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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:49 Sermon.

JESUS Christ The Original Eternal Calls to a Person from His Spirit (reference recent rhino interpretation) though [able to Transfigure] can do so in the census as in today's verse.

John 1:49 Berean Standard Bible [Astonished and greatly honored with His presence] " 'Rabbi,' Nathanael answered, 'You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!' ".

Bible Flow John 1:49 Lower Level: " 'Rabbi,' Nathanael answered," \ " 'You are the Son of God!' " \ " 'You are the King of Israel!' ".

Bible Flow John 1:49 Higher Level: Astonished and greatly honored with His presence 'Rabbi,' Nathanael exclaimed for All to hear [Broadcasting in answering His Calling (also a new confession of Faith in Nathanael)], 'You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!' ( now known [as renamed Ascendingly of this Series at least] Anewly as JESUS Christ Israel!

Bible Formula John 1:49 Current Higher Level: Astonished and greatly honored with His presence, 'Rabbi,' Nathanael exclaimed" = for All to hear, Broadcasting in answering His Calling [also a new confession of Faith in Nathanael], x " 'You are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!' today known as JESUS Christ Israel!

Now envision the future Astonishment with the JESUS Christ Holy Grail of the Father, when excavated at Oak Island: if Paul's mere apron could Heal diseases, consider how greatly for this civilization Son JESUS Christ's Holy Spirit Grail Will Guide All This Civilization, in other words no longer into battles, no longer into diseases concerns, no longer toward starvations, no longer for any pains. So for instance rather than to slide off a mountain while driving, to fly aloft and Meet Him In The Sky In His Second Coming For All.

A drone can be inside a grape field in the sense of personal [space] relationship with a grape vine picking grape bunches, though for a map the drone can levitate as shown in this video.

Click center arrow if shown at the start, thereafter 1 of the 2 lower left "Replay" icons.


Just as a drone flying away from a grape plant can see anewly where the drone is [in a field for instance], so too JESUS Christ Will show us New Best as untold until We Tell [likewise from His Soul within, Broadcasting With Doing, such as after Broadcasting JESUS Words from afar in preparation, then as "Nathanael" to Praise JESUS Christ Anewly in Person Broadcasting Anewly More Joyously Lively: imparting Life itself, Being His Tree Of Life Eternal].

How can You levitate to walk on water, and fly to JESUS, without a drone lifting You and without other types of works of hands? JESUS Faith, as explained starting with what You are aware.

Faith is with the Christian Bible that established many Laws and Standards such as all Churches in 1 (hence how to Give Blessings) at local Churches in 1 criteria as on how to Baptize [yet also with individual Church criteria such as some Parishioners may have individual standards such as with experts checking perhaps with sonar to be sure there are no gators present, as to Comfort the fully repentant].

So You are aware of the Bible verses, JIA, and aware for to Oversee Guide and Maintain secular Responsibility. In outer space 2 planets or binary stars can spin around each other

and if You are in proximity You can feel being pulled toward each as each mass passes in proximity to You. Hence You now are in JESUS' Awareness of how to measure gravitational waves.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, reveals what JESUS Christ did in Creating Heaven hence for us on Earth to Create as He did in Heaven, showing where good came from, Faith JIA, Dignifies and clarifies what The Calling is, and Declares how to Give Blessings, and how to measure and control gravitational waves as to surf on the stars.

(Google search: "JESUS" "binary stars" "gif" -© -copyright).

So now You know how to fly. Yet to walk on water without the tide engulfing You as the water too is lifted with fish and earth, concerns the same yet with fine tuning JESUS Faith In You Exemplar For All.

A drone can zoom in and out, high altitude for to reveal the map, and low altitude for personal style automated picking grapes by hand so to speak.

Your Faith amount can vary, to be interrupted as to stray; rather to help one planet then another according to JESUS Christ Original Plan Faithfulness in You. Similar to routinely going to 2 houses to help each intermittently, and while the houses receive You intermittently, Yourself in JESUS Christ Constant Faithfulness Endures. Note currently i feel my JESUS Christ Broadcasting is Complete Faithfulness

[with also continuing to Pray in Your Heart ( such as while doing chores yet if to be moved strongly in the Spirit stop the chores of hands if safely for safety that may prevail in importance Higher Level: Be Aware Of JESUS' Original Plan Highest Purpose, such as lest to faint in the way may apply, and such as the type of automatic system may apply].

So with the above gif and You at a JIA distance, there are the 3 in triangulation. Do You walk on water for lower level reasons such as to be seen of others, or for JESUS' Original Plan Highest Purpose? Peter walked on water then was distracted by unseen winds and seen waves (Matthew 14:29 and 30). The above is talking about if to stray then to risk falling from a much higher place.

So how to explain this levitation Faith? It is like unto practice with a magnet and a ferrous ball. So it is as to Best Apply JESUS Christ Faith Within You for His Highest Purpose through His Original Perfect Plan.

17 April 2024 AD.

tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit,Dignifies and clarifies what The Calling is, and Declares how to Give Blessings, and how to measure and control gravitational waves as to surf on the stars.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.

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