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JESUS Census Souls And Where They Are Sermon.
JESUS Christ is Preached in the Christian Churches, though such as if the Preacher drones a long time and Listeners lose interest, as to daydream such as about what to prepare at home, or where to go after Church Service, then the Spirit of Each Christian Listener is where?: one thing is, that it was a High Enough Level Of Spirit to bring Them to that Church Service, though even a moment of distraction behind the wheel of a car, even a driver with a perfect record can be as written in these 2 verses:
"from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, all of it will be charged to this generation" (Luke 11.51 Berean Standard Bible), and "from the blood of Abel to the blood of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the sanctuary. Yes, I tell you, all of it will be charged to this generation" (Joel 2:17).
Shown here are Holy Temple Court grounds [as where JESUS wrote in the dust on the floor] [all within a wall not shown], the Altar outside with fire and much smoke
and the Laver Bowl where Priests bathed. Inside the building was The Holy Place, and farther inside to the rear was the Holy Of Holies room.
As shown, i see 3 People outside in the Court, and none inside [it looks similar to 1 inside]; so i count a census total of 3.
Many Churches in other lands have counted [perhaps Righteously] the number of Souls present, though accordingly, none counted in that sense are the "3" stated above;
if so none of those Church Preacher Souls have been Preaching from the God Of Israel, not even the Level of the "3", perhaps visitors; Jesus warned in Matthew 12:45
"Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and dwell there; and the final plight of that man is worse than the first.
So will it be with this wicked generation" Save full repentance Baptism [immersion hence forth] is JESUS Gathering yet none "wicked".
The Christian Can Become Righteous to Righteously count 1 Soul per Christian capita, Proof Of Measured Faith!
Though it might not be true of the less than fully repentant and/or Visitors.
Christian full repentant Baptism is to Give the Soul within to and for JESUS Christ, therefore to Measure His Amount Of Census Soul [2,000 years ago] x as counted "capita"!
Some have not Ascended to Usher Level, so as JESUS Christ up to such as age 12. Some "capita" amount [number of such Persons] Faithfully Ascended in JESUS Name Spirit And Soul so like unto JESUS Christ the Preacher. So the above formula is a minimum Christian number of Baptized Faithfully amount. So the formula (Luke 6:38 is pertinent, see next reference) is:
Christian Baptized = 1 Soul x capita.
The secular knowledge had been as if to merely understand in "Accord" (previous Sermons) for to divide and separate [into dust (Luke 22:31)]: Christian Baptized = 1 Soul per capita.
The Maximum is with Christian Ascending 1 Beyond Measure. So the former unmeasured is now being quantified and rather qualified Together (Ascending from unawares about how to Overcome in JESUS Souls Luke 22:31), that rather Luke 6:38 Victory Be For JESUS Christ Ascending 1 Family!
So be with this New Gift, as fitting with yesterday's Sermon Over "how to Pray all Day in JESUS Name Authority Soul Spirit Sending Long Range Power Afar For Good" hence Broadcasting This New Gift, yet importantly starting Precept On Precept so as rather than confuse, with YOUR Desperate NEED for Your sake to be humbly Righteously Prophesyingly Broadcasting JESUS Christ UN 7th Seal Of All Good Before The Fact.
To be clear, it is "YOUR Desperate NEED" NOT MINE, NOT THIS "JESUS Census Souls And Where They Are Sermon" Broadcaster's need since
having already Broadcast these Faith Measurement Matters as Pertinent in the census, Faithfully As JESUS Christ Original So Sent.
The Triadic Minimum Ascending Flow Counts 1 JESUS SOUL of a Christian (per capita) though most Christians Ascended far greater than merely full repentance Baptism then "Forget about it" (secular cliche discussed in yesterday's Sermon) (see old Sermons in this Series on why the Triadic Flow format was so established, including for JESUS Christ Edifying Work):
Christian Baptized / 1 Soul / capita.
25 August 2023 AD.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, establishes the New Minimum fully repentant JESUS Christ Soul Grace Faith Measurement Standard = 1 Christian Soul x capita, while the Maximum Good is JESUS Christ 1 Family, specifying current responsibility.
Recommended Sites:
JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling | This above Sermon is Listed on JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 35.
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