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JESUS Bible Formula John 2:2 Sermon.
JESUS Christ said His Original Plan Guidance Words for All to be Faithfully Worthy. Though many through generations have been mired under lower levels lusts such as to lust selfishly to reproduce the self hence about body parts, when rather to Baptize The Whole (as yesterday's Sermon explained) Person and All Civilization into 1 JESUS Christ Soul Holy Name Spirit Eternal Good And Best.
John 2:2 Aramaic Bible in Plain English "And also Yeshua himself and his disciples were invited to the wedding banquet,"; "Yeshua" [Hebrew word for the name JESUS Christ though this verse is from the Greek, and this part of the Book Of John is not in Matthew, Mark, nor Luke (not in the Harmony Of The Gospels nor in the similar 4 Books Chronological Order "Outline" "of the original tongues")] means as English applies globally and more hence JESUS The Christ,
"Many people shared the name" ( "Yeshua" in history, so this JESUS Christ is defined that there "be no disputations" (3 Nephi 11:22) (1 Corinthians 11:16 through 19);
and "wedding" refers in sense 1 singular to the Church Formal Oath With Pronouncement In [JESUS Christ] Faith Ceremony, while in sense 2 plural as discussed in subsequent verses it is pertinent also with the following Maintenance level Miracle recognition of the preceding Faith Ceremony hence the formal ( interactive Guests Celebration with Banquet.
Bible Flow John 2:2 "And also" JESUS Christ "himself" [census] \ "and his disciples" [census] \ "were invited to the wedding banquet,"; as "census" refers to secular while "the Church Formal Oath With Pronouncement In [JESUS Christ]" refers to "Faith".
Bible Formula John 2:2 "And also" JESUS Christ "himself" = "and his disciples" x "were invited to the wedding banquet".
(Google search: "JESUS" "water becoming wine" -© -copyright) (
Be the Eunuch for the Kingdom Of Heaven's sake, though if Married consult with the Spouse as there are often prior understood as normal agreements hence lifelong preparations toward such. And fitting with yesterday's Sermon Preceptingly, to be the Eunuch is not merely generation census family responsibility, rather Responsibility Over All. Such a Delight in JESUS Christ for You to Best Guide, symbolically Surfing Through The Heavenly Levels, yet rather less sensed, hence Faithfully: less knowledge sense is conditionally reciprocal to Greater Better JESUS Christ Word Power In The Soul; yet be aware to read and Key To Distinguish The Good even to Save All from the other ideas.
The "wedding" is about lower level things (yesterday's Sermon) Save the Good, the Children Miracle Blessings that result. Consider the 1st Testament sinners that went to confessionals and the Priest might consider as if punishment rather penance for Making Right such as to Heal a particular type of disease; this point being there was the sin then penance, whereas there is the "wedding" then Responsibility for Giving Blessings for to Best Raise Children like unto first an Usher might be Anointed and then to become a Church Priest Ascending from Usher Level Responsibilities to Priesthood Responsibility To Broadcast as there is Desperate NEED ( as many addictions have begotten many addictions (similar has been "blood money").
Concerning hard work for Parents to raise Children, after many years of raising Children the sane Parent would not kill their Children (even though on TV...) so there in the raising and continuing, there needs be JESUS Christ Faithfulness in Children lest as in Exodus nearly half of little faith stood where not to stand and the earth swallowed them, and again in the 3rd Testament about half were slaughtered by their own relatives!
Turning water into blood [red, wine] is the first of the "ten plagues of Egypt"
"because Pharaoh" refused "to listen to God. The first plague" turned "the Nile River into blood. All ten plagues" are "listed in order" (pinterest) but it did NOT absolve Egypt;
and "listed in order" refers to Precept On Precept, Precepting, hence Bible Flow, hence Bible Formula(s); fitting into JESUS' Guidance for to fit All into His Original Plan Best For All: JESUS Christ.
(Google search: "nile" "water turned into blood" -© -copyright)
(see the UFO, Heavy Water, Columbus, Rainbow Lights, connection at if full page ad appears close tab & click again).
This above verse John 2:2 is the same Day as John 2:1 Berean Standard Bible "On the third day a wedding"... like unto on the third Day JESUS Christ Rose from the tomb! Technically John 1:29 King James Version "The next Day" doesn't fit this pattern ("Chronological Order" as stated above yet here fittingly), though John 1:35 "the next Day" does fit this pattern [You can read the Chapters to see in proof].
What other than "Chronological Order" fits? John 1:35 with some red letters is the first verse in which JESUS Christ Speaks in the Book Of John! Note prior, between verses 18 and 19 is when JESUS was Baptized [not mentioned in the Book Of John]. So this info is extremely important about the current situation that many Christians tell People that when starting to read the Bible a Person might start with the Book Of John! So this Christian Immersion Baptism info needs also be explained.
In all directions many bad things fit together, Save in 1 Best Direction Through JESUS Christ. Good news is for instance this example of yesterday's letter from Curtis Yarlott, Executive Director of St. Labre [almost entirely funded through donors] which reports current "overwhelming popularity".
21 April 2024 AD.
tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, clarifies how JESUS Christ Leaving The Tomb fits into His First Miracle, Alpha and Omega, Omega and Alpha.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.
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