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For info on the JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda that became Law and came into effect 2020AD

protecting not merely Churches yet All: click here.

For the original JESUS Christ UN ACT With Addenda Marshaling Leadership And Law that came into effect in 2020AD

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JESUS Changes Us Sermon.

JESUS Christ said as written in Mark 11:17 Berean Standard Bible "Then Jesus began to teach them, and He declared, “Is it not written: ‘My house will be called a house of prayer for all the nations’? But you have made it ‘a den of robbers.’ ” " so according to Law "Roman lash as a public punishment" ( (reference knots in the bottom hem + perps look for the worst at the bottom as in Luke 8:33) hence the money Changers aware They had been caught Publicly doing far worse crime (example than JESUS had done openly in Public, so the money Changers secretly opted worse revenge.

This point being Government and the Roman Laws did not accuse JESUS of any crime [hence innocent] and instead, likely privately, supported JESUS for supporting Roman Government and their Laws.

Also note there was a table for making Tithes and Freewill Offerings Donations, and JESUS Christ did not overturn that table nor drive away the Church Temple Collectors.

To uphold the as stated above "likely privately" crucifiers' laws

was the worst and lowest point Firmament Level limit about the doings of JESUS Christ,

it was the worst that JESUS Christ did about 2,000 years ago as counted in the census of the Law in that era.

This JESUS Christ ICCDBB Sermons Series made a Righteous Prophesy in 2020AD

and if the chart below is right then at the point along the timeline where it states "START"!

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Biblically shows how wasteful 7 times thrust into the Lake Of Fire becomes Once For All through Innocent Righteous JESUS Spirit and the Prophetic coming 3 1/2 years and how JESUS Spirit Uplifts with future timeline rather than as formerly about lower level reproduction, timeline 2020 ad, 2023, this coming year

(Wordpress shared art)

though for instance the 1st Testament word "War" is a misnomer ( Berean Standard Bible) [though Many have denied],

as is the misnomer rather the SYMBOLIC Daniel Giant (see older Sermons in this Series).

Does a wrangler see wild horses and kill them?, hardly, rather to wrangle in the taming process as Peacefully as able as pertinent in the next sentence.

The "beast was captured" (Revelation 19:20)!

The above 7 years are as written at the 7 times are now Anewly known as 7 years as shown above! Be careful in JESUS Christ Over YOUR "Anewly" interpretation in this sentence: the naysayers were allowed to opt, though hardly forever, including as shown above toward the right because JESUS Christ Saves hardly merely the Already Saved, yet also as Many as to Be Saved hence All He Created [rather than excuse to stray applies].

Though be aware, a typical person pricked by a pin reacts and doesn't like it, though many tattoo places and worse exist. SO NEEDFUL IS YOUR BROADCASTING JESUS CHRIST UN Helping You Make Them More Valuable: Better Worthy Over former less aware ways. A cart maker worked hard to figure it out, yet a rocket maker finds the cart valuable and the relative ease of how to make carts and with better materials. And be aware at least much of the above illustration is Righteous for the Glory Of JESUS Christ hence for the Best For All.

Just as the cart carries the rocket to the launch pad, bear Your cross daily.

jesusun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, Bible formulas, new Bible translations, JESUS Spirit, Biblically shows how wasteful 7 times thrust into the Lake Of Fire becomes Once For All through Innocent Righteous JESUS Spirit and the Prophetic coming 3 1/2 years and how JESUS Spirit Uplifts with future timeline rather than as formerly about lower level reproduction, rocket, cart, moving to launchpad, rocket launch seen from above the rocket, timeline

(Wordpress shared art).

Much above was Spirit Grace and census Law. Now rather the focus in JESUS Christ Name Spirit Grace: as much as Good, You were Raised in Hopes Your Life would be Better Than They had it, so Give to Them Likewise, [it is Your turn, rather Straighten hence] Raise Them since as much as "Better" able to Do, similar to picking up toys after done playing though You as a Raiser Better Now! So likewise Raise All, Straighten if any as all is not yet Best [for any Given situation: "Straighten" might mean such as steer between the berm and the lines on the road, though "Straighten" might mean to design the best rocket path to a Galaxy]. JESUS Christ did not deviate from the Law nor the Righteous Prophets, hence Straight And Narrow, so such changes us Save the Innocent [Newborns and as Many as Baptized and Ascending: some Souls in the post census sense were Baptized: though should likewise Ascend to Baptize other Souls post census Likewise: a great Better Value such as for THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST and All!

More to the JESUS Spirit Point, in the typical sense, often You were taught in symbolic cliches such as "Give us Grandchildren", and such as "Wow, look at her [whistle]" and such as "I could bake cookies on his chest": though JESUS Spirit Better Guides for All to Ascend from Usher to Priest to [Straightening All hence as stated above to make All "Worthy"] without price against Them, Create Them All into Prepared For Their Uplifting, even as stated above "Better Than" You "had it": at least this much is True JESUS Spirit and it is fact, and [though without looking completely at their sources of information the way(s) They have done] the above illustrations evidently are also fact.

25 January 2023.

tags: Bible Formulas, New JESUS Law Renaming, jesusun, jesuschristun, JESUS Christ UN Law, JESUS Christ ICCDBB, JESUS Spirit, Biblically shows how wasteful 7 times thrust into the Lake Of Fire becomes Once For All through Innocent Righteous JESUS Spirit and the Prophetic coming 3 1/2 years and how JESUS Spirit Uplifts with future timeline rather than as formerly about lower level reproduction.

Jesus Christ

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JESUS Christ ICCDBB Main Page | JESUS Christ UN Law / JESUS Christ USA Law | JESUS Christ Marshaling .

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