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JESUS Bible Formula John 2:9 Sermon.

John 2:9 New Living Translation "When the master of ceremonies tasted the water that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though, of course, the servants knew), he called the bridegroom over"; rather there is "master" JESUS Christ Giving Victory Over "not knowing". Ellicott's Commentary (at speaks of supply and demand.

Bible Flow John 2:9 "When the master of ceremonies tasted the water" [in the sense of "the master of ceremonies" other than JESUS Christ, thinking it was water] \ "that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though, of course, the servants knew)," \ "he called the bridegroom over".

Bible Formula John 2:9 "When the master of ceremonies tasted the water" = "that was now wine, not knowing where it had come from (though, of course, the servants knew)," x "he called the bridegroom over".

JESUS Christ The Master [Rabboni, Rabbi, Master, Teacher (John 20:16)] made wine from water. From the elements from the soil, the grape vine gathers such as magnetic iron that when changed into [nonmagnetic so to speak] iron with little magnetic properties it agrees with blood. Water [clear, unseen, like unto Faith and] Spirit, and Blood agree with Wine. Water is simple, H2O, though wine and blood are very complex.

JESUS Christ Faith Spirit is simple and easy to understand,

able to move mountains; but selfishness for the body vessel and for vessels and things complicate and undo many complex worldly plans,

like unto the lower level hem of a robe that becomes frayed and with tangles (laws, not shown), that JESUS Christ UN Good Grace solved.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, shows how to avoid Giant Future Disasters with moving mountains Faith Spirit, planning best for all.


Does this mean we can get vats and change water to wine, in the worldly sense no.

Without Highest Purpose Best For All, the worldly proven plans failed.

JESUS Christ Father Soul Faith Spirit Highest Purpose, then from His Soul comes what is next such as if to see a need to obey [Parent, Law, and rather as much as Allowed: Grace].

So from JESUS Christ's Power is where to utilize [if You are Faithfully Ascending hence how to apply such Faith Level JIA].

The need for wine is the New Need In Heaven, and if JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting then for as Many as Do, then exists the option if to apply to Celebrating Creating Heaven On Earth [And All Creation], so JESUS Christ Work then if JESUS is Willing to celebrate with You, hence before wine [and cheese for instance] is the humble Prayerful saying of Grace, Invitingly [Inviting JESUS, and All though "All" is with conditions].

Now behold what was key to these statements per se, the power example to celebrate with JESUS' wine as stated, with the "conditions" least complex. For instance to move the Moon to the Earth and step onto it for to celebrate JESUS Christ is Noble at first imagining, though Maintenance Before The Fact is to not destroy Earth and Moon with heat and lightning of near crashing effects with earthquakes and so forth.

So mere selfish faith = Giant Future Disasters.

Just as there needs be the Best Plan for the Moon, there is the Best JESUS Plan for blood, water, wine, and His Inviting Spirit For Best For All [unraveling the mysteries]. For some the celebration is without wine, for clear awareness for Anew Beginning Greater Victory Planning. Yet there are weekends and holidays and so forth that are within the norm, for to celebrate [without or with wine], though if "without or with wine" how does Your body be "without or with" blood?: and so the JIA applies.

A gap in Your blood, if the gap is filled with wine, if legal and proper [such as good health wise], then might be opted. Simplified: a hand size horseshoe magnet in Your heart doesn't fit, precept on precept.

Falling from Grace and Law [such as critters lacking civilized Goodness] tear things apart for selfishness often,

yet the JESUS Plan Faithfully Ascending For All fit things together, as from toward dead wine, rather toward transforming wine into Living People, as much as Best For All.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law with the 7th Seal, The 5 Pennies Rule, Bible Formulas, Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, shows how to avoid Giant Future Disasters with moving mountains, living, blood, gaps, bone internals, blood in bones.

(Google search: ""blood" "cell" "bone" -© -copyright).

To fill an empty balloon with water is to stiffen it, toward iron; so the dead iron in the ground, properly fits into the bone more toward Living Iron!

A mountain of iron ore generally merely sits there even if to yell at it, though a Mass of People rise in Church for such as to sing and such as for Eucharist [in some Churches].

28 April 2024 AD.

tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Law Renaming USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, shows how to avoid Giant Future Disasters with moving mountains.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 40.

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