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JESUS Bible Formula John 2:12 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Faithfully obediently as an adult performed His 1st Miracle at Cana, then went to Capernaum where He taught in the Temple shown below. This was after having fled from Bethlehem into Egypt as a baby and then to Nazareth near Cana.

John 2:12 New Living Translation "After the wedding he went to Capernaum for a few days with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples".

Bible Flow John 2:12 "After the wedding"[at Cana, JESUS] "he went to Capernaum" \ "for a few days" \ "with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples". They traveled hundreds of miles back and forth through Israel for many months with many Miracle Healings being performed.

Bible Formula John 2:12 "After the wedding he went to Capernaum" = "for a few days" x "with his mother, his brothers, and his disciples".

In Israel they traveled along the Jordan through Aenon where John The Baptist was, and into the wilderness South of Jericho, and also alternately through the mountainous areas.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, JIA, simplifies explaining how to be perfect JESUS Christ.

(and more pics are at

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law with the 7th Seal, The 5 Pennies Rule, Bible Formulas, JIA, simplifies explaining how to be perfect JESUS Christ.

(excellent maps are at ibid.:

Today for many, if to have to travel 20 miles by personal car round trip to go shopping, it's generally considered pretty far. To plan with many cars or with a bus or two it's a big ordeal

with much planning to check with employers to see if allowed to go on extended leave without being fired nor other penalties such as about losing many types of benefits, and checking personal

schedules such as some might have planned to go to a funeral, and some may have mowing and promises to others, and there is a mail forwarding concern, and checking financial matters

for the operations, with making hotel reservations, and checking if it's tax time, and seeing if vehicle inspections are due, and making sure everything needed is packed, and other variables apply.

Today many go into debt paycheck to paycheck, so asking them to lose their jobs and such as to quit their fish net making businesses, seems out of the question. Yet today We can broadcast JESUS Christ UN Law and Bible Formulas and be the catalyst for The 5 Pennies Rule Miracles about ridding starvation globally and beyond Preaching as never before with Faith On Faith, and with JIA Measurable Miracle Proof On Miracle Proof.

JESUS' Team solves so much (see above Miracles). What does secular solve? Flip of the coin is to solves such as canned foods, a great value, though at cost. For instance on TV as i recall, the deserts too inhospitable for people to live are said to expand from 1% to perhaps 19% by 2070 due to global warming (Evolution Earth UNC-Explorer 09/20/23). JESUS' Team in the ancient times as with the above map and info, and likewise now available JESUS Broadcasting from home, does the opposite of global warming (see above Miracles) relatively compared to the above cars and/or busses travel caravan ideas and without nearly as many complications.

For instance government software standardizes so each individual concern needs not duplicate that government work. Note JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting for Them from YOU, is also very important FOR YOU PERSONALLY, for to be more as JESUS Christ The Original Plan Creator, for to be the Creator merely of Good, as the Good in You Hoped!

How can You be JESUS? To see what JESUS sees [to find the Worthy for to Uplift] is easy, the opposite has been a perp seeing ways to steal, hence ways that fail hence ways that do Not produce Eternal Good that keeps on Giving (see fairly recent Sermons on "negative", as Bible Formulas Prove).

Again, how can You be JESUS? If to give a cup of water to a thirsty Person, then in the moment to be like unto JESUS an amount, JIA; hence to be perfect an amount, to be perfect a moment.

Many said in Churches things opposite of what JESUS Christ said. Many on TV and Radio and on the Internet said opposite of JESUS as if JESUS said such. You can do better than that, You have the words of JESUS available without extra price Free Online.

To be as JESUS be fully repentant and henceforth Immersion Baptized with Eucharist, and start Broadcasting His Words, You don't even have to include Your Own commentary that often hinders His Message that is Best For All; example see above map indicating where JESUS was Preaching is valuable commentary since with much Biblical accuracy. The dashed lines could be more accurate, though are sufficient for Edifying pertinent to today's verse "John 2:12".

The JESUS Christ Precepting is Good, Edifying, so if to "include Your Own commentary" then as much as Faithful In JESUS Words Meanings: practice Actually makes Perfect!

Perps practiced wrongdoings but it did not make perfect, they caused problems and confusions including against themselves.

Without adding confusions (negatives), is to make things Easiest and Best For All. There is a cross to bear daily, yet this Sermon does not ask You to lead a caravan hundreds of miles for many months such as including "into the wilderness". This Sermon does not ask You to quit Your job [except if a perp] nor to ask others to quit their jobs, though to be Perfect there is the proven desperate need to first be Baptized with JESUS Christ UN Law Broadcasting likewise as pertinent now, as multitudes have remained unawares.

1 May 2024 AD. tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, simplifies, explaining how to be perfect JESUS Christ.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.

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