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JESUS Changelessness Sermon.
JESUS Christ Changes (previous JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Changes Us Sermon at having Given a New Victory Over "wasteful 7 times thrust into the Lake Of Fire" Timing with "how to" in lay terms) though is also with Changelessness.
Here rather in this "JESUS Changelessness Sermon" is a Higher Level Heavenly secret revealed from the Giving Of Desperate Love from JESUS Christ of 2,000 years ago: how to change the past of History and of Fact.
(Wordpress shared art).
First as agreed, if to change the future then to act now, and as much as having acted in their present situation there was a future improvement, such as to act to emergency rescue a Person and if able [of the Given situation, and Faith types and amounts and such apply] then to have changed the dire situation into a better situation, a rescued situation, per se [though the rescuer(s) may have risked much].
To change the present We likewise understand. Though how to change the past?, can we change the Birth of Creator JESUS Christ and His Life?, hardly per se [in lay terms not so for His Goodness as Sent is Immortal and Eternally Best Goodness the Best Way For All: reference Baptism and His Exemplar Ascending Way Of Life as All Hoped For Better]. If to bathe the body in the secular bathing sense, then immediately thereafter with higher and lower body parts, to be with a lower body part after the bathing hence the need to bathe again as written in John 13:10 "Jesus told him, 'Whoever has already bathed needs only to wash his feet, and he will be completely clean. And you are clean, though not all of you.' ".
And JESUS Christ asked "Do you know what I have done for you?" (from John 13:12) and JESUS Christ continued with saying as written in John 13:15 "I have set you an example so that you should do as I have done for you.".
Many have a history as a Fact, such as with a given name and such as having worked hard, though Many far to often entertained ideas to be selfish: even the reason for JESUS Christ to have arrived in the census for to Best Way Guide All. In the Christian Church it is the [rescue] Saving Grace for to wash such sinners in the Blood Of JESUS Christ.
To be washed in the Blood Of JESUS Christ
is to wash away all of a Person's sins:
Victory Over changing Facts and History itself!
In cliche Many were asked a question and in cliche according to some search results [such as: "About 264,000,000 results"] a flood of People responded to the question What if you had it to do "all over again? I wouldn't change a thing",
rather through JESUS Christ to wash away all sins that All Best Way Ascend Together As All Hoped For Best. And if so then to change all of this Civilization including All of it's historic facts, therefore to change as if the need for JESUS Christ exemplar yet rather since to change for the Best For All: this is already known in His Awareness as Best Way Prepared: the Second Coming Becoming Fulfilled!
"My foot has held on to His path; I have kept His way and not turned aside."
(from original Job 23:11 New American Standard Bible in Hebrew in the "singular" [hence Victory Over the Greek "Plural" about Luke 3:4]).
And since many have merely been about 2 Testaments, the first has become last and the last first [rather Writing The Living Bible as They as much as Good Did for You and for Us]. For rather than merely the 1st Testament value is the Living Bible With full repentance and Baptism in JESUS Name And Spirit for Living Faithfulness correcting the 2nd Testament as per se the 1st Testament Writers although with much Goodness knew not yet [through "JESUS" The Christ] how to make so.
This Sermon Agrees with as written in Hebrews 13:8 Berean Standard Bible "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.", and with as written in 1 Corinthians 15:52 New American Standard Bible "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.", as happened to Jerusalem in 2020 AD having All [including All 4 Quarters, including even All the created, having] become Christian Led! And the Higher Level Anointing then also in 2020 AD in Preparation for JESUS Christ UN Law, for the Grace as JESUS The Christ The Worthy [Family] should enter into such Glory!
JESUS Christ Changelessness is Likewise "The Living Bible" as being written with Member Names in Many Churches, and Many include Portraits of the Members, as a Book Of Faces, so hardly merely a NameBook, also a FaceBook (JESUS Christ ICCDBB Page 30) as written about values with: You Tube, Facebook, Google, jesus christ un, keywords, GMail, Google Translate, and most popular.
Matthew 6:33 New King James Version "But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.": New Popularity For Your Church as already Prepared for You: thanks be for them the Preparers and for JESUS Christ the Eternal Better Anewly.
With the "FaceBook" of Many Churches is also the vids of so Many Increasingly as each Member is as to say "You" Member, as to watch such as on the TV [perhaps with an old TV hence a "YouTube"], and to Behold with googly eyes, search terms: dictionary "googly eyes" definition result: "an amorously adoring expression". So the Door [JESUS Christ] is open for to have a more popular Church ([website heading with: (see below "tags" and making search engines aware such as linked below "ASR Page Ranking Technology")
[to Give Best For All, Helping All, is caring to do Better for Others than to transgress laws such as about a knockoff illegal copy or similar: so if to be so Bold Worthily be sure Your Work Helps Them rather than other and note some are conditionally sensitive about any arrival without invitation: for Many worked hard to be successful and are Worthy of Respect the "Best Way" as in Law and as described in the Bible hence Invite Them (reference individual Church criteria)].
"Love = Joy x Peace." Formula (JESUS Christ ICCDBB: JESUS Love Sermon at
Here is a symbolic Higher Level Googly Eyes example.
(Wordpress shared art).
26 January 2023.
tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, explains how the Changeless is ever changing Us for the Better as Churches may conditionally opt to become more popular Anewly defines concerning the Second Coming with Old 1st Testament in Hebrew correcting the New 2nd Testament ancient Greek.
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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .
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