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JESUS Bravery Sermon.

JESUS Christ Soul Bravery was proven Over the former less worthy generation nearly 2,000 years ago when the Holy Of Holies had been hidden behind the curtain and the curtain was ripped in two, for Righteous JESUS Christ Together Oneness (as this Sermon Will clarify). The previous Sermon revealed the results of what secular worldly types of leaders did behind closed doors.

This New Better Sermon Will reveal the Better that JESUS Christ Soul reveals. And JESUS Christ just Gave me a New sign from an older Sermon (see arrow in JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Christ Prophesying...Sermon at This New sign from JESUS improved the arrangement of the "curtain" as to symbolize the ceiling above Higher Level Threshold Firmament Level OPENING according to Your Faith Type, Amount, Rate Of Ascending, and so on (as in this Series).

"When mankind was estranged from him by disobedience, God our Saviour made a plan for raising us from our fall and restoring us to friendship with himself"

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, explains the ripped in 2 Curtain Of The Temple Before The Holy Of Holies is Anewly the Higher Level Threshold Firmament Level Already Open though as much as to count it is OPENING For You, God creating a new spirit


The secular when behind closed doors is Good when under JESUS Christ UN as it publicizes, and when Doing as humble Prayerful Thankful [Sent to have all Authority and Over All Power hence Giving to the Worthy Levels accordingly hence to the Worthy 1 JESUS Family]. Behind closed doors as if without the JESUS Christ UN Grace Peace Formula [Peace = Patience x Kindness, and Kindness means to Give Pertinent Goodness] and while not explaining the Top "Authority" has been the history of failures (rather reference the Bible and such as secular transparent traceability and Before The Fact).

The above "the curtain was ripped in two" for "Oneness" as Given is for JESUS Christ Name Spirit Soul Plan Giving Love With The 7th Seal, though reasoning Ascendingly is that the Priesthood had ceased to ascend so became lost, lost the Faith, behind closed doors for selfish member's conspirator purposes, hence a loose gathering of the selfish ones hence those that did not even trust each other (Legion).

So the curtain became no longer of value, as the conspiracy became known in the world's most published book [formerly, in the sense: then radio...]. JESUS Christ is the Good Word Faith Source so the ripped curtain was as a flower that opens and blooms and from JESUS Christ Full Purpose Holy Word Seed Faith that yields more seeds in the Miracles that follow, so the torn curtain is similar to the husked corn.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit,  explains the ripped in 2 Curtain Of The Temple Before The Holy Of Holies is Anewly the Higher Level Threshold Firmament Level Already Open though as much as to count it is OPENING For You, husking corn, and husking an ear of corn


Faith: "first the blade, then the head, after that the full grain in the head" (from Mark 4:28).

Miracle Flow: Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace Online / JESUS Preached on the radio / JESUS of the printing press.

Miracle Formula: Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN Law With Grace Online = JESUS Preached on the radio x JESUS of the printing press.

Note the above formula has gaps, such as telegraph is missing, yet the Higher Level Principle Of JESUS Christ Soul Faith is present though hardly seen, yet now unraveled thus far [husked thus far, Perfect thus far with no work to grow it since the Given Grew it, so as You Agreeingly opened thus far, opening] so "opening" is Anewly [when done Best For All] Victory Over the previous gaps and the torn curtain. Also JESUS Christ "Miracle Formula" is Ascending from secular formulas such as itemized, listed, and counted; to be rather 1.

So this JESUS Christ Bravery Sermon Ascends from clothed to innocent Bravely such as an infant learning to crawl, whether with clothes or not [hardly excuse to go without], such as to privately shower behind closed doors for Their sakes. Yet rather as the Preacher, as said "To bear one's soul". The bare truth. The real story. The Highest meaning of: "Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth": therefore start with JESUS Christ and Continue Faithfully telling the Righteous Story Of JESUS Christ in the Words of the Perfect Good Whole Truth the Words Of JESUS Christ without resistance, without delay, and nothing other than the Whole Story.

Host Before The Fact. What is it to walk into a Church [there are potential Visitors that are interested], a TV show?, as written "As they departed, Jesus began to say to the multitudes concerning John: 'What did you go out into the wilderness to see? A reed shaken by the wind?' " (Matthew 11:7 New King James Version). Rather the Good Sermon should Agree with the JESUS Christ Spirit in each Visitor [even if They don't know so They often disagree until later...perhaps too late], yet the Ascending Church Members Agree.

26 March 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains the ripped in 2 Curtain Of The Temple Before The Holy Of Holies is Anewly the Higher Level Threshold Firmament Level Already Open though as much as to count it is OPENING From JESUS Creating a New Spirit in You to Give.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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