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JESUS Bible Formula John 1:6 And Abraham 3:6 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Sent John a Faithful Broadcaster of JESUS Christ Words and with written words (John The Baptist, to Broadcast the JESUS Christ record pertinent in Testifying to and For All, the Value of JESUS Christ with the humble innocent Best For All Original Plan in Highest Purpose, as written in

John 1:6 Berean Standard Bible "There came a man who was sent from God. His name was John".

JESUS Bible Flow John 1:6 "There came a man" \ "who was sent from God." \ "His name was John".

JESUS Bible Formula John 1:6 "There came a man" = "who was sent from God" x "His name was John".

"Among Jews" then "the name" John "was one of the most popular," of "about five percent of men". "F.P. Dutripon's Latin Bible concordance (Paris 1838) identified 10 people named Joannes (John) in the Bible, 5 of whom featured in the New Testament" includes:

1. John the Baptist

2. John the Apostle, son of Zebedee, whom Dutripon equated with John the Evangelist, John of Patmos, John the Presbyter, the Beloved Disciple and John of Ephesus

3. John, father of Simon Peter

4. John Mark, whom Dutripon distinguishes from Mark the Evangelist, and

5. John, son of Annas (Acts 4:6)" (

Here is one Timeline account

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office Innocent discussed Johns in the Bible, Urim and Thummim, and partial and total body and spirit healing JIA, such as for Guiding scary Ghosts though rather merely fear JESUS Christ.

[not shown above are overlapping times with various locations (with details at].

Some Johns in JESUS' time were "members of the high priest’s family" (ibid.) therefore with the Urim and Thummim stones.

Abraham 3:6 "And the Lord said unto me: Now, Abraham, these two facts exist, behold thine eyes see it; it is given unto thee to know the times of reckoning, and the set time, yea, the set time of the earth upon which thou standest, and the set time of the greater light which is set to rule the day, and the set time of the lesser light which is set to rule the night". The "two facts" include the Urim and Thummim stones symbolic of revolving around each other, as each rotates.

Dice today in the secular (redeeming social value normally applies, though see older Sermons in this Series on NGISC such as about gambling paychecks immorally or such as worse in illegal levels as JIA measured such as gambling slaves) have been for selfishness normally, though the 1st [Old] Testament casting of lots was more for Higher Purpose, and yet Higher Level Over that has been with Urim and Thummim stones symbolizing the High Priesthood Family [Now Anewly In JESUS Christ].

You can type the JESUS words on the Internet, What might JESUS do likewise? In a situation when You [if High Priest] are Desperate, perhaps JESUS Spirit might manifest a little so that when You operate the Urim and Thummim, JESUS Spirit Ascending Family might opt to nudge a stone a bit, for the Better outcome for All (reference such as in this Series the Peace Formula: Peace = Patience x Kindness).

What else might be nudged? Any and All (see previous on JESUS Lifting the Worthy). How so? In part, according to Your [a Person's Faith, rather Together in 1 JESUS Christ Faithfulness as Promised, as Each and All Hoped for the Best, such as to be the all powerful Best Creator Eternally]. Contrary to the Bible Spirit has been the splintering to dust temporary. Rather to Gather each body member is to gather talents. Such as "Eve was created and contrary to secular TV became the First Person able to regenerate" a Person from the self creating [of JESUS Christ The Creator] Faithful Talent into another New Person (as Mother Mary Accomplished: yesterday's Sermon).

Note even a worm can reproduce with another or can self reproduce [Bible verse "where ‘their worm never dies, and the fire is never quenched" (Mark 9:48)], hence a talent is not good if not properly a JESUS Christ Best For All 1 Ascending Precept.

Look at this ability, this unrealized talent of Eve who instead bore Children through sins [example Cain killed Abel (Genesis 4:8)], while selfishness to clone the self repeatedly too is about sins is the opposite of Charity (Matthew 6:5 rather Matthew 22:9). Eve lived hence came from the Life Giving [Manifest from Higher Level Faith that JESUS Christ Gave for such Spirit to become Eve] as did all People since [concerning Adam, a 2 step process, such as to JESUS Faithfully 1. activate stem cells, then 2. to reproduce Adam as perhaps in a test tube process].

JESUS Christ would that You be whole JESUS Christ. The Christian Living Growing Bible shows the Way, JESUS Christ Traceable Methodology Specification on JESUS Christ Traceable Methodology Specification. What if Eve, if today, was in a car accident and almost passed away?

Consider the Faith Healing: if to start Faith Healing someone in need, how might You tell if it's working preceptingly as Your Faith and Their Faith are pertinent? As JESUS said as written "For where two or three gather together in My name, there am I with them" (Matthew 18:20) ("two": see above Urim and Thummim and Timeline: time space fabric repair).

"But Jesus declared, 'Someone touched Me, for I know that power has gone out from Me' " (Luke 8:46).

No longer want to fix Yourself so much (see above Main Page link "Maintenance" Definition), rather if to be Healed, then for what Higher Level Purpose (old Sermons in this Series).

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office Innocent, discussed Johns in the Bible, Urim and Thummim, and partial and total body and spirit healing JIA, such as for Guiding scary Ghosts though rather merely fear JESUS Christ.


Would You solve for You, or solve for All Eternally? JESUS is recorded "You cannot make one hair white or black" Save If JESUS ("Of uncertain affinity; to be able or possible" (Matthew 5:36). As We Faithfully Ascend then as JESUS lest "If this man were not from God, He could do no such thing" (John 9:33). "Whatever house you enter, begin by saying, ‘Peace to this house.’ If a man of peace is there, your peace will rest on him; if not, it will return to you" (Luke 10:5 & 6) is a great Precept clue.

Do You feel Good and feel welcomed when entering one place more than at another place"?

Likewise when You start to Heal Someone do You start feeling "virtue and power from Jesus!" (above illustrations reference) is leaving You [going into Someone in Need of Healing]. So this is an indicator for Your Awareness, such as Aware of Your Level Of Faith In JESUS Christ, hence perhaps about their Faith [though situations and rates of Healing Ascendingly, and conditions apply such as rather for maximum Others for to Witness (John 9:3), hence their Faith amounts and situations might also apply.

12 March 2024 AD.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, discussed Johns in the Bible, Urim and Thummim, and partial and total body and spirit healing JIA, such as for Guiding scary Ghosts though rather merely fear JESUS Christ.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 37.

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