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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:39 Sermon.
JESUS Christ explained, and for the sakes of the naysayers that come from each generation it is explained again. For instance if for each Married Couple there are 3 Children, then a ratio of 2 to 3, 2:3. Similarly there are in JESUS Christ's Original Plan ratios such as for every dollar a dime [at least] is for Charity [though rather the self Given as with JESUS Broadcasting as a tithe amount [Faithfully and with herein recommended traditional Charity Maintenance (above linked Main Page Definitions)]. And this Sermon exposes another ratio concerning JESUS Christ Mercy to Forgive.
John 1:39 Holman Christian Standard Bible " 'Come and you’ll see,' He replied. So they went and saw where He was staying, and they stayed with Him that day. It was about 10 in the morning" though the "day" as much as with JESUS Christ did not start until "about 10" o'clock, and with lower case "day" refers to "the period from sunrise to sunset" ( Consider that if to be Perfectly Faithful then to be Faithful in JESUS Christ far more than noted in this verse, although this verse indicates tremendous Good Faith in JESUS Christ Spirit.
JESUS Bible Flow John 1:39 " 'Come and you’ll see,' He replied." \ "So" "about 10" o'clock "they went and saw where He was staying," \ "and they stayed with Him that day", note the Faith was "about 10" o'clock, and the amount of Maintenance [yet Faithfully] was at stated Faithfully [prior to Maintenance Responsibility (above linked Main Page Definitions)] "about 10" o'clock.
JESUS Bible Formula John 1:39 " 'Come and you’ll see,' He replied." = "So" "about 10" o'clock "they went and saw where He was staying," x "and they stayed with Him that day".
So be aware "Dear friends, don’t let this one thing escape you: With the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day" ( might not apply. It is not exactly the same, though in JESUS Christ Grace consider that JESUS Christ was with Mother Mary while being magnified, and the Faithful Continuance continued a Day and Weeks and Months at least.
So if pregnancy was normal, with "The average length of human gestation is 280 days" (, then Mother Mary was with the Lord JESUS Christ at least in the legal sense as "280" thousand years, 280,000 years. This gestation period is counted as Faithful according to the Bible discussion of Mother Mary [that also continued at least through the years of Jesus time from birth to crucifixion, in addition to the "280" symbolic example].
Righteously Prophesying in JESUS Christ Faithfully, reveals Mother Mary is Faithful approximately 277,976 years into the future from from today.
So thankfully for JESUS Christ Highest Perfect Purpose Original Plan Best For All the above "280,000 years" Vastly Overwhelms the as written "21Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother who sins against me? Up to seven times?” 22 Jesus answered, “I tell you, not just seven times, but seventy-seven times!" ( as the sinner is temporary, far less than such as the total years of such as Methuselah 969 years, also spelled
Mathusala as in "kinkead/baltimore catechism no 4/lesson 7 on the incarnation.htm" though not citing verses alleged [whether Faithfully stated or other] that "Adam lived over 900 years and Mathusala, the oldest man, lived to be 969 years old" (, noting "" while with superb values, has also been with many translations in need of corrections as accomplished in this Series with "citing verses", and as many others have done.
Here again is Wisdom of why these things are so important. A recent Sermon explained that a local church [in the secular sense] was publicly advertising that it was teaching magicians' tricks hence for to deceive people; and just on TV was similarly "The Wizard of Paws" (BYUTV 04/06/24). "O"..."How the mighty have fallen!", (from 2 Samuel 1:19).
JESUS Christ UN nations contributing as a percentage of the whole are such as the most from JESUS Christ USA 22%, China 15.254%, and lesser amounts by other nations (wiki), so this "contributing" (fitting the above "Charity") should fit as taught in the JESUS Christ USA and JESUS Christ UN Oath Of Office including as for The 5 Pennies Rule, as to Broadcast JESUS Christ UN 5 Pennies Rule with proposed Godsling (above stated Main Page Definitions) allocations of funds, most to those most in need, though merely for the nations that paid their JESUS Christ UN dues in full according to Mercy and Grace; though JESUS Christ UN may consider if to be including any past lapse(s) and/or including any late fee(s) since conditions may apply such as symbolically if about lost or stolen funds (symbolic former example
Now this New Hope. Many people have said [symbolically] such as "I'm tired of hearing 'Jesus' ", but to be fair, they don't say "I'm tired of hearing the word 'a'", or the word "an", or "and", or "food", or "home",...or hearing the names of their census family members and friends" names. So let this be a New Inspiration for the Best For All.
7 April 2024 AD.
tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Righteously Prophesies that Mother Mary in JIA Will Be Faithful until at least approximately 277,976 years into the future from from today, and Guides JESUS Christ UN dues with ICJ consideration.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.
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