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JESUS Bible Formula John 2:19 Sermon.

JESUS Christ said "Tear down" or "Destroy" as in some translations, though not to "Destroy" but for their sakes for the proof that they hoped, yet JESUS Christ the Righteous Prophet was aware they would not "Tear down" nor "Destroy" for they had imagined it was about the temple made of hands. JESUS Christ is not the destroyer, as JESUS Christ The Eternal Is The Creator, and the Creator Of Good (see in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series on the 7th Seal opened publicly in this Series without price nor copyright so for All as invited to broadcast). JESUS Christ died once for All to enter into Him and beyond that rest into His Heavenly Creation Work.

John 2:19 Good News Translation [Christ] "Jesus answered, 'Tear down this Temple, and in three days I will build it again' ".

Bible Flow John 2:19 "Jesus" Christ "answered, 'Tear down this Temple,' " \ " 'and in three days' " \ " 'I will build it again' " as the Righteous Proof as JESUS Christ Righteously Prophesied that Will be in them [and also in All], hence Agreeing.

Bible Formula John 2:19 "Jesus" Christ "answered, 'Tear down this Temple,' " = " 'and in three days' " x " 'I will build it again' ".

Righteously Prophesying is Anewly this Current Invitation for all to Ascend beyond the temples made of hands, as JESUS Christ Exemplar has Planned as written in JESUS Christ ICCDBB.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Create Heaven on Earth, measure Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, specifies far greater than Moses, is Your desperate need to broadcast JESUS Words as is being done in JESUS Christ ICCDBB.


For a Christian to read the Bible to the self or while Preaching, has been "Temple" level, a little Higher Level than mere works of hands;

yet rather Christian to type on the Internet Precept On Precept relating to current events as with a New Bible Formula as You see here above in JESUS Christ ICCDBB

is to enter into writing the Bible.

Currently many talk about Jesus in the denominations and as if merely in their Churches in their own names, and You can look at the lists of Churches in names that are NOT the name JESUS Christ. For instance, the search term: Church, was Googled currently and the first 3 were in other names and said nothing about JESUS Christ, and many others were similar. This does not mean they were without values, such as places to be Immersion Baptized [as many as pertinent].

But Our Faith came from Christians publishing the words of JESUS Christ (and "Precept On Precept relating to current events" stated above).

Behold, also for instance the excellent Book Of Matthew had some things about the Birth Of JESUS Christ not found such as in the also excellent Book Of John.

Consider briefly a person would not normally invest in a known liar that tells You lies in order to make sales in order to selfishly have money. Therefore broadcast JESUS Christ Words as a Righteous Prophet, such as to Prophesy that JESUS Christ Will Come in His Glory [reason: so that You in a desperate moment Will be fully aware it is the Original JESUS Christ so You are not tempted to fall away in the needful moment (even so be Faithful].

As a Bible Writer published without price in Luke 16:11 "If, then, you have not been faithful in handling worldly wealth, how can you be trusted with true wealth?", means JESUS Christ Will Give The Faithful [For The Sakes Of Others] the Higher Level Riches, for instance the thirsty near the equator in the desert were given a small trickle of water, then more then a fresh river of water.

But JESUS Christ does not come the same way on demand for the "liar", as the "liar" has opted to not be as JESUS Christ. JESUS Christ is within, not merely in the Faithful, also in the selfish liar similar to a seed that has not become so much as a new sprout.

Yet for the JESUS Christ Bible Writer the Faith Ascends to Stalk Level to Ear Level to Full Kernel In The Ear Level (Mark 4:28): this is a Bible Formula.

Mark 4:28 Flow: Stalk Level \ Ear Level \ Full Kernel In The Ear Level.

Mark 4:28 Formula: Stalk Level = Ear Level x Full Kernel In The Ear Level.

Currently other matters apply for "Full Kernel" instantly (see "How to build a Manna Machine" JESUS Christ ICCDBB).

Do You expect instant success?, it might not come instantly.

God JESUS Christ told Moses in Exodus 17:6 " 'I will stand before you on a rock at Mount Sinai. Strike the rock, and water will come out of it for the people to drink.' Moses did so in the presence of the leaders of Israel".

Moses in His opted Faith amount in the moment struck the rock but there was disappointment.

Moses desperate for to be Faithful and to quench, struck the rock again!

Numbers 20:11 "Then Moses raised the stick and struck the rock twice with it, and a great stream of water gushed out, and all the people and animals drank".

The temple of the desert against the Chosen People became no longer against the Chosen People.

Why did Moses fail the first time?

God JESUS Christ told Moses in Numbers 20:8 "Take the staff and assemble the congregation. You and your brother Aaron are to speak to the rock while they watch, and it will pour out its water. You will bring out water from the rock and provide drink for the congregation and their livestock".

Moses did not speak as told, but said as in Numbers 20:10 "He and Aaron assembled the whole community in front of the rock, and Moses said, 'Listen, you rebels! Do we have to get water out of this rock for you?' ".

JESUS Christ Name Soul Spirit Words Publishing, then [in lower level Maintenance] to apply to current events.

8 May 2024 AD. tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ USA Law Renamed USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law renamed United Nations, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, specifies far greater than Moses, is Your desperate need to broadcast JESUS Words as is being done in JESUS Christ ICCDBB.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 41.

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