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JESUS Bible Formula John 2:10 Sermon.
JESUS Christ told His Friends, His Disciples, to "Follow me",
and after being convinced to not stray for to follow excuses, They Agreed,
and the timing of it was prior to this First Miracle Of JESUS Christ
[as prior they had not "believed" (tomorrow's Sermon)]
[though were at lower level secular amount of trust ("like one of Us" Genesis 3:22) (and in recent centuries prior to JESUS Christ UN Law, as written on legal tender)]
and the Honored Guest that was called titles such as the Master Of Ceremonies (yesterday's Sermon) received the liquid as written in
John 1:5 Berean Standard Bible "and said, 'Everyone serves the fine wine first, and then the cheap wine after the guests are drunk. But you have saved the fine wine until now!' ".
Bible Flow John 2:10 "and said, 'Everyone serves the fine wine first, and then the cheap wine after the guests are drunk" [though importantly JESUS Christ did this First Miracle for Best For All; Edifyingly in secular lingo it was not for to get "drunk"] "." \ "But you have saved the fine wine" \ "until now!' ".
Bible Formula John 2:10 "and said, 'Everyone" lower level normally "serves the fine wine first, and then the cheap wine after the guests are drunk." = "But you have saved the fine wine" x "until now!' ".
Churches have criteria over whether their meeting place in part or on whole, is a public meeting place, open to the public, and if open to the public, perhaps also with criteria over the public area.
There was likewise a "great feast" at the house of Levi with a "large company of tax collectors and others reclining at table with them” "(Luke 5:27-29)" as illustrated here
It was as stated above "likewise", in the sense that it was entered into the Holy Bible. A Person did something, such as attend a feast, and wrote it in the Bible: You are a "Person".
Not excuse at the start of Your Day is such as [symbolically]: "I have some other important things to do", "I have to go make money", "I have my priorities and am too busy", "The kids need tending", "I must first go bury my Father": You have responsibilities, and to start the day is 1st with the Creator Faithfully, this means unseen, as if on Your own with none to back You up Save the Word of JESUS Christ in the Bible [normally].
JESUS Christ Gave His Promise: Give That Righteous Prophesy Broadcasting without price.
With the previous sentence, Good comes, even Best Will Come because of Your Faith. So in this Sermon the previous 2 sentences are a Righteous Prophesy In JESUS Christ Soul Spirit Name [as Many as much as Faithfully Ascending Together Centerline As One In His Pillar Of Righteous Faith.
As written above "the Master Of Ceremonies said, 'Everyone serves the fine wine first, and then the cheap wine". But Behold what JESUS Christ Precepting [as JESUS Christ stated for All to be Righteously Prophesying (Matthew 15:7) also as John The Baptist said (John 1:23)] without price; and this is rather than Giving lesser value in the future;
Righteous Prophesying In JESUS Christ Words concerns Giving Higher Level Best
For All, in the future.
So In JESUS Christ's Spirit to Righteously Prophesy today first,
And then the results for Them All Together, are Far Better than They had suspected!
JESUS Christ Loves To Behold Your Ascending Bible verses for to Uplift, somewhat like to see footprints of how far Ascending You're coming as in the form of authoring Sermon On Sermon.
If to look for a lost Child then footprints Give fantastic clues.
If to travel in Bible verses and forget the story, then to look for as written to remind Yourself [and Others as much as involved].
Footprints also help if to search for Bigfoot or other, prior to the word was merely word of mouth and stories often became by many: self pompously distorted.
Bigfoot is associated with Hittites (Goliath group [as in Bible cliche David and Goliath]) in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series.
30 April 2024 AD.
tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, exposes that whether at a party or such as tracking Bigfoot, You are to Broadcast Righteously Prophetically in JESUS Christ's Spirit For All.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.
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