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JESUS Bible Formula John 2:16 Sermon.

JESUS Christ humbly Prayerfully innocently respectful of His Father Holy Spirit In Heaven unseen of the census and likewise as pertinent for His House Of Prayer for the Faithful and for the visitors, invitingly, welcomingly JESUS Christ said, yet with precision in astringently severe ( zesty zeal toward styptic [Healing the bleeding] ardent yet in self controlled as though fitful ardor with All Authority Told and Commanded Bravely and Brazenly (continuing from yesterday's Sermon with a whip (though far less brutal than the rod toward death Proverbs 23:13 so rather as written in John 2:16:

so at the borderline of ironic, JESUS Christ humbly serving All best, was fitfully Commanding Severely Chastising as much as Correcting, Disciplining toward Disciples as much as Each and All was Desperately Needful hence Devotedly humbly Mercifully Lovingly Kind for All including for such as in ( on behalf of a poor [money] Widow of Great Good Faith): A New Hope.

John 2:16 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "And to those who had been selling doves he said: 'Take these things out of here, and do not make my Father's house a house of trade' ".

Bible Flow John 2:16 "And to those who had been selling doves he said:" \ "'Take these things out of here," \ "and do not make my Father's house a house of trade' " as if as strayed was able to trade goods for bads ( or as if able to trade hellish garbage in exchange for Heaven: not so; Heaven is not for barter as rather Heaven is for the Worthy Faithful with All In Highest Level of merely 1 idea, 1 mind, and rather 1 Soulful Heart Of Desperate Love as arranged inside Each that JESUS Christ Created [in Agreeing With The Living Father Together As 1, Inviting] Growing Living Magnifying For The Kingdom Of Heaven's Sake.

So is JESUS for sinners to be New and Improved?, yes though rather for the Perfect Best To Eternally Improve. In lower levels expounding: if any opts to stray then such might immediately turn to dust for to restart [at the Best Time such would start anewly from dust, rather from the most appropriately pertinent level] to reorganize to properly be Best Fitful.

Bible Formula John 2:16 "And to those who had been selling doves he said:" = "'Take these things out of here," x "and do not make my Father's house a house of trade' ".

Noah gathered the animals.

JESUS Lifted The People Over the animals.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Create Heaven on Earth, measure Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, speaks of The New Hope in Fitfully Living Compassion With Fervor, as for Christian Leadership, and Ambassadors and importance of The 5 Pennies Rule if to be Faithfully Best.

(Google search: "Noah" "entering" "animals" -© -copyright).

Noah did not declaw every animal that entered the Ark, and JESUS did not declaw every animal that had entered into the Temple. Likewise such as about conjoined twins or birth defects, DNA Modifying about cutting [legal often] [also more about the lower level such as to cut and graft a tree limb] is rather as Noah and JESUS for to best guide DNA to Grow Best. For instance a grapevine without support [supportive guiding] has been more about lower level things as weeds, when rather to be Lifted.

Making the sword into the plowshare is as to catalyze the part in desperate need to be improved, similar to catalyzing an elephant to ascend into the Ark [that it move and relocate according to it's Best Hope]. To cement a Treaty is often with a handshake rather than such as to put the hands together by force illegally such as with a rivot.

Guide DNA parts into their New Home(s). Critters are for farms, while People are for Church [and Church Family Residences].

What if a member is missing such as an arm from a DNA section, what to do, rather how to JESUS Christ Together 1 Best Guide is to consider what Bible verse is missing from that "member"? Example: there is a particular section not properly participating with the Whole JESUS Christ Original Plan hence such as may apply.

Illustratively symbolically, Friends, JESUS Christ Edified us very little about Himself [reminder this symbolism for to Edify and make clear a point], rather JESUS Christ Edified us according to our level of understanding(s). In other words, JESUS Christ did not put All Of His Eternal experiences into the tiny seedling Bible, of course He hardly told us about prior to creation as we [self concerned about our Give personal vessels] might hardly understand.

And We have to Ascend Best Together, it is imperative (cliche: no one left behind). A chain is merely as strong as it's weakest link. Similarly an expert group sounds lost if merely 1 person in a mere instant blurts out something foolish [reference secular cliche: no sale]. So We are to continue Faithfully Centerline Ascending As JESUS Christ Exemplar Gave For Us All to Accomplish, Friends: The 5 Pennies Rule.

5 May 2024 AD. tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ USA Law Renamed USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law renamed United Nations, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, speaks of The New Hope in Fitfully Living Compassion With Fervor, as for Christian Leadership, and Ambassadors with importance of The 5 Pennies Rule if to be Faithfully Best.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 41.

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