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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:41 Sermon.
JESUS Christ with "The First Disciples": "Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, was one of the two who heard John’s testimony and followed Jesus" (from the Book Of John with Context Intro With "Intro", speaks not merely about the 2nd Testament, "Intro" speaks of the Living Bible: for to Best Help All to be aware of the context of what the Bible 2nd Testament means, and hence what all the Bible means.
JESUS Bible Flow John 1:40
"Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother," \ "was one of the two who heard John’s testimony" \ "and followed Jesus".
JESUS Bible Formula John 1:40
"Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother," = "was one of the two who heard John’s testimony" x "and followed Jesus".
This is proof (above linked "Main Page"):
Faith \ Hearing \ Word.
Faith = Hearing x Word.
"Hearing" JESUS' Words is a Treasure, better than as if to secularly phone in for to become Baptized
(Baptism is a Firmament Level as older Sermons fully illustrate for Your Distinguishing rather than
( typing [JESUS] immersion [Ascending from Baptism].
Consider for a moment JIAs in the former UFOs sense. When You Broadcast and look to see how many if any visited your [in your humble Prayerful sense] JESUS Sermon, the JIAs in the UFOs sense is as You typing words with fingers, unseen are the multitudes of translations levels being typed as symbolized below. These multitudes of translations levels into such as platforms, through fire walls, and about machine language: represent many languages that UFOs [rather JIAs] have utilized. In other words UFOs understand JESUS Christ because of You typing, as never before!
UFOs understand English for instance, such as to listen in outer space and hear Your behind closed doors whispers and thoughts.
This secular news fits the JESUS Christ ICCDBB 7 years Prophesy as a type of proof, and fits with the tags info below. Tony Miller, President of Janney wrote in a letter received yesterday "Some $84 trillion is set to" flow from Elders to Heirs "as well as to charities over the next two decades" and "retired FBI Special Agent Jeff Lanza" "will present simple safeguards to protect against cybercrime".
And with this is a note from secular school coaches: that you maintain your amateur standing: this means in Higher Level Faith In JESUS Christ: for You to personally Work provide JESUS Christ Words Sermons without price and even anewly without any donation request (4 Nephi 1:10 through 25) hence Truly Best For All.
Why no donation request? It has been an irritant against Evangelism. Normal People think that if They visit a Church Temple or Your Christian Website, that They should [buy or] donate, lest to read and feel miserable, shirking their responsibilities. In the secular to shirk is to "evade" (Merriam Webster) and so that's not only immoral, it's illegal. Rather as written in the Bible "Then Jesus asked them, 'When I sent you out without purse or bag or sandals, did you lack anything?' 'Nothing,' they answered" (Luke 22:35 Berean Standard Bible), and this verse was after the verse with the "rooster" that crowed after having "denied" JESUS Christ Fellowship "three times".
9 April 2024 AD.
tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, drives through firewalls proving the JESUS Christ ICCDBB first 7 Years Prophecy as JIAs teach UFOs.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.
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