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JESUS Blessed So All Bless Sermon.

All Hoped for Better, even for Best; so JESUS Christ was Given the Mission for to solve so as Sent JESUS Christ Blessed All so Each is to Do Likewise. If to own a new camper, are You to Give it to another Person?, or if to own a House?, yet consider what a System is as much as for All, such as providing water to campers and to houses and as much as for All.

The secular former way was to teach electricity in anti-Christian schools, and while Ascended from that as much as Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Pertinent Goodness Before The Fact consider how it is that People learn?: often such as seeing ads online and watching ads on TV and hearing ads on the radio, including many ads that have not "Ascended" for "Goodness" for "All", and ads for products such as that chemically alter census People and such as electrically alter census People.

The System as much as for All, is the outpouring of Love Faithfully [consistently, reliably]

Agreeing with the Sermon 2 days ago Ascending from "Twins" to being for "Groups" to rather Best Being For "All"!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Holy JESUS Spirit, explains We are polymer People that NEED TO BE BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN GOODNESS, electrochemical pharmaceuticals on TV ads AVOID UNNECESSARY DRUGS Physician's Desk Reference

"The monomer in natural rubber is isoprene (2-methyl-1,3-butadiene), which is a volatile liquid", "Di peptide, with both amino acids charged. All around us are polymers.

The tissues of our body, genetic information is transmitted through a polymer called DNA, whose structural units are nucleic acids."

( [translated].

The above "schools" and "ads" comments very much so have been stuck-in-a-rut-of-their-own-makings not "Ascended" for "Goodness" for "All", in other words NOT FOR THE "System" that "as much as for All, is the outpouring of Love Faithfully".

This Series has many Bible Formulas. So what happens if to mix a little electrical knowledge with home products of various platforms, can be as show, such as behind the computer and behind the TV and behind other new tech gadgets that use much power at various times, e.g. local factories that look like neighbor houses, HVAC, garage door openers, garbage disposals, laundry rooms, refrigerators, kitchen gadgets, charging things, and so on, can make electricity unseen behave as shown in the above pic.

And if to shoot electricity into the census People as has been the fad then similarly see "above pic". Electric current put into a census Person leaves tracks, like unto paths supplying Members of the Person, becoming bulldozed to become merely one main route, similar to a highway without streets to businesses and to homes.

What are census vessels People? In the secular sense we are "polymers", part of "which is a volatile liquid"! If to bulldoze or cut through such as with electrochemical means as in many ads, as with pharmaceuticals on TV ads with "platforms" that are not compatible. Now consider what many will imagine about me if i now say something that is not new, yet to the point:

"AVOID UNNECESSARY DRUGS" (Physician's Desk Reference Edition 37, Guide To Management...section page 3071).

The Beloved though as opted Naysayers would think to say such as symbolically "Our drugs are clearly not for everyone, but for those in need"; but that's hardly what very many ads have been about. Also consider the self administration aspect of the less than MD level, such as while exhausted from work. And the ads that pay money to MDs and to Pharmacies for promoting drugs, if such so opt, are also a concern. Did this Sermon say stop such, no.

NEEDFUL is 1st Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law Legally Recognizing Higher Level Grace if to start to Righteously Justify All, the Group, and Thyself.

Also be aware JESUS Faith is Better than Proof. Shown here concerning equality for instance is symbolism of the Holy JESUS Spirit [rather than to Each] being distributed to All and none are harmed.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, Holy JESUS Spirit, explains We are polymer People that NEED TO BE BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN GOODNESS, electrochemical pharmaceuticals on TV ads AVOID UNNECESSARY DRUGS Physician's Desk Reference


21 June 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains We are polymer People that NEED TO BE BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN GOODNESS, electrochemical pharmaceuticals on TV ads AVOID UNNECESSARY DRUGS Physician's Desk Reference.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 33.

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