edge ahead of His Leadership Ascending Body are such as Members that prepare the way of the Lord and make His path straight (Isaiah 40:3)

and these in lesser Members as counted, these the fewer, thus far, Ascending at the Leading edge are as His Righteous Prophets: All are invited to Prepare His Way Prophesyingly.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, explains for to become JESUS Christ means to link in Fellowship with the independent most Faithfully Fitting ones for each Sermon rather than exclude.


So this above Sermon is hardly about Followers and much less for to be slackers, and rather to be JESUS Christ Leadership Before The Fact: as if to Guide The Perfect Guide:

to learn [Grace, not learn or be persecuted] how to Best supersede; though if to stray then to see JESUS walking ahead as You work to Follow again rather to Lead again.

The above Lexicon includes: for "they followed" is "To accompany, attend, follow. Properly, to be in the same way with, i.e. To accompany" as in to Agree that He is JESUS the JESUS Christ, and then to Follow, to be a Follower, to be as JESUS Christ concerned with His "Plan" as stated above, and to be as JESUS Christ [hence to become the Perfect Leader as Invited]!

JESUS Bible Flow John 1:37 "The two disciples" \ "heard him say this," \ "and they followed Jesus" for to become JESUS Christ hence to Follow to Learn to Lead as the JESUS Christ Leadership, Together as 1.

JESUS Bible Formula John 1:37 "The two disciples" = "heard him say this," x "and they followed Jesus"

In JESUS' Name: Lead.

In JESUS' Name Broadcast JESUS Christ Sermons, and also as shown above Behold the references and the Links. Links in this Series have often been to other Christian Preachers, and the more They Led [as JESUS Christ Best For All], the more likely to be linked of this Series. To link to independent strangers in the secular sense though actually to link to Christian Leaders, is to Broadcast Faithfully with Proof as written as able to be referenced hence reliable information with many sources on each topic for the Best Interpretation as JESUS Christ having said words in the Bible [and Oath Of Office] prefers as proven (Main Page Definitions: JIA).

Edifyingly as secular person for money and/or selfish prestige,...has often been about the self; for instance to read a typical story book in grade school would be to read with no references to other authors. Yet in Universities there are multitudes of references to others in evidentiary support of each and every stipulation. Likewise We Broadcast JESUS Words [and illustrations] yet magnify the invitation to Lead Perfectly Perfecting also [as with links: supportive proofs] and without price to readers, and without copyrights against readers.

When We link in Our JESUS Broadcasting, We support each other and rather as 1 as linked in Fellowship. I promote Them and rather JESUS Christ, and They The Worthy promote JESUS Christ and some amount promote me: it is Good (7th Seal). If to do so selfishly then to have strayed.

Link Faithfully as JESUS Christ Prefers: "For whoever is not against us is for us" (Mark 9:40).

For instance the story of the Great Flood is hardly about [paradoxically] JESUS Christ [not named in that story] and yet it is completely about JESUS Christ and How He rescued His Leadership from that Great Flood. Also to tell that story is to also [link to Noah {in Spirit} or at least] tell the story of Noah, Nimrod, and the greater Good that Anewly came to be and Better for the Faithful Leadership for as many as opted for Good and for Perfect and for Faithful, in in JESUS Christ in His 1 Work in His Original Perfectly Perfecting Plan in so Accomplishing Together, Perfect on Perfect.

How much sin can we do, before having to go straight; is not the way.

5 April 2024 AD.

tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains for to become JESUS Christ means to link in Fellowship with the independent most Faithfully Fitting ones for each Sermon rather than exclude.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.

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