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JESUS Bible Formula John 3:31 Sermon.
JESUS Christ Best Guides from Heaven above in the Name and Spirit Work of JESUS Christ, and this Work can be in the census in as Many As: Faithful in JESUS Christ and Eternally Good.
John 3:31 Berean Standard Bible "The One who comes from above is above all. The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth. The One who comes from heaven is above all".
Bible Flow Faithfully in JESUS Christ as in John 3:31 "The One who comes from above is above all." \ "The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth." \ "The One who comes from heaven is above all".
Bible Flow also in JESUS Christ's Work John 3:31 "The One who comes from above is above all." \ "The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth." \ "The One who comes from heaven is above all" meaning JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting with the 7th Seal Goodness as founded in JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series.
Bible Formula John 3:31 "The One who comes from above is above all." = "The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth and speaks as one from the earth." x "The One who comes from heaven is above all" JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting with the 7th Seal Goodness as founded in this Sermons Series in the Name and Spirit Work of JESUS Christ.
The smaller Tree JESUS Christ Planted has been Tree Of Life,
the larger Tree Of Life is the JESUS Christ Righteous Prophetic Future Straight Up, with orbs symbolizing "Magnifying" (yesterday's Sermon) Growing as into 3rd Heaven.
(Google search: "Tree Of Life" "roots" -copyright -©).
The lower part of the Tree grounded in Love, is in 2 Levels: the lower level is [merely indicated a little as orbs can also symbolize {Heaven and} Earth with dust and plants girding],
as with census Marriage for Blessings in the form of Children, and the Higher Level roots above ground are the Eunuch For The Kingdom Of JESUS Christ's Heaven's sake girded in bark, JESUS Word(s).
For Worthy in JESUS Christ "As for the command to leave the stump of the tree with its roots, your kingdom will be restored to you as soon as you acknowledge that Heaven rules" (Daniel 4:26).
"Jesus explained, 'My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to finish His work' " (John 4.34) hence with the previous verse "Daniel 4:26" in JESUS Christ Name With JESUS Christ Spirit Work, when found Worthy [Pending Together (when "finish" applies)] You the JESUS Faithful top part of the trunk and tree Will in today's JESUS Christ Name Spirit Righteous Prophesy [Edifyingly no longer have to eat dirt minerals and such, so] Will Feast From "Him" JESUS Christ Hosting Gathering into His Final Oneness For "to finish His work"!
JESUS Christ Original Plan Victory Over "And you must not go up to My altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it" (Exodus 20:26) [Victory Over the lower part of the body]. This Agrees with Current Guidance that in the Church Edifyingly Over lower levels is not the place for lower level conjugal matters of the flesh associated with lusts [Church from a non-Eunuch residence Home is with JIA amounts as with parameters such as boundaries and times].
Christian Baptism is at least in the Name of JESUS Christ. The Eucharist bread is in the census in JESUS Christ UN Broadcasting in His Name [Agreeing with His Work] as stated above and as in this JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series. The Eucharist wine is [Anew to the former Holy Spirit BC, rather] through JESUS Christ about 2,000 years ago in JESUS Christ's Spirit [suffering going down a little lower than the Angels (Hebrews 2:7 through 9)]) is His Work [the "Broadcasting" {Agreeing with His Name} the current 5 Pennies Rule need. And these from JESUS Christ Original Plan, hence likewise [His Loving Wisdom Prioritized For All] from Heaven.
Note this Sermon Series has now Ascended from the word "Comprehensive" in this 5th Testament (from the 4th Testament), to the words Best For All [likewise Best Comprehensively] according to JESUS Christ Original Plan Highest Purpose For All.
Out of the mouths of innocent Children, great Peace settlements have been Accomplished (reference Deuteronomy 31:21). This is like unto a JIA of wine. Wine can loosen the tongue of the silent majority Priesthood (as "All" Baptized should be) for to be JESUS Christ Broadcasting beyond the Church walls associated with less officially: Eucharist after the Sermon. But too much alcohol has been as to talk and do less Wisely, less caringly.
An Ascending Broadcast of JESUS Christ can be Higher Level drunk in JESUS Christ Spirit like unto the innocent "Child" [Edifyingly not as the powerful drug addict, nor about feeling empowered by a pistol as if to kill potential trespassers].
Now to Give You a Pleasant Message: in secular cliche and with time zones "Good morning" can be heard any time around the world, likewise humbly prayerfully broadcasting your JESUS Christ Sermon can be visited any time around the world especially as Others Broadcast "your" Sermon!
Concerning the Power of this Gift, consider that a prominent TV Preacher decades ago said come visit [so many days from now, on a specific date and time] to behold the Miracle, and i went and He was not there and none were expecting Him, then later in the day He arrived walking around, so inquiring He responded that must have been a repeat. So don't be discouraged: if Your Sermon with JESUS Christ Words on the Internet receives merely 2 Visitors, that would be twice the motivated viewing audience (pertinent amount, JIA) of "a prominent TV Preacher".
No longer bound by the world.
(Google search: "JESUS" "cross" -copyright -©).
He is risen, best guiding the way, precept on precept.
14 June 2024 AD. tags: JESUS Bible Formulas, JESUS Christ USA Law Renamed USA, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law renamed United Nations, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, JESUS Identified Amount, JIA, the 7th Seal, The 5 Pennies Rule, Bible Formulas, precept on precept, Faithfully Ascending for All in JESUS Christ humble prayerful innocent Original Plan, Righteously Prophesies Over 3rd Heaven for Together to Finish His JESUS Christ UN Work.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 41.
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