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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:47 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Exemplified 2,000 years ago childlike humble prayerful innocent self control.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Helps for Ambassadors to Best Guide The 5 Pennies Rule Integrity, chart, Implement Enlightenment, graph, how to best, military, feed, rhino, budget, no guile


John 1:47 New Living Translation "As they approached, Jesus said, 'Now here is a genuine son of Israel—a man of complete integrity' " with the minus sign counted as a dash hence "son of an Israelite of complete integrity" as explained at that also explained in Pulpit Commentary "no guile", "no disposition to deceive others", and key "no self-deception" counted similarly as a dash (see "self control" in "JESUS Love Sermon" at

JESUS Bible Flow John 1:47 "As they approached, Jesus said," \ " 'Now here is a genuine' " son of an Israelite \ "of complete integrity" [with self control: JESUS Christ Faithfulness Ascendingly: legal, moral (see previous Sermons on "Good" "Grace"].

JESUS Bible Formula John 1:47 "As they approached, Jesus said," = " 'Now here is a genuine' " son of an Israelite x "of complete integrity"

A Child can be with self control, though to do chores and in JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal 5 Pennies Rule Spirit is with Ascending into Lovingly Wise For All Integrity.

Matthew 11:30 NAS "For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light".

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Helps for Ambassadors to Best Guide The 5 Pennies Rule Integrity, chart, Implement Enlightenment, graph, how to best, military, feed, rhino, budget

(Google: "behaviors" -© -copyright) (

In JESUS Christ Exemplar, the x axis "comfortable" is like unto "Implementation", and the y axis "light" is the enlightening "Impact" [on Others, rather] is the enlightening in All [Other(s)].

Hence the self controlled (Ascending into the Peace Formula in JESUS Love Sermon) Implements the Enlightening.

Yesterday on TV there was a military budget being discussed. In yesterday's Sermon about the rhino vision it became clear that the rhino symbolized the military.

Hence the Desperate Need for Peace Makers, Ambassadors, to be Best Enlightening the Military, through 2 steps:

A. To first Give the Best Way to Overcome All addictions, and TOGETHER with such to then

B. Implement The 5 Pennies Rule.

Hence "A" Best Guides for People to stop breaking the Law, and likewise to consider the money Reason [if to be with money then a Person considers the Reason of why that money is being allocated to the self Person hence] In Good Grace "B".

So the former lower levels were about torture or the correct answer, while this new in JESUS Spirit is

Higher Level Grace for to be Giving Best For Others and if so then to be rewarded, initially [a motivator into the Best Direction], lest to rely on the crutch when rather able to start strengthening and walking without the crutch (conditions may apply [Ambassadors to see that the program with Paid Dues Contributors, and system with Allocations are monitored]). So after The 5 Pennies Rule has success for some amount (JIA) then to lessen the amount of The 5 Pennies Rule or to make intermittent [graduated scale]; if such is so indicated as Ambassador Peace Makers Oversee.

15 April 2024 AD.

tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Helps for Ambassadors to Implement Enlightenment hence for to Best Guide The 5 Pennies Rule Integrity, as the Best of the secular Agrees.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.

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