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JESUS Bible Formula John 3:24 Sermon.

JESUS Christ Gave allowance for this verse for the lower levels to become aware and to Ascend into full repentance, Baptism, and hence to be Faithfully Perfect hence Perfectly Perfecting All.

John 3:24 Berean Literal "For John had not yet been cast into the prison" is a negative verse for Edifying lower levels of little faith thus far.

Bible Flow John 3:24 "For John had" "yet" Liberty time [for to be Baptizing] \ as it was prior to having "been" \ "cast into" legal level that did not make perfect [as written in Hebrews 10:1 "For the Law, having a shadow of the good things coming, not the form of the things themselves, never is able each year, with the same sacrifices which they offer continually, to perfect those drawing near" [hence the reason JESUS Christ was Sent for to Make Perfect].

Bible Formula John 3:24 "For John had" "yet" Liberty time in Good Baptizing Work(s) = as it was prior to having "been" x "cast into" lower level legalese that could not make perfect.

In other words "John had" = "been" x "cast into" lower level legalese that wasted works of lower level legalese that had been in works against itself and against civilization and against John.

Moses improved civilization, but when civilization failed to improve with JESUS Christ as with John The Baptist in 1 Christian Faith Leadership, civilization betrayed it's heritage and itself.

jesusun, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Oath Of Office, Create Heaven on Earth, measure Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, talks about the death penalty being obsolete, to rather Lead Best in JESUS Christ UN Grace Spirit Victory Over former confusions.

(Google search: "earth in prison" "wordpress" -copyright -©).

If we [wrongfully] agree to all naysay and be of little faith and to cast all into prison [or similar if to cast all except JESUS Christ (e.g. about current census count) into prison]

then as shown above and none are protected from each other. Plainly: if to purchase a pistol for to perhaps shoot a person,

then to immorally illegally allow for to shoot an innocent person as shown on TV yesterday about mistaken intent that was merely realized after-the-fact that the shooter became a murderer.

JESUS Christ Original Plan is the Hope of All For All to be Perfect hence the reason JESUS Christ The Perfect Inviter was Sent.

The Wisdom the Creator JESUS Christ In Desperate Love Giving For To Lift All, opted to be Sent (Creator Original Plan hence NEED to swear on the Bible).

With proper Ascending starting with broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Peace Formula, then other things accordingly fit, including for to overcome any "seeking" "death" as if for anyone.

"No person shall be convicted of any crime but by the unanimous verdict of a jury in open court," if any would be "seeking a sentence of death"


note: this also means no Person [including Perp(s), Citizen(s), Police, and Military] is allowed to [such as shoot and] kill any Person, without first such Trial, rather as written:

"They replied, “If you will be a servant to these people and serve them this day, and if you will respond by speaking kind words to them, they will be your servants forever” " (1 Kings 12:7).

Hence this JESUS Christ Spirit Of Faithfulness [and Legally] is Wisdom in JESUS Christ With The Good Samaritan, for The 5 Pennies Rule.

"Jesus was saying to him, "If you desire to be perfect, go, sell what you are possessing, and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in the heavens; and come, follow Me." " (Matthew 19:21).

Good humble serving [hence JESUS Christ Original Plan implementation (JIA)] All begets being Best Served.

Being Perfect Exemplar [hence JESUS Christ Original Plan implementation (JIA)] All begets being All 1 Perfect JESUS Christ Exemplar [even including Righteous Prophesying Best Guiding Giving Best New Specification On previous Best Level Specification: into a New Beginning].

This is just as JESUS Christ Faithful Spirit is Holy New Victory Over former lower levels strayed and fallen hardships ideas (John 6:60), therefore to Best Guide the Highest Purpose Of The Law, hence JESUS Christ Original Plan Moral Principles Of JESUS Christ UN Grace implementation, Precept On Precept [note as already being implemented though merely in the Faithful [JESUS Christ ICCDBB Exemplar (see Header of this page "Law" link) With As Many As Being Heavenly Blessings likewise referencing these "JESUS Christ Original Plan Moral Principles Of JESUS Christ UN" Best For All, Best Guiding Through JESUS Christ Proper Oath Of Office "Grace".

So this applies according to the Historic Fact(s), including as stated above.

A secular example concerns the movie The Bridge on the River Kwai [that was on TV yesterday]. The captured colonel in a prison camp was leading the building of a bridge and better than the colonel's enemies had thought to do, and another prisoner, the MD, asked the colonel where the colonel was committing "collaboration" and perhaps "treason", and the colonel responded asking the MD if the MD needed to medically treat their captor would the MD do best effort; but the colonel lacked wisdom to realize that the MD was for to save lives whereas the colonel was for the wars purposes.

JESUS Christ UN Grace is for Best Guiding into All Goodness Faithfully, and the first 7 years as Righteously Prophesied Continue Ascendingly for the Christian Leadership,

but lack of such broadcasting in the silent majority has been as to let the Good Gains slip away.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Create Heaven on Earth, measure Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, the 7th Seal, The 5 Pennies Rule, talks about the death penalty being obsolete, to rather Lead Best in JESUS Christ UN Grace Spirit Victory Over former confusions.

(Google search: "Bridge on the River Kwai" "movie" "train" "wordpress" -copyright -©).

Reported in the news yesterday was case after case of statistics about how multitudes of people were slipping away, such as about the cliche paycheck to paycheck, but not merely about such as welfare nor minimum wage situations, but prevalent throughout civilization, when the Good stated above in this Sermon is available [and in this Series all the more].

To study many things has been to study all failed ways Save 1. This is not in the sense of many types of bridges that may do the job, but in the sense of Good, or of little faith [in the secular ideas: bad, having opted for faithlessness, such as to drive the wrong direction on a highway: suicide is not good leadership].

If You cause others to fail (lack of above stated broadcasting), then to cause "others" to make You "fail" such as to cause Perps to have logic reason to make You fail, for instance to cause People to have attack dogs (above stated "wars purposes", war machine) to protect from You even if You merely walk on the sidewalk in front of their residence.

Rather a Church Welcome sign applies, even if the Church is closed sometimes with doors locked and such Church is to be respected and not interfered if closed [for instance there might be repairs being made inside so if to break into the Church when closed then perhaps to cause something to fall on the trespasser].

If to cast any away, such as into prison, then to fail, and to cast thyself into shame and guilt and to wrongly make enemies and to make selfish confusions pains. To wrongfully use questions to attack has been to cause the self to be in such confusions.

In mere knowledge to say 2 + 3 = 5 is fruitless as 2 deaths + 3 deaths = 5 deaths, and as 2 confused people + 3 confused people = 5 confused people. Mere knowledge is no good if to pretend as if without JESUS Christ Grace Best Purpose As Fact In History For All Most Honorably.

7 June 2024 AD. tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ USA Law Renamed USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law renamed United Nations, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, the 7th Seal, The 5 Pennies Rule, Bible Formulas, precept on precept, Faithfully Ascending for All in JESUS Christ humble prayerful innocent Original Plan, talks about the death penalty being obsolete, to rather Lead Best in JESUS Christ UN Grace Spirit Victory Over former confusions.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 41.

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