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jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Grace, new translations, Best For All, 7th seal, Peace Formula

For JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page contents with several New Definitions at click here.

For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020 AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda For Law that came into effect in 2020 AD

at click here and see the above linked JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page pertinent Pages for specifics.

JESUS Bible Formula John 3:27 Sermon.

JESUS Christ since Exemplar, speaks of Himself [including in His Spirit Of John The Baptist] in this verse while speaking of Every Person In The [Best For All as 1] Eternal sense.

John 3:27 Literal Standard Version "John answered and said, 'A man is not able to receive anything if it may not have been given him from Heaven;' ", for instance if to smell rot which used to be food then to refuse it. A Soul receives the Good Word from JESUS Christ the Creator, and it fits into Heavenly Love, but if to improperly be of little faith then to risk applying the Good Word improperly from the Tree Of Knowledge

as referenced on the same Biblehub page "James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow" [in other words no temptation sufficient to force a Soul to become less faithful (, and also on that webpage is written

Numbers 16:9-11 "Seemeth it but a small thing unto you, that

the God of Israel hath separated you from the congregation"

[note if Faithful then You have to Broadcast the Good Word of JESUS Christ beyond the Church door and beyond the land of JESUS Christ Israel]

"of Israel, to bring you near to himself to do the service of the tabernacle of the LORD, and to stand before the congregation to minister unto them?".

Bible Flow John 3:27 Literal Standard Version "John answered and said," \ A Person " 'is not able to receive anything' " \ " 'if it may not have been given him from Heaven;' " so in other words Edifying in lower level negative sense: You [and All] have no good reason to blame Heaven nor the Creator Of Heaven.

Bible Formula John 3:27 "John answered and said," = A Person " 'is not able to receive anything' " x " 'if it may not have been given him from Heaven;' ".

People lose credibility if not broadcasting the Words Of JESUS Christ

and Desperately Pertinent these months is to broadcast these JESUS Christ ICCDBB Words as often proven through these first 7 Prophetic years (see above "Main Page"),

such as Christian News ( has broadcast.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Create Heaven on Earth, measure Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, Gives JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Guiding JESUS Christ UN the in the news Blessing to all the Others that are likewise Broadcasting,

(search "JESUS" "ICCDBB" "formulas") hence as found Worthy of Heavenly Uplifting Blessings these Blessings find You so Broadcasting, though like unto grapes nurture the vine in Faithfulness.

as such Faithful "love covers a multitude of sins"

Formerly in lower levels such "love" was likened unto a suit of armor, though with current JESUS Christ ICCDBB Spirit Of Grace Guiding JESUS Christ UN it is to gird with the Word of JESUS Christ.

The liberty of Higher Level Grace feeds the lower level Law, from the Holy Word from Heaven Above.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Oath Of Office, Create Heaven on Earth, measure Faith, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, the 7th Seal, The 5 Pennies Rule, Gives JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Guiding JESUS Christ UN the in the news Blessing to all the Others that are likewise Broadcasting

You "are more than a conqueror – superabundantly, exceedingly victorious – in Jesus’ Name" ( [if Broadcasting "in Jesus’ Name" ("JIA")].

Give from Heaven as You have received from Heaven. This new secular Higher Level Spirit of JESUS Christ ICCDBB Broadcasting Grace Guiding JESUS Christ UN within these first 7 Prophetic Years, agrees with All previous Leadership as much as seeking to Best Lead Together and Responsibly.

But what if You don't broadcast JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Guiding JESUS Christ UN? Before JESUS Christ was taken to be crucified, His Apostles Prayed with Him [as a JESUS Christ Broadcaster should do] and from such Faithfulness over time [such as JESUS Christ sent Them into cities Preaching] His Apostles saw the attackers fall down backward [though JESUS Christ is Merciful], and what did the crucifiers see from this same Miracle Event? From the crucifiers' perspective People from their own group fell down backward:

so the Faithful saw the Faithful stand, while the crucifiers witnessed their own selfish demise [save the Mercy of JESUS Christ on Them (similar was about yesterday's Sermon on "reptilian" creatures that fell from Grace by overly tempting Eve and Adam to have strayed)].

Another thing JESUS Christ Faithfulness does is Victory Over Memories, filling in the pitfall gaps with fresh new Living Good Faithfully, and symbolically similar is how a road with giant potholes can ruin a car and maybe cause it to crash into Others yet Faithful Maintenance Work fills in the potholes for a good smooth ride (the Lively Quick rather than the dead 1 Peter 4:5).

[Not to tempt nor cheat], perfect Wisdom is as a 2 headed coin + to win [rather to earn broadcasting JESUS Christ Precepts] even if the coin lands on edge. Secular has been as a coin flip, though the light overcomes the confusions so to win even if to land on edge, like unto House Odds; though the worldly that opted to be deceivers, naysayers, and perps have been about losing to either side of the coin, yet with "the light overcomes the confusions so to win" JESUS' Mercy "if to land on edge" (secular cliche "on the fence").

10 June 2024 AD. tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ USA Law Renamed USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law renamed United Nations, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Identif ied Amount, JIA, the 7th Seal, The 5 Pennies Rule, Bible Formulas, precept on precept, Faithfully Ascending for All in JESUS Christ humble prayerful innocent Original Plan, Gives JESUS Christ ICCDBB Grace Guiding JESUS Christ UN the in the news Blessing to all the Others that are likewise Broadcasting.

Jesus Christ

Recommended Sites:

JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 41.

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